I Could Have Been Arrested By The Wal Mart Security Guard!
While there, my 4 year old decided to act like a lunatic. Seriously, the moment we walked through the doors and the senior citizen on a scooter welcomed us, my daughter became a living nightmare. It is like there are subliminal messages being played through the speakers I swear!
She asked for this, she asked for that and when I told her no you would think I had told her that she had to place a hot poker in her eye because the screaming and moaning that came out of her mouth was excruciating.
So there I was, dragging a kicking and screaming toddler through WalMart... something I am sure they are used to seeing. As I am holding her hand in mine-which was much like holding a monkeys hand in mine-I could feel hot anger welling up inside of me.
I knew that I had two choices. The first was to spank her right there in WalMart for all of the security cameras to capture and then wind up on MSNBC saying things like "You would have spanked her too Chris Hansen!" or "I spank therefore I am!" and the second was to give up on the $3 baseball pants and head home immediately with my dignity and child in tact.
I chose door number two and drove home with her writhing and thrashing in her car seat as if she were possessed by the WalMart demons and let me tell you, a 4 year old can really hurt a person's feelings. Things like "I. DON'T. LIKE. YOU." were spoken, and "I. WANT. MY. DADDY." was said. I didn't tell her this but I wanted her Daddy too so that he could see what I go through and so that he could have spanked her and saved me from having to be the mean parent once again.
She spent the remainder of the afternoon in her room. In bed. At times like these I always try and figure out why her head is spinning around and she is beyond the land of sugar and spice. I think that maybe she needs more sleep, more love, more ice cream, less sugar, more vegetables, another playmate, less playmates, more stimulation, less stimulation, more books read to her, more time on my lap, a million dollars... I don't know.
What I do know is that this is a stage and I am one tough cookie. I will outlast the screamfest tour of 2007 and eventually she will give up-right? I don't know what the big deal is and why life is so hard that she has to scream.
I have decided to blame my husband for all of this because she is obviously getting her flare for the dramatic from his side. My side is so much more even-keeled. Seriously...
Rock Of Love...

Mom Always Told Me I Would Like You One Day...

I Was Raised By Maria Andretti...
My older sister, mom and I are planning her a baby shower (read: I am planning her a baby shower and my mom and sister are just nodding in agreement with everything.)
We decided to buy her the infant car seat. I have bought many of these over the years due to my own fertilization and figured this would be a good safe "low-cost" gift to give considering we are footing the bill for the shower... and all of the other crap I have bought when I am out and about and proclaim "Look how adorable this is! I must buy it for my new niece who is also my GODCHILD and therefore a very fortunate child indeed!" (If you don't think I proclaim that entire sentence, just ask the cashier at Babies R Us today, she will back me up.)
I went on my sister's registry to order the car seat and I about fell over in my chair. The one she wants is $220! Holy Hell! I didn't even spend $220 to birth all of my kids put together! She wants some Peg Pergo type thingy that only Gwen Paltrow and Brook Shields buys.
I called her on the phone and said "WTF?" to which she replied something about it being the top safety seat on the market today. I personally think she needs to lower her safety standards. I mean, sure she is driving around with my niece in the car, but my own kids do not get $220 worth of safety-they get the $99 special with a ten dollar coupon and 15% off for opening a Babies R Us account.
Shoot, when we were kids the only type of safety we had in the car was that of my mother's arm whomping us in the chest when she stopped too fast or when the lines in the road were a little blurry from the 4 glasses of wine she had at Mrs. O's house before driving us all to our home where we had no cable TV and no air conditioning!
I do recall my little sister falling out of the car once while my mother was driving. She had to pee so badly that she could not wait to get home and when my mom turned the corner (on only two of the four tires I am sure) the door to the backseat popped open and my little sister was half in and half out-holding on for dear life while my mom was gassing it and screaming in horror. She had some pretty banged up knees and my mom had to have some liquid relief after that ordeal.
There was also the time when we were driving and the muffler fell off the car. My mom actually stopped the car and picked the stupid muffler up and put it in the trunk! I am not sure why-maybe she thought it would be cheaper to reattach the old rusted out muffler than it would be to purchase a new one.
Then there was the time when she got so stuck in mud at the park that she yelled at me for being the "damn kid" who wanted to go to the park in the first place! I remember her making little trenches for the tires in the mud all the while wondering if I would get in more trouble if I asked it I could swing on the swings while she was trying to dig the car out.
