
Edward Has NOTHING On This Guy...

My husband is not romantic... he likes to think he is, but lighting a Glade candle in the bedroom does not romance make. But today, with my husband on the other side of the world and me on this side of the world missing him so much I am amazed that my heart still beats, he sent me this:

The love story:
A girl asked a guy if he thought she was pretty, he said no. She asked him if he would to be with her forever and he said no. She then asked him if she were to leave would he cry? Once again he replied with a no.
She had heard enough. As she walked away, tears streaming down her face the boy grabbed her arm and said, you're not pretty you're beautiful, I don't want to be with you forever, I NEED to be with you forever, and I wouldn't cry if you walked away.... I'd die.

These may not be his own words-he most likely ripped them off of an email that has been forwarded a million times over... but these are his thoughts, and that makes me feel my heart beat all that much more.

*big sigh*


  1. Aw....so sweet. Sounds like you have a keeper. Can your hubby give lessons to my hubby...I want an email like that.

  2. awww..that's just so sweet, I think I'll just....oh never mind....

  3. Not to be out done by Carl today, I will share this with you.

    Today while watching the Bears kick the crap out of the Rams, I got up to get another cold one. While getting and ice cold Coors Light out of the fridge I saw my wife, and I also had to tell her how I felt. I went to the door and yelled out "I love you babe". She looked at me and smiled, then went back to sealing the driveway. I felt bad about leaving to go back to watch the game so I returned to the door and said "The driveway looks good, but get more by the street, you know what salt does to that tar." Let no good job go unnoticed is what I say.
    When I woke up from my nap she was done. What a relief, I was getting hungry.

    (Don't believe that crap. The only true part of that story is; I said "I love you" and the Bears kicked the crap out of the Rams. If my wife even finds out I wrote this she will kill me. By reading this you have accepted all liability if she finds out. You might just be accessory to murder.)

  4. This is sweet..it is amazing how deployments seem to make the men in our lives become sweeter..then they come home and you wonder what happened...sheesh...anyway...just wanted you to know, my DD and I went to see Twilight..and I nix my previous post 2 writings ago...I loved it!!! Not over the moon crazy about it, but I feel the movie was a great reflection of the book...lets face it, no movie ever gets the book completely accurate. But, seriously, it was pretty well done. My DD kept sighing over Edward, and asking me if I thought all the guys were hot...heehee, but now I know I am old when a young thing doesn't get me all revved up! I felt like I was "robbing the cradle" if I sat there "sighing" with her:) Oh well! Let her enjoy her youth i say:)

  5. First...I thought it sounded like something Edward said! Second, you are Carl's Bella..
    Third, I have to go, New Moon is calling my name!
    Love ya
    PS~ we should talk Steve into writing his own blog! Hilarious!

  6. purrrrr. Now THAT'S romantic.

    If it were The Mighty Hunter who lit a Glade candle, I'd wonder what "scent" he was trying to cover and go check the toilet paper stash, to make sure he hadn't used it all up and failed to restock.

    But, plagiarism is romantic. Yessirree, Bob.

  7. That is pretty darn good ... I'd swoon if my husband wrote those words to me.

    I'm off to take 4 - 13 year old girls to see TWILIGHT tonight. I'm prepared to be mildly disappointed ;)

  8. Great post, great husband. I love how much you love your husband!

  9. I think it would still be just as sweet even if he was the 1,000,000 and 1th.
    Maybe he should just...oh, never mind.

  10. Ha! Funny, cousin Steve.

    Real love with a real man is priceless.
