

Why do babies wake up at 4am ready to play and be adorable?

Why do 12 year old girls leave wet towels hidden in their closet on the floor when their hamper is 2 feet away... and the bathroom is 10 feet away?

Why do 9 year old boys put on dirty boxers after they have just taken a shower?

Why do 4 year old girls think it is appropriate to wake mommy up by hitting her on the head a few times?

Why do men think their mothers are the best cooks ever? I mean, I believe that I am a better cook than my mother... why can't he just come over from the dark side and admit that I am better than his mother? Sheesh.


Biddy said...

mmm i bet those wet towels smelled great ick...

i am a far better cook than my mother, and my future husband better tell me i'm better than his mother :)

Anonymous said...

When you find the answers to these questions, could you please fill me in?

Danielle said...

Ugh, my mother is a better cook than me. Growing up, she used to lure me into the kitchen to "help her cook or bake" but really I was in there to do the dishes as she discarded them. I hated dishes and learned to avoid the kitchen. Now I'm stuck with the ability to order take-out at lightening speed and broil pork chops. There are only so many chops you can choke back in a week though.

momto5minnies said...

This I know ... my husband's mother cannot cook and HE WILL ADMIT to that. YAY for me!

I used to think that my Mom was the greatest cook, but I realized that she has a few great recipes but no real desire to venture out and try new things. In that regard I EXCEED my own mother ;)

Terry Nelson said...

Answer me this - I live across the street from a park - why do little girls constantly scream as they play - and little boys too? What is with that? Why do they contunually yell and scream like the world is ending? Why do they talk in a scream? I need to understand this.

Special K ~Toni said...

It's payback! Your mother must have cursed you when you were younger!

june cleaver said...

Terry... think about it. If you could run around and scream at the top of your lungs all day without worrying if someone is going to either check you into a mental hospital or avoid you because you are that weird man who runs around screaming all day--you would do it too! Try it-it is very freeing. Just don't scream anything like "FIRE" or "BOMB" and you will be fine.

Terry Nelson said...

LOL! Thanks Cris - I'll try it at at Mass next Sunday.

(After I wrote my question I remembered that we used to do the same thing when we were little.)

chestertonian said...

Hi Chris, I just found your blog and I love it!

I also put a link to it at my blog, The Blue Boar (named for an inn in G.K. Chesterton's novel, Tales of the Long Bow).

Anonymous said...

You'll be a millionaire if you can figure out the answer to these questions!

Kathryn said...

I want to go to the Mass where Terry screams like the world is ending...I need some good comic relief! Okay Terry, do direct me!
