
Happy Halloween Mom and Dad! I Love You! I Really Do...

Conversation between my Dad and myself:

Me: "Hey Dad! Guess What! Kathleen has sent me some GREAT pictures of you and mom at Halloween!"

Dad: "Oh, that is nice."

ME: "Yeah! They are hilarious! I think I may save a few for when I really need to hold something over your head."

Dad: "Oh, that is nice."

Me: "I can't wait until Halloween so that I can post one of these!"

Dad: "Cristin Ann Cleaver! Don't you DARE post a picture of me from Halloween. Do you understand me? Am I making myself clear? You are NOT TO POST A PICTURE OF ME FROM HALLOWEEN ON YOUR BLOG!"

Me: "OK... relax. I won't. Is mom there?"

Dad: "I mean it young lady! You'll be sorry. Talk to your mother..."

Mom: "Hulooooooo"

Me: "Ma, I just asked Dad if I could post a picture of you guys in Halloween costumes on my blog and he FREAKED out!"

Mom: "Who is this?"

Me: "Mother! It is ME!"

Mom: "Oh... I'm sorry, I'm confused. Are you actually asking permission to do something? You mean you haven't already posted this picture and are calling to tell us about it? You are forewarning us?"

Me: "Well... I wasn't really asking permission... I was really just making conversation. It was either talk about the Halloween picture or discuss the bowel movements of Dad's dog."

Mom: "Well, you know as well as I do that it is easier to ask for forgiveness then it is to ask for permission."

Me: "You are so wise and powerful.

Mom: "Who is this?"

So, here is a picture from Halloween past. I can neither confirm nor deny that these are my parents... they could be my in-laws. You never know.



  1. awesome! now I know where you get your sense of humor.

  2. Way to go! That conversation was too funny!

  3. Let me quote my own mother and say "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!"

    TOO FUNNY!!!!

  4. Ha ha! Love it!
    But is dad wearing heels...he isn't that much taller than mom!
    Love ya

  5. HAHAHA! Great picture!
    Too bad I don't have a picture of the time your mother danced on a table at the CYA dance.
    That would be priceless!
    Happy Halloween to all!
    Aunt Barbara

  6. June,

    I have read your comments from PEOPLE I KNOW! and I thought they were laughing WITH ME!

    You can always depend on family.



  7. I am so glad you did that!
    The anticipation was worth every word!

  8. Love, love, LOVE the Bud can the "lady" is holding!

    This is cracking me up!!

    Now, June, it's your turn to put a pic of you in a Halloween costume!!

  9. To June's mom,
    I was laughing with you!
    Sister Barbara

  10. Truth be told,

    I was laughing at you!

    (Just being honest!)

  11. Great pic, love the blue eyeshadow.

  12. I think I love your mom's Groucho Marx mustache the most. Looks like she's got Madonna's armpit hair under her nose. But at least she can laugh about it...

  13. HA! LOVE IT! Oh, and apologies to your parents. Does this mean I'm out of the will?? :)

  14. Gotta love the Irish sense of humor!! Goes well with the Irish sense of drinking!!

  15. I didn't know your father was so short (pardon me - height challenged) - but what a handsome man! Your mother is lovely, too. I do admire a woman who can drink beer with her gloves on - it's the little things that spell good breeding, isn't it?
