
Winner Winner... Chicken Dinner

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:39 46 69 13

Timestamp: 2009-02-23 14:38:13 UTC
Congratulations #39-Marin
#46-Diva Mom Vicki
#69-Mom to 5 Minnies
#13-Andrea Z.
*Email me with your info and orgasmic eyelashes will be right around the corner for you!*
Well, Well, Well... I think you all did better with the actresses than any of the mens would have. So, without further adieu... I give you beauty~

Audrey Hepburn. The face that goes with the name that defines timeless beauty.

I was surprised at how many of you thought Angelina was beautiful-but I guess this supports my argument when I put up a pic of Tom Cruise and everyone says "How can you like Tom Cruise, he is a wack-job!" Well... the same goes here. You don't want to buy her dinner, you just want to appreciate her beauty. I'll give you that.

I love Jennifer Anniston... I really do. She is so "girl next door" and I want to be her friend. Although, I can't stand John Mayer... I really liked it better when she was with Vince Vaughn. Now there is a man.

Charlize Theron would be my own personal pick for the most beautiful. Look at her-it is amazing. I really tried to find a picture of her legs because they are so long and lean that it makes me want to go sign up for yoga and grow 6 inches.

Salma... yes, we all know you have great ta-ta's. We see that. You are blessed. God was good to you.

I love Sandra Bullock... and she gets to tool around town on the back of her husband's Harley. Nothing cooler than that.

Sally Field was adorable when she was younger and even today, she is adorable. How cute is this pic? The only thing that would have made it better was if she had a Bear's jersey on.

Renee had it going on! She could stand toe to toe with a beauty 20 years her junior and win-no question.

If I knew Reese Witherspoon in real life, we would be friends... how could anyone not want to be her friend? Look at her!

How did this get in here? Hmmmm... not bad. Not bad if I do say so myself. And it should be noted that this pic was taken with a $100 digital crappy camera-no fancy shmancy camera with air brushing. Damn straight.

I just had to do it... I 'm sorry.

Penelope Cruz-she dated Tom Cruise and Matthew McConaughey. She must have a thing for beautiful men who are crazies.

I have always liked Nicole Kidman. She has beautiful skin and beautiful eyes and she is so tall that she looks like a goddess.

Natalie Portman is so young-imagine how beautiful she will be when she has life on her face.

Monica Bellucci could kick Angelina Jolie's ass in the beauty contest. Look at her-it is almost painful.

Michelle Pfeiffer is beyond gorgeous. She does not age. I need to write her and ask her what moisturizer she uses.

I love this look on Meryl Streep. She looks sun-kissed and relaxed. She makes me want to chuck it all and move to Greece and open up a little villa and start singing Abba songs.

Merle Oberon-Wuthering Heights... Oh Heathcliff.

Meg Ryan is great as long as you don't watch her walk. You know what I am talking about! She walks like a man... a man who has a pulled groin.

I found this pic of Kelly Ripa and her hubby Mark (who is so damn hot that I have to look away before I blush) but I thought it was just the cutest thing ever. What a lucky guy... what a lucky girl!

This one too... so cute that you just want to be her.

Did someone say Kathy Bates? Yes... but I think you were talking about her acting abilities. I thought I would throw this shot in so all of the mens who are gawking today will have a chance to take a breather and come back to reality.

Ah Katherine. You wore pants so well... so cool.

Kate Hudson reminds me of that one girl in high school that every girl wanted to be friends with and every boy wanted to date.

Kate Beckinsale, I want her hair... how does so get it so thick? If she told me I would have a give away with the shampoo that she uses.

Congratulations Kate on Best Actress. You give good face-and good speeches... AND I love your dad.

Here is another one of Kate... do you see her? Yeah, I don't either.

Julianna Moore... the perfect skin, the amazing hair color-I hate her. HA!

I love Julia Roberts... I mean I LOVE her. She reminds me of my older sister with her bright eyes and wide smile. Every movie I see with her it is like watching my sister on the screen.

Jennifer Westfeldt with her boyfriend... or should I say John Hamm with his girlfriend? How about John Hamm with an unknown woman who I can't really see in the photograph? Yeah, that works. Nice scarf.

I tried really hard not to put bathing suit shots on this post, but I had to with Jessica Alba because if I had her body I would wear a bathing suit 24/7... even in February.

Something about Jennifer Garner is so ordinary, yet so extraordinary.

Ingrid Bergman. Her lips kill me.

Like the album says... truly she is none other.

Halle Berry is so beautiful that it was hard for me to decide on a photo. I always liked her with her short hair.

I thought for the longest time that Gwyneth Paltrow was Bri-ish... but she is all-American. She gives blonde a good name.

America's princess. Grace Kelly-every little girl wanted to be a princess just like her.