But my favorite memory of my mom behind the wheel of a car is when we went to Paw Paw Michigan for a vacation and the cottage we were staying at was on a dirt road. My mom would tear down that road like a bat out of hell with the tires spinning and squealing and kicking up dust-that was a blast!
Maybe I need to buy my sister that $220 car seat after all...
It's All About You Isn't It?
I am tired. Not "sick and tired of your bullshit" kind of tired, but exhausted tired. The kind of tired where the upper middle of my back aches from holding a baby all day. The kind of tired where I don't even bother putting make up on because I just don't care. The kind of tired where I wear sweat shorts and tank tops with a shelf bra in them knowing quite well that they do not offer me the support that I need but I am too tired to really give a crap if my boobs hang low and wobble to and fro.
Each night when I go to bed my husband is there waiting for me. Each night I go into the bathroom and sit on the toilet exhausted from my 16 hour day. I brush my teeth, splash some hot water on my face in a weak effort to wash it and I don't even look in the mirror because I don't want to depress myself. I climb into bed with only one thing on my mind... sleep. My husband has other plans though. He wants attention. He wants love. He wants a sex kitten.
I just want to sleep. I don't want to give anyone else attention. I do not even want to be touched because I have been touched by someone all day long. I share my body with little people and the thought of having to share it with one more person makes me want to run screaming from my bedroom.
Even now, it is almost 10 pm and I have just gotten everyone to sleep. I just want some alone time so I sit here at this computer typing away because I know that there is a horny man right above me in my bed who is looking for a little sumpin' sumpin'.
You would think that God would have thought this out a little better. Maybe after a woman has a baby or has toddlers in the house, he would have made the man incapable of sex but completely capable of doing the dishes and laundry. I mean, he put Adam into a deep deep sleep and took his rib for goodness sake, you would think he could do the same to Carl upstairs... only it is not his rib that I am complaining about!
Since When Did Underwear Become an "Optional" Thing?

Things I've Learned While On Vacation At The Beach...
Fish are part of a very healthy diet… fish that are battered and deep fried are not so healthy-but oh so good.
I am perfectly content being a beach bum and watching other crazy people jog along the beach. I eat the fried fish and don’t feel an ounce of guilt out here.
Jimmy Buffet is one smart dude.
Ocean Air has the same effect on little babies as a 6 pack of beer has on a grown man. It makes them sleep longer and harder.
Eating 3 lbs. of shrimp that you bought from a man on a bike is not conducive to the septic system at the beach house.
Give a 9 year old boy a fish net and a piece of intracoastal waters and you will offer him hours of entertainment.
Sea Shells are a little 4 year old girl’s greatest treasure.
Keep the boys who carry boogie boards and wear their swim trunks half way down their butts away from your 12 year old daughter.
You may need a little Dramamine before bed when you sleep in a house on stilts on windy nights.
Sand is a natural exfoliate for bare feet walking along the shore… it is not so nice to exfoliate your butt crack.
Take a man deep sea fishing and he will come back as happy as a little boy.
Fish in the deep ocean love vomit from the side of a boat.
Just because there is an outdoor shower at the beach house does not mean you can shower nude in it. The neighbors will call the police on your nekid ass.
Do not go in the ocean if you are on your period… there was a woman attacked by a shark just ¼ of a mile from our piece of beach. I bet she was menstruating. A shark can smell a drop of blood 10 miles away-I don’t like those odds.
Every man who owns a boat automatically puts the title “Captain” in front of his name. We met Captain Jeff, Captain Jim, Captain Jack… but my favorite Captain was Captain Morgan.
You should not drive any vessel if you hang out with Captain Morgan too much
Having sex on the beach is much better as a cocktail than it is in the literal term. There are some places on a body where sand should never go!
What The?
When will I ever learn?
Bucket Envy...
At one point we passed a few other women who were doing the same thing as us… walking for a bit, stopping to move something on the sand with their big toe and then bending to pick it up, but they had a bucket. Lori and I could not resist to ask them what was in their bucket-assuming that they had shells as well. We peered in and saw what looked like coral/dried sponge/rock.
We exchanged some niceties with the women and proceeded on with our mindless therapy, but this time we wanted what was in their bucket! We dropped the shells that we had so meticulously picked up and started to search for things that looked like coral/dried sponge/rock.
We didn’t know what exactly we were looking for, but we did discover that it was a lot harder to find these little pieces of the sea than it was to pick a shell out of the millions of shells that were on the beach.
