
June Cleaver... Wholesome and Pure

I love my site meter. I check it occasionally and I get a thrill out of seeing the ways in which people on the Internet find me. There are tons of searches on "June Cleaver" and then there are the searches on panties-nursing bras-Jon Bon Jovi, and of course Mary Jo Buttafuco that always bring people my way. I really like it when I see a new blogspot site on the meter. I usually click over to it to see who is reading me and that is how I have found some of my favorite blogs as well.

Sometimes I get some foreign blogs... I don't pay much attention to them because #1 they are typed in a foreign language and the only language I know is English so trying to decipher what they are saying would be fruitless, and #2 they are probably just asking me to send them money so that they can continue their education/business/marriage/and so on in the good ol' USA but they cannot pay for the plane ticket and if I would just send a cashier's check for $5000 (as an investment of course) their problems would be solved!

Well, yesterday I saw a blog that had the words "feet" and "butts" in the title. My mom brain thought it must be from a mom who has a lot of little feet running around and she spends her days wiping little butts. I clicked over to see and HOLY COW! I got one eyeful let me tell you. Apparently feet and butts are a certain fetish that this gay porn blogger enjoys.

After a few stunned seconds my brain registered what I was seeing and let me tell you... I could have lived my entire life and not had to have seen that. I clicked off and thought "how in the world did they find me?"

What kind of person sits and reads a gay porn site and then says to themselves "I wonder what good ol' Catholic homeschooling June is doing today." and clicks over to my blog. What exactly would trigger a person to go from butts and feet to motherhood and marriage?

The worst part is that now that site is forever on my computer. That means if I am ever arrested for money laundering (because I sent $5000 to Gunther so that he could further his education in America) and they confiscate my computer,they will see this site with pictures of feet... and butts.

So Mr. feet and butts, if you are reading this... please do not put me on your sidebar in your "fabulous people I read" section of you blog. You will not be seeing any feet on this site-or butts for that matter.


Kasia said...


Thank you for not telling us any more about how the feet and butts were featured on that site. I don't want to know.

Lady Tramaine said...

uhhhh, freaky. People never cease to amaze me. Gross.

Momma of 2 said...

I'm new to blogging and stumbled across yours. I like it.

I was wondering. What is a site meter? Never heard of it.

Biddy said...

feet are disgusting....ick...

now i'm terrified to check my site meter...especially at work!

Anonymous said...

Ummmm.....gross. That is all that I can think of right now.

That is, gross is all I think of right now, not that feet and butts are all I can think of. I don't think I could ever think of feet and butts at the same time.

Special K ~Toni said...

Darn- you found out....

Jennifer said...

Ewwww. Where do these pervs come from and how do they find us?