
Pure and Innocent...

Mary Claire was Baptized this past weekend. It was a wonderful moment-aside from having to discipline my other children and nieces and nephews in Church in the middle of the Baptism! I did it with the "psssst!" and snapping of the fingers routine rather than the dragging a small child through the Church whilst she is screaming in order to spank her in the bathroom routine. Heck, my sister doesn't even go to the bathroom anymore, if you are acting up, you get the spank right there in the pew behind the senior citizen couple who will actually *gasp* audibly. No need to call Child Protective Services folks-she is a professional mother.

I still have fam damily in town, but will be back to blogging very shortly. I have much to write about~

In the meantime, entertain yourself by oohhing and aahhing over this pic of Mary Claire with Fr. D. She is just too stinkin' cute!


Kasia said...


Oooh! Aaaah!

Seriously, she is gorgeous. Is the latch-on less painful yet?

Laura The Crazy Mama said...

Yup, that's some serious cuteness happening there!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet picture!

Charlotte (WaltzingM) said...


Anonymous said...

What a little beauty!

I hope you are enjoying some time with family. Many blessings to you and your family on the baptism of your youngest!