It gave our search a purpose. It gave us a challenge. In the end, we only found 4 coral/dried sponge/rock looking things and we were incredibly pleased with our treasures.
We celebrated by opening a bottle of wine and making fun of our husbands and telling our children that we planned a skinny dipping expedition that evening. This caused everyone to stay clear of us in case we started stripping down for all the beach combers to see… us moms know how to get some peace and quiet let me tell ya!
The Sun May Be Frying My Brain...
I read this in the book: “For married couples, children are God’s choicest blessings.” That completely struck me. How right Danielle Bean is~my children are a blessing to my husband and I… so why was I having such a hard time with the thought of having more children?
I decided to pray. The first night at the beach house (I am on VACA remember?) I said a prayer. I prayed that Carl and I would be open to God’s will… whatever it is.
The next morning Carl was in a foul foul mood. I knew this mood was the product of my prayer because ever stinkin’ time I pray for my husband’s heart to be open to God’s will for something… he fights it with every cell in his body. He does not realize he is doing this because I do not tell him that I have been praying for him, but it is apparent to me. I know that God is pressing something on his heart and the controlling characteristics that my husband has are in chaos between his grey matter and his cardiac organ.
I on the other hand was completely as peace. More at peace with my children than I had been in a long time. Their little “make me crazy” routines were not so frazzling to me and I was able to actually enjoy them a little more than usual.
As I sat on the beach with Hope and Aaron playing in the waves and Emma building a sand castle I started to feel complete joy in my role as their mother. My children smell of the ocean air and they look so beautiful all tan and glistening in the sunshine. At that very moment I felt God say to me, “Don’t worry. Relax. Enjoy your children. Do not worry about tomorrow.”
So that is what I am going to do. I am going to stop worrying and keep praying for my heart to be open to God’s will. This does not mean that I will be completely free with my love making-I am not going to be like a hippy at Woodstock… no way Jose. I am still paying close attention to my ovulation calendar and if my husband is looking rather fine one night but I am fertile, well then I will just slam my thumb in the door to remind myself the pain of childbirth and therefore give myself the strength to resist my husband and his manly ways. I am just going to take this day to day… and not worry about tomorrow.
Do you see what a little vacation does to me? It gets me all “I love children” and shit. I don’t know if this is the wine talking, or the sun exposure…
My Shower Drain Coughed Up a Hair Ball Today...

Eventually I stepped out of the shower feeling a little like a sheep after being shaved of all of their wool. I did however hop on the scale to see if losing all of the "National Geographic" hair would make a difference. I hopped off the scale and then on again, off again and on. I blinked a few times and sighed heavily. I apparently have "weigh myself on the scale until I get the same weight two times in a row" OCD as well.
We Never Use Crisco In This House...
I am taking my laptop with me (a vacation without my laptop... what are you mad?) so I may toss a post in here and there to keep you amused. Don't be too jealous of my vaca at the beach... it is not like I am going without my children and I have a little waiter walking around asking for my drink order. I can dream though~
Anyway-enjoy the day before vaca joke... which is much like the day before vaca outfit you have to wear which consists of clothes that you would neva eva wear on normal circumstances, but all of your cool clothes are either in the washer, the dryer, or a suitcase so you have to endure one day of ridicule because of the daisy dukes and tube top you are sporting.
A man is showering up in a locker room with his buddy when he notices his friend is very well endowed. "Damn Bob, you're hung!" Jim exclaims. "I wasn't always this impressive, I had to work for it." "What do you mean?" Jim asked. "Well, every day for the past two years I've spent an hour each night rubbing it with butter. I know it sounds crazy but it actually made it grow 4 inches! You should try it." Jim agrees and the two say good bye. A few months later the two are in the same locker room and Bob asks Jim how his situation was. Jim replied, "I did what you said, Bob, but I've actually gotten smaller! I lost two inches already!" "Did you do everything I told you? An hour each day with butter?" "Well, I was out of butter, so I've been using Crisco."
Wait for it .......... Wait ..............
"Crisco!!?" Bob exclaimed. "Damm it, Jim, Crisco is shortening!
MORAL: You gotta follow the recipe!!!
After This... I'll NEED A Vacation
- Laundry-and not just the dirty underwear, no I need to do ALL of the laundry in the house.
- Find a kennel for the dog and drive dog to said kennel all while she is clawing at me and crying because she somehow knows the difference between taking a drive to Dairy Queen and taking a drive to a kennel where they will obviously torture her for an entire week.
