
I'm About To Make Chad Kroeger's Day!

Nickelback tickets went on sale this morning at 11a.m. I was worried that the simple fact that I have children would ruin my chances of getting any of these tickets to the greatest band IN THE WORLD!
I had to have Hope to her horseback riding lessons at 10:30--I dropped her off at 10:00 to be sure I would be home in time to sit on line and wait... patiently.

I considered driving up to the QWest Center and waiting in line for the tickets, but I have to be back to pick up Hope at 11:45 so I did not want to chance having to leave the line to go get my kid.

So I sat at the kitchen table on-line fending off the 5 year old and the baby so that I could try and get tickets. I stuffed their little mouths with every morsel of food imaginable so that they would not whine, cry, beg, or throw a tantrum because I was not paying attention to them for the 5 minutes it would take to get these tickets... tickets that I NEEDED... tickets that I would lie, cheat and steal to get... tickets that I did not want to have to be calling into the radio station every time I heard back-to-back Nickelback songs in order to win some... tickets that I really did not want to have to go to any seedy bars and compete for these tickets in horribly degrading competitions... tickets that if I did not get, I would be so very sad because not only do I love Nickelback, but they will be in Omaha on ST PATRICK'S DAY!!!! I know, talk about God shining a little light on my Irish self.

Well, despite the baby screaming "mememememememememe" and tugging on my arm the entire time, and the 5 year old sprawled out on the kitchen floor screaming for me to get her a drink of lemonade because she was so thirsty you would have thought she just got back from the Sahara, I GOT ME SOME TICKETS!!!!!!!!!!!

Today is also Hope's birthday, so as a gift to myself for giving birth to her, I hooked myself up with some Nickelback tickets. I can't wait to tell her that she gets to babysit for me. She'll be thrilled.

I am such a rock star.


  1. I do like Nickelback but greatest band in the world?

    Was it even sold out?

  2. Yes Nickelback is the greatest band in the world....behind Def Leppard, that is.

    Can I just say that I also think Chad is swoon-worthy?

  3. You ARE a rock star! And I'm sure that Hope will totally follow your logic and gleefully and gratefully babysit. Have (some much-deserved) fun!!!

  4. Nickelback, eh I'd see em in concert....but Sixx AM OH HELL YEAH....me likey James Michael and Nikki Sixx...yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Oh yeah Motley Crue Tours for Saints of Los Angelas this next year...be there or be kookoo......

  5. Plus, I must point out that the OFFICIAL Greatest Rock and Roll Band in the World is the Rolling Stones.

  6. Nope, I am sticking to my claim that Nickelback is the greatest band ever. They have songs that everyone knows... and then they have those songs that only true fans know that are just freakin' amazing.

    Plus, Chad Kroeger is so ugly that he is hot.

  7. Gimme Motely and Nikkie Sixx playinmg that driving base and Sizz AM and James Michael.....sigh......normally I don't go for tatooed guys but both Nikki and James are HOTTIES...

  8. Too bad all you wemmen folk ever do is look at guys for the appreciation of God's beauty...oops, that was somebody else's blog...wait, no it wasn't. I'm so confused!!!

    P.S. Shouldn't Hope have gotten a wonderful "Mommy Loves You" blog post replete with reminiscences from the past 12 months? I started my blog because I wanted to be able to do that Valentine's Day thing that you did for Ward! You must have either been shell-shocked from the battle with threetopia or too busy 'appreciating God's musical gifts to Nickelback'?

  9. Hobbit, it is coming later today. I have been deep in the trenches of battle and I am slowly making it back to base. I was wounded, but I think I'll survive. No need to call me a hero, I was just doing what any woman out there would do.

    Anyway, ridiculous amounts of love for my daughter on her birthday will be up later.

    It's the least I could do after 12 hours of labor and stitches in places that I did not even I had!
