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A Loooong time ago I posted this One Man For Sale... about my swoon-worthy cousin Keith. Since then I will get the occasional comment or email from women all over the world wondering just what Keith is up to. Some women, like Kasia will comment from time to time just to make sure Keith has found happiness because Kasia herself is engaged and you know how women are when they find love, they want everyone they know to find love as well.

Usually I ignore the emails from strays asking about Keith because I am very protective of my family and women who send me near-naked photos of themselves and then ask me to forward them along to Keith will not make it past the front door at one of our family reunions. Keith, if you are reading this, you have received all of those forwarded emails right? I hope so-it was the least I could do.

I definitely ignored the emails from men asking about Keith. Blech.

So now we come to today. I thought you would all like to know that it looks like Keith has found his girl. Yep, the last of the "Cleavers" to get married off is finally looking into the eyes of a girl and thinking that he might not want to ever let her go. Excuse me while I go get a tissue...
This is Sarah. Isn't she just the cutest darn thing? And it has to be said that if that is a beer in her hand she and I are going to be great friends!
Way to go Keith. sniff sniff... I am so proud.


  1. Where the heck was I when you first posted "One Man for Sale" ??? ...Since I think it should be your new mission in life to find me a man (you have impeccable taste, I must say!)let me know when you're ready for my 'stats' and my future hubby's 'must haves' j/k:):):)
    *grumble, grumble*--congrats to Keith...it's hard not to like a fellow beer-drinking girl, so I'll pretend to be happy for them:)

  2. Red,
    head on over to Threedonia, although do not stay long... they have a way of trapping people. Anyway, head on over, I am trying very hard to get Outlaw's affections for you...

  3. Pretty woman, beer, looks like some sort of big sporting event, yup she's a keeper.

  4. YAY!!!! She is adorable (even though she has unfortunately succumbed to that fashion trend of the big sunglasses - I don't get that). Just beautiful. But it should be illegal to be that thin. Especially if that's beer and not diet soda. Grr! :-)

    Anyway, I'm very happy for them both, 'cause they look boo-tee-ful together and I know June would've already driven her off if she had any reason to think she was not good enough for Keith... ;-)

  5. ooohhhh, I love big sunglasses-they are the new mascara.

  6. June, you know in any other fashion area I defer to your superior judgment, but you are nuts for loving big sunglasses. Especially on women as slim and pretty as Sarah. They turn a pretty woman into something resembling an insect! :-p

    Other than that, you are a fashion diva and I abase myself before your wisdom...
