
Loopholes Are Great Aren't They...

Rufus has published all of the articles to our truce (Peace Breaks Out in Threedonia!), but I am happy to report to you all that no where did I agree to stop posting pics of men who are completely and utterly and irrevocably swoon worthy.

Thank God for that--I had him so confused by my tears that he didn't even THINK to make that a demand. Not that I signed anything, so this truce could come to an end at any moment... but I hope for the sake of you all it holds. Plus, I am getting really tired of reading Sun-Tzu.

So The Wannabe Redhead, this one is for you my Omaha friend:

And this one is just because I still can...

trzupr, I've got my eye on you.


  1. I hate saying it but Slater is growing on me. He hasn't reach level two hunkdom yet however he ain't hard on the eyes. And blade in the flight suit. GROWR! Heh.....


  2. Stephanie, any man who has a last name like "Slater" has to be hot, and that eyebrow-mercy.

  3. There are levels of hunkdom...lets see Gerard Butler, Christian Bale, Brett Favre, Jon Hamm, Russell Crowe, level one Hunks.....its a scale see?

  4. Just as you sisters look out for each other, so do us guys, and as Outlaw's wingman I've got his 6. I've spent the last 8 hours, or so scouring the internet for information on your little redheaded friend. I'm on to your little reindeer games, ladies, http://www.threedonia.com/archives/1604

  5. Ehh...I liked Christian better before I saw him without his shirt...

  6. June! I'm all about the love baby!

    I may be moved to tears myself...

  7. I'm still keeping my eye on you Trzupr... I have never trusted a man who cries.

  8. Then you wouldn't trust me too much...I cryed like a baby at the end of Field Of Dreams.

  9. uhm... I wasn't talking about you Outlaw. You can cry all you want just as long as you wear a flight suit and hold a gun.

    I even know a certain red head that would be happy to offer her shoulder for you to cry on.

    Sorry Trzupr, I still don't trust you, primarily because I have to look up your name each time I want to spell it... ugh!

  10. "I have to look up your name each time I want to spell it..."

    Oddly, I have to as well.

  11. Whoa Rufus!! Settle down, buddy. No need to get 'all up in my BIZ-nas' just because you've "got his 6." Just thought he was easy on the eyes, that's all!!

    Eight hours....REALLY!?!?! I like to think I'm pretty cool and undeniably interesting, but I HIGHLY doubt there are 8 hours worth of information about me on the internet. Sorry you wasted your time.

    June, thanks for the shout out:) Maybe next time we should choose someone Rufus doesn't know. Just sayin' :)

  12. Red, We are no longer at war so I have to say that the Ruf is Okay... just keeping it steady for Outlaw.

    Also, if you look at their blog as to what he found of you... I would have to say you look pretty damn good, besides, not many women have kept Rufus busy for 8 hours at a time. You may just be a legend.

    I think I hear wedding bells-Outlaw and Red, sitting in a tree...


  13. Such a catchy tune, June:)

    ...I saw the post--the lady Rufus hired to do an impression of me was okay, BUT:
    I think I would've started with The Sprinkler (you know, just to catch their attention), then moved onto The Robot (just to show my TRUE dancing skills), then clinched it with The Running Man (why? Because it's my signature move). But, I guess she did her best:):)
    Killer legs, though...works for me!
