
At Darkness... My Love Waits For Me

I have a confession to make. I am having a love affair. It happens from time to time... and this time it is an overwhelming one.

I was up until 4a.m. this morning listening to my love's words. I had to pry myself away in order to get some sleep because I knew I had a full day ahead of me. A day of being a mother and taking care of everyone else but myself. All day long I have thought of my love... longed for the moment in which we could be together again.

My mind has been consumed by my love. I feel as if I want to run in a field of spring flowers in my bare feet with the sun on my face and the warm breeze in my hair. I want to raise my arms up to the heavens and dance around because I am so consumed by my love.

I have thought that other loves would have this same affect on me. A few have, and I still hold those loves close within my heart and even visit with them from time to time... but this love is here right now. He is calling me to his side throughout the day and it is taking every ounce control in my body to not run away with him and ignore all of my daily duties.

I know this love will soon come to a close. It pains me to think of his final words to me. How will it end? I do not know, but I find myself longing for him and avoiding him in the same motion. I don't want it to end... I want it to last forever-this feeling of consumption.

My husband knows about my love. If he were here with me he may be so driven by jealousy that he would abduct my love and hold him ransom. He has been known to do that in the past, and it must be said that when a love has such a tight hold on my heart, I will do just about anything to get him back to me. Anything.

Here is my love:

Oh MY GOODNESS! Right now my love is sitting next to me as I type this post and it is driving me mad. I want to know what happens... I want to know how it all works out. I want to be IN THE BOOK!

I love to read. Some books are like an illicit affair to me. The smell of a new book is like crack cocaine and the library is my secret world. It is not very often that I find a book that I fall helplessly, hopelessly in love with. It is not every book in which I pick up that I devote my nights to and I count the minutes in the day before I can return to it. Some books are merely rebound books from a past book that I had previously devoted my emotions to and invested my love within. I do not have patience for a book that does not hold me in its pages within the first 100 paragraphs. I long for GOOD books. I search endlessly for a book that after I am done reading it I hold it tightly to my body and weep because it is over... and then turn to page 1 and start again.

This book... Twilight, has been sitting on my bedside table for months now beckoning me to it's pages. Last night I opened it up to see what all the fuss was about-and because I hold myself to a strict rule that I will never go see a movie that is based on a book before reading the book. You can NEVER see a movie and THEN read the book. That is like putting your panties on over your blue jeans.

Well, I could not put it down. I fell instantly in love with all of the characters and for a few brief hours I was not longer a mother of four who has an eternal ponytail and wears yoga pants all day... every day. No, last night I fell in love. My lover is spectacular and I can't wait to join him again tonight.

The best part about this book is that it is a SERIES! So... as soon as I finish reading the last paragraph of my love, I do not have to mourn for very long because I get to fall in love all over again with this guy:

Ain't love grand?


  1. Read all four books. Edward... *sigh*...

  2. My 18 yo daughter loves them too....must be a cool chick thing

  3. Okay, well at least you're in love with the book. I teach 6, 7, & 8 graders and right now Edward Cullen is all over everything. If I tell them to open up Microsoft Word and turn my back for 2 seconds, they'll have 1000 pictures of the guy on them.
    As an OCD reader, I totally relate to the 4AM thing. The first time I read The Lord of the Rings, I finished the entire trilogy in 8 days. It is one of the greatest feelings ever, to waltz around in someone else's world for a while.

  4. OMG OMG OMG. I just finished the series and I want to be in the book, I want to be a vampire. I AM IN LOVE WITH THOSE BOOKS!!!!!!!!

  5. I recently read the series in four days...talk about dirty laundry piling up!! LOL It was worth every minute of it!!

    I love your blog, btw! You keep me laughing.

  6. I too have read all the books!! They are addicting...Stephanie Meyers is a brilliant author. My favorite is the first book....it was the best read I found in a long, long time:) You need to know, November 21st, this year, the movie is debuting at theaters..I can't wait to see it. Twilight makes you feel like a young teenage girl all over again..didn't know I could feel like that in my 30's...nice to know I am still alive:) Have a great day:)

  7. My 14 YO daughter (who HATES to read) read all 4 books in 2 weeks. I finished them in one. She is now begging her brother to taker her to the Midnight Premiere on Nov 21.

  8. It is too funny. My 18 year old read all 4 in the week before she went to college and at first didn't want me to read them-- they were "hers". Now that I have finished the 1st (and off to buy the next 2 TODAY because there is no school) she and I share sighs over Edward.

    What a great read! Don't think I'll get much done on my day off...

  9. LMBO! Reading this in google reader was perfect as I didn't see the books till the very moment you showed them.
    They are FABULOUS! I have read them all twice (except the last one only once). I am in the middle of a move and so they got packed up. My eldest daughter and I have both since regretted packing them on more than one occasion. With the movie coming out we are dying to read them again!!
    BTW, I even forced Hubby to read the first one. He didn't get it as much... but I think he might read the others... after we unpack them.
    I must admit, I am a little jealous of your virgin Twilight-series status.

  10. I love your blog, and I love TWilight series!!

  11. You must, must read An Idiot Girl's Christmas and all other books by Laurie Notaro. All of these books are hysterical and I think you'll find you both have the same wacky sense of humor.

  12. I'm currently reading Twilight...I have to finish it before the movie comes out! The other 3 books are waiting on the shelf. My niece was kind enough to lend them to me:)

  13. Exactly how I feel about reading good books! Now I have a new one to search for-thanks!

  14. OMG!!!!! aunt june...(??) i pop in from time to time to see what my crazy aunt is up to and tonight i saw THIS post!!!!! I LOVE EDWARD!!! hehehe... (wierd i am in love with the same person as half the girls in my school and my aunt that is how many years older then me?) but ANYWAYS aren't those books the BEST!!!! just wiat until New Moon!!! it sooo.... well i should stop b4 i spoil it for u. ive finished them all...agh the sorrow. luv ya a bushel and a peck!

  15. Absolutely became obsessed with the series. Housework, laundry, dinner, groceries...none of it existed until I made it through all 4 books. I have a 15.5 yo dd and she thought I was crazy to be reading the book that everyone in school is reading but now she is starting the series. And, I, too, found myself staying up until the wee hours of early morning reading that same book...and all those that follow. Enjoy them!!!

  16. Now I am going to have to read this one!

  17. I just ordered this book because I couldnt stand that everyone else in the free world was drooling over something I didnt understand. So shortly, hopefully this week, I too will be having a blissful love affair with this book.

  18. I guess I'm going to have to give in and purchase and read this book by next week. EVERYONE loves it. I say give in because I can't tell you the last time I sat and read a book from cover to cover, but if this one is as good as everyone is saying it is, it shouldn't be too hard.