- Find a willing kid to come in and feed the guinea pig (and don't forget to give kid combination to the garage like last time and the guinea pig goes on a forced hunger strike.)
- Remember to pack all things needed for baby such as monitors, vibrating chair, portable crib, extra set of sheets in case she spits up on first packed set, a million diapers, wipes, baby soap, baby lotion, baby blankets... and Benedryll.
- Remember to pack all things needed for 4 year old such as tons of pairs of underpants, Dora the Horra doll, favorite blanket, favorite pillow, favorite pencil that goes with her favorite pad of paper, favorite cup, favorite fork and favorite plate (don't judge me... I want a whine free vacation)
- Pay all bills and mail them.
- Balance checkbook so that I feel confident that we can actually afford this vacation.
- Remind older kids to pack, which means they will pack their gameboys and I will end up packing their clothes. My son always forgets to pack boxers.
- Nair my under regions since I will be sporting a bathing suit on the beach and I do not want people to mistake me for an extra in the next "Caveman" series coming this fall on NBC.
- Pack ovulation predictor strips. We are on vacation and my husband may just be allowed to visit the land of Bwowo chicka wow wow... but not if I am ovulating. Sorry Buddy.
- Drink 2 gallons of milk and make a dinner of lettuce and turkey lunch meat as that is all that is left in the house and I am not going shopping before we leave.
- Pack 4 books that I would like to read, but remind myself that I will probably not open one of them because I am taking my children with me on this vacation.
- Write grocery list for when we get to the beach house... it should go something like this: beer, beer, wine, beer and uhm, wine. Maybe pretzels.
- Make sure we have the video camera, the regular camera, the digital camera, my cell phone, my husband's cell phone, his work cell phone, his blackberry, gameboys, dvd for the van and anything else we need to get away for a week of beach livin'.
- Listen to my Jimmy Buffet cd one more time to ensure that I have all the words right.
- And lastly... pack sunscreen.
My husband's list looks like this:
- Fill the van up with gas on the way out of town.
June Cleaver... Wholesome and Pure
Sometimes I get some foreign blogs... I don't pay much attention to them because #1 they are typed in a foreign language and the only language I know is English so trying to decipher what they are saying would be fruitless, and #2 they are probably just asking me to send them money so that they can continue their education/business/marriage/and so on in the good ol' USA but they cannot pay for the plane ticket and if I would just send a cashier's check for $5000 (as an investment of course) their problems would be solved!
Well, yesterday I saw a blog that had the words "feet" and "butts" in the title. My mom brain thought it must be from a mom who has a lot of little feet running around and she spends her days wiping little butts. I clicked over to see and HOLY COW! I got one eyeful let me tell you. Apparently feet and butts are a certain fetish that this gay porn blogger enjoys.
After a few stunned seconds my brain registered what I was seeing and let me tell you... I could have lived my entire life and not had to have seen that. I clicked off and thought "how in the world did they find me?"
What kind of person sits and reads a gay porn site and then says to themselves "I wonder what good ol' Catholic homeschooling June is doing today." and clicks over to my blog. What exactly would trigger a person to go from butts and feet to motherhood and marriage?
The worst part is that now that site is forever on my computer. That means if I am ever arrested for money laundering (because I sent $5000 to Gunther so that he could further his education in America) and they confiscate my computer,they will see this site with pictures of feet... and butts.
So Mr. feet and butts, if you are reading this... please do not put me on your sidebar in your "fabulous people I read" section of you blog. You will not be seeing any feet on this site-or butts for that matter.
Random Thoughts...
The Anaesthesiologist told him to take three deep breaths and that is all my Dad remembers. He was a little disappointed because he said he had thought up some great jokes to tell the Doc before he started the colonoscopy. One was: "Gee, you've done this twice to me now and I don't even know your first name." Another was: "You would think you could have called after my last visit with you" Old people are so stinkin' funny.
I asked him if he woke up feeling violated or a little naughty. My Dad said "Nope, but that was the best sleep I've had in years!" He also said the Doc was like a "Fart in the wind" because he was in and out of there lickety split! No pun intended...
I had to go to the Social Security Office today because someone who shall remain nameless apparently tossed away Mary Claire's social security card when it came in the mail.
All I have to say is that they should hand out deodorant along with new social security numbers. Holy Cats is was stinky in that waiting room.
