
Serial Killers, Beautiful People, and Fried Pig's Butt...

Has anyone seen the television show Dexter? It used to be on Showtime, but some network executive sold his soul to the devil and put in on CBS. This show scares the living daylights out of me. It ranks right up there with Pulp Fiction and Deliverance for severely disturbing viewing. Seriously, after sitting through an episode last night I had to go read my Bible.

One show that I am addicted to is The Tudors on Showtime. Of course there is royalty, passion, obsession, infidelity, nudity, rage and lust, but there is also Saint Thomas More. The only thing I don't get about this show is how they think they can fool me with the incredibly hot Johnathan Rhys Meyers portraying ol' King Henry VIII. Now, I was not alive in the times of Henry (good thing too, because I don't think I could deal with being beheaded) but all of the paintings I have seen portray Henry to be fat and not so good looking. Anyway... if you have not seen The Tudors, you shouldn't start now as last night Thomas More was martyred and I suppose that means all that is left of the series is more nudity, passion, and beautiful people. If you don't like that kind of thing-well then stay away.

But I have to tell you about the best show on television right now. I would watch this show above any other show. My entire family loves this show and we watch it with great excitement. It is Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern.

This show is fabulous. I would want to travel with Andrew Zimmern just to watch him eat weird stuff. I bet he was the kid in school who sat in the back of the class and ate paint. The thing I like the most about him is that he eats the most disgusting things with some major cahones. They could be feeding him a pigs butt turned inside out and deep fried in hot chili peppers after it has been sitting in a vat of fermented cow poo for three weeks and he will not just take a nibble, no, Andrew pops the entire thing in his mouth and chews with vigor. Now that is what real television is made of!

My husband would be a great side-kick for Andrew Zimmern. That man will eat anything at least once. I, on the other hand, would be a very bad side-kick because I would spend my time vomiting at the sight of what he is eating and asking for my saltine crackers and bottled water the entire trip. I have heard that spoiled Tofu is all the rage in Asia. Thank God I am an American!

Hey, doesn't Andrew Zimmern look a lot like Henry VIII? Johnathan Rhys Meyers looks like my husband... seriously. I am such a lucky girl-he could have looked like Henry VIII!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

okay...seriously...Jonathan does not look like Carl. If he looks like Carl then Ryan Reynolds looks like my Ryan. :) ahhh...what a sight.

june cleaver said...

Ahh little sister, if you want to believe that Ryan Reynolds looks like your Ryan go right ahead. Who am I to snuff out your dreams. Leave mine alone will you... Johnathan soooo looks like Carl!

Lindsay said...

Must agree with the Henry VIII comment. He's WAAAAY too fugly to be portrayed by someone as yummy as Jonathan Rhys-Meyers. ***swoon***

Expat No. 3699 said...

I've seen Dexter a few times. It is a little creepy. There are a few other "cable" shows that are now on regular tv, such as Psyche. I think the whole writer's strike may have had something do to with that.

I think I would rather watch serial killings and beheadings than watch Andrew Zimmerman eat some of the things he does. Gag.


Dymphna said...

Ah but before he got fat Henry was one of the handsomest princes in Europe. Catherine of Aragon married a pretty boy. Anne got a middle aged man who was begining to show the signs of meglomania.

Unknown said...

Bizarre Foods creeps me out. The Man and my oldest are in love with it. My stomach just turns and my face scrunches up the whole time they watch. I swear that show is going to give me wrinkles.

Anonymous said...

See, before today I did not know that the Tudors were sexy men who had waxed chests, stylish (by 2008 standards) haircuts and waxed chests...

I learned something today!