
Halloween Hangover...

While we were out of the house today... the dog jumped up on the table and pulled down Emma's sack of Halloween candy. From what I counted, it looks like she ate about 10 candy bars, and she had just opened a bag of peanut m&m's when we walked through the door.

She has been pooping and upchucking all afternoon.

I just love Halloween.


  1. Oh no ... poor thing. I just had to console my screaming 3 year old child who never fully woke up from her sleep. I'm guessing her belly hurts, but she just can't express it.

    I choose to stick with the liquor (or wine for me) as opposed to the candy. CHEERS!

  2. Cranky, cranky and "I don't feeeeeeeeeeel goooodddddd" whine...
    only 363 more days 'till next year, ha ha

  3. Ooohh..fun night.

    PS put Mary's diaper on Sophie :)

  4. Oh oh. Chocolate (theobromine) can be highly toxic for dogs. Google "chocolate toxic dogs" for a shitload (couldn't resist) of information. I hope your pooch weathers her binge well.

  5. I was really worried about our dog because the cat will periodically knock things down for the dog to eat/rip up allowing the dog to get in trouble. I had to pack up the candy really well. Unfortunately, while packing it up, I partook in several more than I should have and had a sugar headache all day long yesterday. Totally not worth it.

  6. We had very few trick or treaters so we have way too much candy left.
    I can't even stand to look at it. I dropped it off at one of our offices and my way to my office this morning. Just my way of spreading the joy around. ;)
    No candy for me today!
    Tomorrow will be a better day.
    Happy to see all the pictures of all the kids in costumes. I'm sure all the kids had a fun time. Seems like the weather was great everywhere our family resides.
    Aunt Barbara

  7. heehee...
    WHen I quickly read this post, Ithought your daughter was the one pooping and upchucking...I had to reread it to realize that it was the DOG.
