

Okay, so I lied. I am not standing outside some Borders or Blockbuster or Target store waiting for it to open so that I can run through the aisles knocking over 14 year old teeny boppers in order to get my copy of Twilight.


I pre-ordered it weeks ago and plan on just picking it up some time after the sun comes up by waltzing into the Blockbuster down the street (you all know how I love to just waltz into places) and walking right up to the counter and saying "Yes, my name is June Cleaver and I believe you have my nocturnal boyfriend somewhere behind the counter waiting for me." and then they will hand me my copy of the movie and I will head home and lock myself in my bedroom with my love.


Ohhh... just you wait and see what I have in store for the swoon-worthy Monday post! See you then!


  1. Happy waltzing - and don't forget to act like you own the place. You should be resting today after the come-to-jesus w/ Mr. Firefly yesterday. I think you may have saved his life - we all know he'd be finished if all of that drivel were directed at Mrs. Firefly. You did a beautiful job doing the Lord's work. My mother use to say, "all men are the same, their faces are just different so you can tell which one is yours" - extreme i know but there are days . . . HAPPY SPRING!!!! Glad to have the music back too :-)

  2. Can you believe I still haven't seen this movie, even though I counted down to it, and loved the books? And now, here it is out on video, and I still don't have a copy and didn't pre-order, and will be waiting until my next trip to Target to buy it. I'm so sad.

  3. Ms. Cleaver,
    Yep, that was a close 1 on the Firefly intervention last night. Hate to see a man with his skivies in a twist like that, makes the rest of us guys look bad. Was going to suggest that he "withhold" his husbandly affections until the Mrs. tightened up her act & that could have been wrong. Maybe you could start a marriage class for a few of us that still are learning here. Pretty much feeling that as long as I'm not living deployed @ an FOB everything else is all good...there's probably more to life than snuggling next to your sweetie on clean sheets.

  4. eh, Rufus is a dear friend of the Six-Pack so I know he was just bored watching college basketball and thought to himself "What can I say to june that would make her go crazy?"

    Hence the tantrum... all done in the name of humor.

  5. I just walked into WALMART and picked it up no problem. Gonna watch it with the 11 year old tonight.

  6. All this "talk" begs the question.....

    What does the Mr. think of all your fantasizing while he's gone?

    Just wondering.....

  7. Oh Solil.. the Mr. is one confident man-and he should be because he has every stitch of love in my heart.

    Besides... this is june's blog-not mine.


  8. *sigh* Still waiting for my copy of the dvd. Evidentally Target didn't team up with iTunes for nothing....can't access the download until I get the freaking dvd in the mail. I could scream.
