
To Swoon Or Not To Swoon... That Is The Questions... Or Is It?

Okay-I was all set to hit this one out of the park-what with my week of Chad Kroeger sightings at the Nickelback concert (did I mention how close I was to him?), the release of Twilight-which put Robert Pattinson in my house and at my disposal 24/7, and... AND-I took the kiddos to see "Race To Witch Mountain" so I have The Rock on the brain as well...

Someone who shall remain anonymous asked me in some comment (the post directly below this one) how Mr. Cleaver... aka Ward... aka Carl... aka my husband, felt about my fantasies.

So how can I really post the Monday swoon with that hanging over my head?

Then I thought-pffft! My husband is more swoon-worthy than all of the mens I post on here put together. Even in a Chad Kroeger-Robert Pattinson sandwich with a side of Matthew McConaughey and a dessert of Gerard Butler.

Just to let the Six-Pack know... my husband is fine with my swoons. They are not fantasies (unless of course they want to come and vacuum my house for me and pick up the kiddos from school-then they would be amazing fantasies). They are just fun to look at-point and giggle at-and make up little stories about how much they want a regular old desperate housewife like myself whose hubby is gone, the kids are running me ragged and I am lucky if I get out of my yoga pants EVER and put on make up.

But...I also know Anon was not being judgemental... how do I know this? Because I read her blog all the damn time and if she was a judgemental person at all I would not have her on my sidebar, which is the cream of the crop around these parts. She was just being a pal-a true friend who could look at me and say "wtf Jimmy? What is up with all the mens?"

Just last Monday Anon asked if I could post a pic of a swoon after each and every single one of my posts... at the bottom no less... she's so cheeky, and that is why I love her so.

I hope I may have helped you all understand that my husband has no problem with the Monday Swoon-he is the keeper of the keys to my heart and there is no chance of me looking for a locksmith.


For those of you who can give a crap who I love and just want to see the swoons-(you know who you are)-here is one last one to make you Swoon as good as it gets on a Monday! (Yes... that is Robert Pattinson-do not ask me where I get the goods from... just be thankful.)

And Anon, this one is for you... because it makes me think of you and Spin:

(comic from yet another swoon-worthy guy)


  1. Oh, to be a cigarette in his mouth or sand beneath his body!

  2. You have got some damn fine sources, sugar!

    My husband encourages my little flights of fancy. He's a wonderful enabler.

  3. Rita... yep, my husband has come to realize the benefits that he will reap from my flights of fancy as well.

    Because, as the saying goes... if Momma ain't happy-Daddy ain't having any fun.


  4. June,
    Your husband is hot. I can see why he's not worried at all.

    My own sweetheart has long ago decided that a wife with a good eye and an active imagination is a very good thing to have. It keeps him happy. Tired, but happy.

    Yay me!

  5. As a Nickelback fan, who cannot make it to a concert this year, I'm grateful you posted those pictures for me to swoon and drool over. *sigh*

  6. Spank me harder, June.

    Me likey.

    THAT will teach me to never miss another Monday Swoon. Swear to the hills it's the ONLY good thing about Mondays.

  7. Have to break it to ya, but that is not Rob in the last pic, that is a manipulation. It was shown to be one a while back on some RP sites. Rob's body is even better (and hairier...yummmy!)than this guy's, why mess with perfection?

  8. you know anon-I had my reservations about that photog because the arms are not hairy-in an oh-so-Rober way... but I thought, eh-pretty good nonetheless.

    Thanks though for pointing that out.

    Seriously, I appreciate it.


  9. THANK YOU!!! I would like to smell what the Rock is cookin' - esp if it's dinner. Now that is great fantasy. The Rock cooking me dinner and posing for my viewing pleasure. A mom can dream. Thank you June!

  10. That last picture alone could make me smile all evening long...

  11. I was getting ready to go to bed, and remembered swooney Monday. Thank you so much. It's not about you. It's a public service. You're just volunteering your time for the rest of us desperate housewives with hubbies away. ;)

  12. Something tells me that your husband is QUITE HAPPY and does not worry one bit about these little swoons ;)

    Did you like that RACE to Witch Mountain? I was going to take ALL the girls tomorrow (Spring BREAK here).

  13. Your husband is TOTALLY swoon worthy so I'm sure he appreciates the fact that, although these guys are great to look at, HE is the guy who holds your heart.

    Thanks for Monday pics, they make my day!

  14. OMFG, I just realized that, whoever that guy is-who-isn't-Edward is, his belt it unbuckled!

    Obviously I'm working far too hard and need to spend more time on your blog.

  15. yes Rita... I noticed it the moment I saw it... whether it is Robert or not-it is nice isn't it?
