
I Blame Angelina Jolie...

Okay, I am about to post quite a few things that I am not proud of. I know that some of you (maybe 5) have said "He just doesn't do it for me."

Well... who asked you?

You see, it is February, and in the month of February we have three holidays.

Valentine's Day

My Birthday

President's Day

So, as you can see... especially by that last one... that February, for the wife of a deployed husband, can be the hardest month out of the year.

And since tomorrow I have to post pictures of beautiful actresses so that I can get the mens off of my back, I thought I would post a few things that I stumbled upon this evening when I was looking for the Gregorian Chant website in order to make my prayer life a little more fulfilling...

For those other housewives out there that feel the same way I do-you are welcome. For you other Six-Packers who completely and utterly and irrevocably disagree with me.

You can suck it.
That was not nice and I apologize, but I have been scouring the Internet for photogs of Angelina Jolie because apparently 95% of the Six-Pack thinks she is beautiful or something. I could not take it anymore and had to search for something-someone that I knew would make me want to giggle like a school girl. Tomorrow you can have your stinking Angelina... but today-I give you Edward.

Are you serious? How am I supposed to get any sleep when this is on my blog? Well, all I can say is that you know there is a God when a man can look that good.

His hair makes me insane... yes, insane. There is no other word for it. Ahh, if all men could have their hair like this-we women would get nothing done because all we would do is run our fingers through it all damn day long. Why don't men know about this haircut? Why don't more men wear this for us? Do they not know that we will swoon over them and ask to touch them?


This is the same exact look Carl gives me when I say I want another baby. Well... wouldn't you want another baby with a man that looks at you like this? Exactly.


Can someone please call an ambulance. I think I pulled something. Mercy.


Doesn't he look like he needs someone to climb in next to him and make it all better? I mean, ladies... look at how long this man's legs are. Are you kidding me? Are you freakin' kidding me? It is too much... I have to stop.

Last one out please turn off the lights and lock up when you are done.


  1. I can see where he might keep the home fire kindled until your husband's return, especially if he reminds you of your beloved.

    If you are gonna post some pictures of the ladies tomorrow (and may I offer my thanks in advance - as it does arouse some odd looks if I am perusing your blog at work to see what funny ramblings you have posted and a passer-by sees my monitor filled with the images of male models and their six pack abs,etc), might I offer some suggestions for the types of women ol' Jud would like to see?

    1) We like'em pretty.
    2) We like'em smart.
    3) We like'em funny.
    4) They don't have to be disrobed, in bathing garb, or nekkid. Clothes add to the femininity, mystery, grace and charm of womanhood.

    Some suggestions: Patricia Clarkson, Kate Hepburn, Myrna Loy, Cate Blanchett, Anne Coulter.

    Please no skanks. Thanks.

  2. Thanks for the chicken ! I got the lights and locks.

  3. Oh, and that boy has got a forehead the size of a movie screen.


  4. Just how I love to start off my Sunday mornings. With my steaming cup of Joe and some hot pics of Ed! Thanks, June!

  5. Mercy...is it hot in here? To be honest, I am not really looking forward to tomorrow's post. But I understand- keep the men folk happy. But after tomorrow, please go back to doing what you do best...postin' the hotties!

  6. Oops! I just drooled all over the key board!
    He is so dang pretty! I bet he smells good enough to eat, too!

  7. And when I opened the page, there he was *singing* to me...

  8. Yowza is right. Nothing better than a good looking man, and then you making me laugh so hard, I have tears running down my face. Thanks.......

  9. Oh my. I think I'm going to have to take a break now. Thanks. ;)

  10. *giggle*

    I just love all you Six-Packers.

  11. i love both versions of this song. did you like hope floats, the movie? maybe you could post some pictures of harry connick jr. =)
    happy sunday.

  12. Catholic Audio... thanks-I actually was on your site last night and it is a favorite of mine. But you already knew that.

    ... and he does not have a big forehead. He is just dreamy-dreamy I tell you!

  13. Um, June, his hair? He looks like it hasn't been washed in months...

    He is handsome, but his hair skeeves me out!

  14. He sure is pretty...but I never kiss a man with a beard. I never kiss a man without a beard either...but still...I'll give you that he's pretty

  15. June,
    You are the best kind of cyber-friend. Today a friend of mine lent me the next three books. I am almost finished with New Moon.

    I have Edward on the brain.

    And now I've stopped by your blog.

    In about two hours, Urban Dad will not know who to thank, but trust me... it will be *you.*


  16. Have I mentioned this is my favorite Blog site EVER? Whew. You always deliver just what I need....a little humor and a visit from my nocturnal boyfriend. Not a bad way to end a Sunday.

    Bill thanks you too. wink!

  17. Stacy C... I will always have your back sister!

    Tell Bill he can send my payment by check.

  18. Hey June, his name is Robert, not Edward. :-) Sorry, but that is my pet peeve with all the shrieking girls that think Rob Pattinson is REALLY Edward Cullen. But his REAL name is Sex God. Hot dayum, did you see him at the Oscars in his tux??? I was licking the screen. Holy hotness, he is gorgeous and made the other actors there look like crap. I want to run my fingers through his hair all day as well, well maybe there's other things I'd like to do to him, hee hee. I have an uncontrollable urge to sit on his lap in that last picture!

  19. I usually don't go for actors so young, but he started to grow on me as I listened to the Twilight series on audio. Edward and Bella can be so annoying - I couldn't help but appreciate what the actors brought to the film roles! Robert also seems so damn charming in every youtube interview I've seen - can't help but like him!

  20. I am so in love with him..Ok maybe I would just love to stalk him. He is so flipping gorgeous. My husband has no idea why I obsess over him. All I say is, "just look at him."

  21. Quite a tasty post :) And since you mentioned the hair...did you see my little tribute on my blog to RP's hair. Left sidebar...
