
I Would Like To Recant My Statement...

OK, so I am a woman, therefore I am genetically dispositioned to change my mind from time to time. Do you remember when I said that I thought the Twilight movie was good but not great... yeah, that is where I would like to change my mind.

I went to see the movie again tonight (all of you male readers can stop rolling your eyes at me now)

I went to see it a second time for personal reasons...

Oh those eyes, that "I am going to bite you" scowl. How does he get his hair like that? Mmmmm, I wonder...
I have to say that it was much better than the first time. Much like sex, it is terrible at first but once you get the hang of it... much more satisfying. (Oh mother... do not call me and tell me I should not talk about sex on my blog. Sex. Sex. Sex.)

I was much happier with the movie tonight when I could actually sit and watch it without swooning constantly over Edward, which severely fogged my mental capabilities. Honestly, the day after I saw the movie the first time I called my friend Lori and said "Do you remember anything about the movie because all I remember is Edward... and more Edward. " Thank God I read the book so I knew what was happening.

I also said that you should not see this movie if you have not read the book... I would like to change that statement as well. I think it would be a wonderful movie to see even if you have not read the book yet (you and the other 10 people in the world) because it is a love story, and who does not love a love story? (Again, stop rolling your eyes at me you male readers you.)

So go see the movie. I highly recommend taking a vacation from reality and spending a little time in Edward's world.

If you would like, I'll go see it with you... I have tickets for Tuesday night.


  1. I went back last night and saw it again!!! hahahahahahahahaha Oh Edward, you had me at hello!

  2. I say go for it. Heck, I saw Debbie Does Dallas a dozen times when it was first released.

  3. AW...you saw it TWICE! I can even go once, I have to wait until the DVD comes out. Well, if you go again...pretend to take me with you, ok??

  4. I'm slow to this, but I was slow to Harry Potter too. Pokey me. I have Twilight reserved at the library. I'm hoping to get it before next Labor Day. We're going to see my mom over Xmas, so we'll take advantage of the free babysitting and I'll drag U-Dad to see the movie (I know, it's too long to wait!). No doubt in my mind that the June Cleaver Swooning Seal of Approval will convince him!


  5. I've been reading your blog for several months - came across it on my friend RCM's blog. You are toooo funny. I have four kids under five - the poop in the tub post had me and DH rolling.

    Now that the movie has your approval, I just may have to take the baby (5 months) to go see the matinee while the other kids are in preschool tomorrow.

    I have a blog started but have never posted anything. I'm in awe of your blog and could never measure up. I have blog envy.

  6. It's not just the guys who are rolling their eyes, June - it's also women who haven't read the books. Like me. :-)

    But that's OK - I love ya even if you are swooning over a pasty Cedric Diggory... ;-)

    How're you holding up? Should we expect you (with or without a few kids in tow) for the wedding? :-)

  7. Schererville Judi

    I guess I will have to take this old body to see this movie!!!!!
    I could use some excitement.

  8. You are totally right. I want to go see it again for the same reason. I posted on my blog about how there was so much estrogen burning in that theater you could have lit all of New York City with it. I want to see it again without all the giggling and hormones, lol.

  9. I'm going to see Twilight this weekend. I can't wait. I loved the books. I'll let you know what I think.

  10. How does he get his hair like that? And if my man suddenly looked at me that way I wouldn't swoon I'd run for my life.

  11. Hi there! Just discovered your blog and it's great :) This post has almost convinced me to either a) read Twilight in the bathroom as you mentioned or b) go out and watch it. I've been secretly boycotting it hoping to be stronger than all women. Even my sister, who is tougher than me, has succumbed to Edward. I had to send her this post :)

  12. i don't undersatnd y u say "u male readers". I'm a guy (and im not gay) nd i love the movie and book. Now i actually put my hair up like Edward and it's kina funny because a lot of people can't get their eyes of of me now and i hear at least 3 times a day "u look like Edward" or "u look like the guy that should play in twilight" but im just posting a comment to show you people not all guys are the same :) Email: xxdragoonx@hotmail.com

  13. I have finally achieved the Edward Culeen hairdo!!!