Maybe they could make the social security building like the YMCA... you get a shit, shower and a shave for $3 and your new social security card. Welcome to America!
My Doctor's office called to remind me that I had not yet made my 6 week postpartum gyno appointment yet. I didn't have the heart to tell the girl on the other end of the phone that I only go to the gyno when I find out I am pregnant. I have only been 4 times in my adult life... who knows if there will be a 5th.
I Am Just Following The Crowd Here...
1. We lived in the same hometown just blocks from each other for all of our lives, but didn't meet until we both went away to college and were home on summer break.
2. He said "I love you" first...
3. He taught me everything I know (Bwow-chicka-wow-wow)
4. He dressed up at Santa when he proposed to me and made me sit on his lap... and he asked "What do you want for Christmas little girl?" As if marriage was my idea.
5. We do everything together-seriously, this is our choice... we like each other that much! Except for golf-he won't golf with me because he is afraid I will be better than him.
6. We are polar opposites. That is the magic that keeps this love affair rockin'
7. He throws away anything that is left laying around... like marriage certificates, social security cards, escrow checks. If you leave it out he will think it is clutter and toss it... and then blame me for leaving it out.
8. I have map quest programmed in my brain because he gets lost going to the gas station. He will call me on the phone in a freakish rage and ask me where he is. HUH? I have to direct him safely back to paved roads. That trait of his just gets me hot and bothered let me tell ya.
So there you have it... a little glimpse into the life in which I call paradise. I have always said that if I didn't marry my husband I would probably be in prison right now. No kidding.
Now I have to tag 8 people. They are:
Kasia (you can talk about the boyfriend... *wink wink*)
Lady Tramaine
Special K Family
For those of you that have been tagged here is a reminder of the rules:
One: Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
Two: People who are tagged need to write their own blog entry about their eight things and post these rules.
Three: at the end of your entry, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names/pseudonyms/blogs.
June Cleaver side note: This will be the last meme you will see on here-I promise!
Bonations Only Please...
She has even had me pull a ladder out of the garage in order to put a baby bird back into the nest in which it fell out of after a storm before... only to have the two babies who held onto the nest and were able to ride out the storm safe and sound jump out of the nest when they saw my big blond head approaching.
We have rescued turtles on the side of the road, and even held neighborhood funerals for dead toads, frogs, fish, and birds.
Lately my daughter has been on a kick to rescue abused horses. She has heard about a horse refuge and has decided to send them money... the only problem is that she has no money. I came up with the brilliant idea for her to hold a car wash (I am brilliant all the time). She made fliers and posters and put up balloons and information sheets.
After she handed out 40 fliers, I picked one up to see what she had written. She gave a heart wrenching plea to help abused horses who are now living at the horse refuge. On the bottom of the page she meant to write "Donations only" but sometimes her d's and b's get mixed up (she has a hard time with the "boys have a belly and ducks have a tail" rule I thought up).
So she is taking "bonations only" at her car wash. I am going to sit outside in order to keep all of the perverts and 12 year old boys away-it should be an interesting afternoon.
Anyone Up For A Little Woo-Hoo?

Yes Timmy, Miracles DO Happen!
I would post pictures, but then I would have to charge you all to read this blog as the pictures would be so blazin' with my lovely lady humps. Don't hate me because I'm beautiful!
My Right Breast is Having Self-Esteem Issues
My children have all "preferred" one boob over the other, but they never flat out refused it. My husband may prefer one over the other as well, but he is more of an "equal opportunity" type of boob man.
Now my left boob is a size larger than my right boob. I am starting to drift toward the left when I walk from the imbalance and today I actually walked into a wall thinking I was walking straight!
I do not know what to do to make her like Mr. Righty again, and I do not know what Mr. Righty did to piss her off, but I am sure the boob is sorry seeing as it has been neglected and even screamed at in horror.
You know how there is always one more attractive twin? Even with identical twins, one is better looking. This is obviously the case with my boobs. The left twin is the pretty twin (Mary Kate) and the right twin is the one that used to be attractive but somewhere along the line took a turn for the worse (Ashley). I just hope I do not have to put my right twin in rehab in order to boost it's self esteem.
Look For Me in the Next Issue of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition
I can go buy some new bathing suits... but that would mean I would have to try on these new bathing suits in the dressing room with my nursing infant, and if she sees my boobs outside of a bra she cries and then they start to leak. *Big Sigh*
Who ever invented bathing suits in the first place!