Goldie Hawn today looks a little outdated to me... she dresses too young, but she looks great. I like this pic of her-simple and natural.

I want someone to take a picture of me just like this one. Martina Gedeck is striking in this shot.

So exotic... so the opposite of me.

Okay, can I just say that Eva Mendes has taken some raunchy photographs. Good lord woman-would you cover yourself. I thought she needed some help in showing us that her face is beautiful... she does not have to show us so much for us to see that.

This is Tiger Woods' wife. I thought I would give you all a bikini shot so you would be even more envious of him-he is a millionaire, a great golfer and he has a hot wife. And... Elin speaks with an accent. Go ahead men... be jealous.

Drew Barrymore-free spirit. I like her more and more with each passing year.

Deirdre Quinn... another red. Who knew reds were so damn beautiful? I always thought that Blondes had the advantage.

Tyne Daly-I loved her in Cagney and Lacey. She has a great face-I mean, just look at her eyebrows!

Yeah-she is in her 50's. Yeah-she is beautiful. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.

Honestly, I have never been a CZJ fan. I don't like her voice (I know, I am so petty) I also don't like her husband. The dirtly old man...

Now Cate Blanchett has a great voice-deep and husky. It goes with her soft exterior.

This is the only photograph that I could find of Carmen Electra. So help me God.

My little sister always thought she looked like Cameron Diaz. I personally think my little sister is more beautiful-but they both have the yoga/ballet body. Ahhh, to be young.

Ashley Judd is great to watch in a movie. She has a way of speaking that draws you in-the way she forms her words. If you have not seen the move "Someone Like You" with Hugh Jackman-I highly recommend it. She is adorable in it.

Anne Hathaway-so young. Let's see how she holds up.

Angela Bassett... have you seen this woman's biceps? Mercy.

I forget who this is... but she is another one of those exotic beauty that I will never look like.

Okay, I'll say it. I don't like you Scarlett. I don't like your boobs and the fact that you have to flaunt them. I mean... when you are 40 they are going to be down to your belly button if you don't start taking better care of them.

Sissy Spacek-I love your freckles.

Yes one more exotic that makes me want to dye my hair and walk about swaying my hips back and forth.

I don't agree with most of the things that come out of her mouth, but she is an amazing actress and I thought she looked so hot in Thelma and Louis. The suntanned skin and the wind blown hair made me want to run free and drive off of a cliff.

I saved one of the best for last... Vivian Leigh, they do not make them like you anymore. And Clark Gable-Swoon! Look at him just pulling her in. Ahhh, romance is dead. Give me a rainy day with Gone With The Wind any day and I will be happy.
That's it folks... the show it over. Nothing more to see. Please remember to tip your waitress.


  1. I think I'll go put some makeup on.

  2. yes you did save the best for last. I wanted to look like Scarlett and have Melanie's heart (but flirt and pout like Scarlett). Clark Gable, or Rhett, was my standard for men for a long time....mmmmmmmm

    I have a girl crush on Selma. I loved her in Fools Rush In, so spunky. Now she does the more arty crap, but she's still so gorgeous it hurts. But like you, I'm blond and see through. I guess we never want what we have.

  3. Thanks, June. I mean it. Thanks.

  4. WOW, I won something ... COOL!!!!!

    I do think we need to do a trade. I just don't feel right taking makeup from someone when I can get all I need from the man who brings it to me.

    I can't find your email. It's probably in plain sight, but I am not seeing it.

  5. They are all beautiful women and I'm having salad for lunch!
    Thanks for the reminder, June.
    I'm sure the gents will appreciate today's post.
    Aunt Barbara

  6. Oh, when I saw Golie Hawn last night I thought "Botox"
    Goldie, please just let yourself age naturally...don't botox yourself into a joke! She did look outdated, didn't she!
    (thank God I don't have a class reunion to go to this year)
    Aunt Barbara

  7. Did you see Natalie Portman last night?! WOW!

  8. Thanks, your pic of Salma Hayek nearly changed my sexual orientation, but then you added Kelly Rippa's gorgeous husband, and I'm walkin' the straight and narrow again!
    Great post June.

  9. Julia Roberts reminds me of my older sister too!

  10. I was just kicking myself for not nominating Vivian Leigh & there she is, with Clake, yep, swoon.

    And I know there were some other women in there, but all I seem to remember is Jon Hamm, yes please!

  11. MomTo5Minnies and all the other winners....

    my email is:



  12. If, back in my bachelor days, there was a nuclear holocaust and somehow Angelina Jolie and I were the only survivors, it would be the end of the human race. Yukk! I do not know get that one at all. Otherwise, a pretty decent effort, June. Would have like to see at least one of the glamorous Mrs. Teasdale though. I could dance with her 'til the cows come home.

  13. Ugh... men. You are never happy.

  14. Merci and mercy! Something for everyone. You and your wimmins really came through for us mens. My apologies for being one of the many who were riding you so hard on your birthday (over at threedonia.com re: your blonde-haired birthday present.)

  15. Dammit this reminds me of why I should come here more often.
    The best looking people on this thread are: John Hamm and Michelle Pfeiffer.

  16. Little bit of advice. If you are blonde be HAPPY! You have such a history you don't even know of.
    Read the book On Blondes, it will make you smile. You don't look like every other chick on the planet. Who would want to. And as far as Selma....when she breast fed a child not hers I was so grossed out that I cannot look at her without feeling creepy.

  17. The picture of the unknown woman is Aishwarya Rai. She starred in "Bride and Prejudice". Bally-bally!

  18. Well done! Sally Field's inclusion surprised me, but I think your judgment is sound in all matters evidenced by the Carmen Electra photo. LMAO.

  19. I am not quite as picky as Rufus T Firefly but Angelina doesn't really do it for me either...on the other hand, good side-boob never hurt anyone!

  20. Im not a fan of Scar Jo either, something about her..cant put my finger on it. LoVe that you put kate winslet on here! I was going to vote, but moving, yay military life, and ran out of time. I love that shes not a negative size four like 90 percent of those chica's. =) Keep those random pictures of swoon worthy guys in your posts!!

  21. This post is so nice that I will overlook the Ed pic. I also found like 100,000 pics of Carmen. I have saved them all. I think you should change your search from "Carmen and studly men". Umm..... where is Stevella?? JK

  22. June,

    Go check-out mom2threepks@blogspot.com...she mentions you.


  23. June,

    Go check-out mom2threepks@blogspot.com...she mentions you.


  24. June,

    Go check-out mom2threepks@blogspot.com...she mentions you.


  25. June,

    Go check-out mom2threepks@blogspot.com...she mentions you.


  26. June this is darn near perfect. Don't tell me I'm not satisfied because I am. I agree with every person on your list and don't think I could add anyone (though I love Mary Stuart Masterson and Jodie Foster as well).

    I have to tell you that I smile every time I see Anne Hathaway or Natalie Portman (that line in "Mr. Magorium" when she asks about the 'sparkle'...I tell you, every time she smiles I see a sparkle, every time).

    Finally, thanks so much for having Meg Ryan. I have crushed on her ever since she screamed "Hey Goose ya big stud, take me to bed or lose me forever!" Great line just great!

  27. You like me! You really, really, like me!

    (Or at least your random generator does!)

    Look for my email and many thanks for the contest!

  28. June! You and I share the same birthday! I spent the day and the day after running around, and I missed wishing you a Happy Birthday! I would have nominated some of the older actresses, and there they are. I am a huge old movie fan, and I am glad that you put them on here.

    Love your blog. I may have to even give it up for lent, I enjoy it that much...you know, ignore-your-kids-and-hubby. Sigh. I think I have to go and rethink that one.

  29. Audrey Hepburn: Beautiful Eyes, Beautiful Face, Perfect Accent.
    Interesting Note: As a little girl in World War 2 she served as a courier in the Belgian Resistance. In other words, she fought Nazis.

    Vivien Leigh: Sexiest Fake Southern Accent and eyes that pierce into one's soul. Great smile too.

    Ingrid Bergman: Poor, poor Rick.

    -No Julie Andrews
    -No Barbara Stanwyck.

    An Allison Mack, however, would have sufficed.

    Oh well, good choices. (But no Stanwyck?!?!)

  30. Excellant list! And yippee, I won!!! Way cool.

  31. Hey no Angie Dickenson was mentioned. What kind of a list about cool chicks is complete without Angie Dickenson?

  32. Ha ha ha - you are HILARIOUS. Your comments about Scarlett J. cracked me up - I feel the same way about her. Grace Kelly is still so beautiful - she doesn't even have to have half of her exposed to show it.

  33. Olivia Williams? Have you been watching Dollhouse? Totally drew a blank on her till I looked her up after the show.

  34. June we are practically neighbors, I live in West Des Moines, and feel so much closer to you since you in Omaha. Read you everyday. Love your blog, cracks me up.

    But this post is a winner for sure. Some of my favorite women... great post, thanks for throwing the guys a bone here.

    Keep it up, i tell everyone about you

  35. I think Meg Ryan's 'man walk' makes her real and more beautiful.

  36. andrea z... you are the only winner that has not claimed your prize! email me at


    so I can get our info!


  37. My girl-crush would have to be Mariska Hargitay...

  38. I will say I'm glad you had Grace Kelly on the list. Possibly add this young lady?

