
Thems Fightin' Words...

I made the decision long ago when I started this blog that I would not talk politics. I know who I am going to vote for, I know who I believe will be the best leader for our country. This may not be the same person that you think is the best choice. Politics are something that I take very seriously... you never know, I may be Vice President one day.

Anyway... I have been standing by my decision to leave Politics off of my blog until I saw this:

"I'm not one of these fair weather fans,'' the junior senator from Illinois and presumptive presidential nominee of the Democratic Party explained. "You go to Wrigley Field, you have a beer, beautiful people up there. People aren't watching the game. It's not serious. White Sox, that's baseball. Southside."

That is Barack Obama talking about my beloved Cubbies, or rather, he was talking about ME as I am a Cubbie fan... in good times and bad. I go to the games to watch when they win and when they lose. I take it very seriously.

Too bad he is a Sox fan, I mean, I used to have a cousin that was a White Sox fan... we removed him from our family and he has not been heard of since (Irish Catholics don't fool around.)

One more thing... I think this White Sox fan throws like a wimp. My five-year old daughter can toss out a ball with more strength. My Grandma-a Cubbie's fan-could toss out a ball harder than him... and she is dead!

I'm just sayin'

But I'm not talking about Politics here, I am just mentioning a person who happens to be running for President. I am not discussing his policies, I am discussing his shortcomings as a White Sox fan.



  1. And there are about 50 million other unborn reasons not to vote for this Sox fan.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Just a reminder... please do not call people bad `names when commenting... even if you don't like their policies. You will be removed.

    Thank You

  4. I too am a life-long Cubs fan. I also agree: there are a lot of reasons not to vote for him, including the fact that with his tax increases, none of us would ever be able to afford to go to a baseball game again. And I would certainly miss my Cubbies! :)

  5. GO CUBS!!!


  6. Thanks. I knew there was something about this guy I really didn't like. Just couldn't put my finger on it.

    Can't wait to see you on the ticket! Just make sure you don't grab anyone inappropriately.... people may talk.

  7. I know who I want for President, too, and this post re-affirmed my decision.

    A Cubs fan?? I guess I know who I wont be voting for either:0)

  8. AAAUGH!! The WHITE SOX?!? It could only be worse if he were a Yankees fan!!!

    (Mother's family from Chicago...all Cubs fans there. And my Tigers are so pathetic most years that I'd probably be happier if I were a Cubs fan...as it is, they're my second-favorite team...)

  9. For shame. Cubbies rule. Of course, it's football season and we're fixin' to watch the Bears lose another season. You can't be fairweather when your a Bears or cubs fan, man. LOL

  10. A smattering of applause from the Urban Mom! (and I grew up in St. Louis......)

  11. Hmmm....I guess this Texan should just keep her mouth shut...


    Baseball? What's that?

    Actually, I'll be glad when baseball season's over or we close on our house. Whichever comes sooner. There was a game today and getting through Arlington after church was a nightmare since all the streets around the ballpark were blocked off (the way I usually drive) for the Rangers game. Bah. And it's going to be even worse when they finish the new Cowboys stadium. Ugh.

    So sorry for ranting on your blog, June :)

  12. Can I just wonder if his husband throws like a sissy also?

    McCain/Pallin all the way baby!

  13. Yanno, that pitcher you've got pictured has been rumored to be unable to speak except from a teleprompter; the proof now is conclusive. We know this because the things he said about Wrigley Field, and Cub fans, are pretty much word for word what Sox fans, like his pal Daley, keep believing. They're all wet, and they're wrong. But like all good Dems, they figure if they say a script often enough (no matter how outrageously false it is), Glenda the Good Witch will come along and wave her wand, and poof! It'll be true!

    If "Southside" is "serious baseball," then maybe B.O. (should we call him "Bo" for short?) should answer this question. It's not on a teleprompter, so he'll probably be at a loss to do it, but...it's worth a shot.

    Before we had the interleague City series start up again between the Cubs and White Sox, you could count the number of fights and/or unpleasant incidents at Wrigley over the past thirty years on one hand (or at worst, by using the thumb on the second one). So now, why can't we go a series without some fight, some unpleasant incident, or some drunk showing up and acting like a thug at Wrigley? How is that serious baseball?

    I'm just sayin. :-)

  14. I had no idea he was a White Sox fan. He just lost my vote! (Not that he had it anyway...)
    GO CUBS!!!!!!

  15. Amen! (nothing more to say)

  16. Bad names? Are you serious? I somehow didn't realize that "100 year old" was a bad name. Silly me.

  17. He can't bowl either...Anathema!

  18. You have a great blog - I check in every now and again, but have never posted. Your subject beckoned me this time. Being an Irish Catholic Cardinals fan from STL who now lives in IL I could care less about who supports what team. What vaguely impresses me is you found so many who ppl in one place that support the other guy!! This is what - 20 votes for that side?

  19. I am so happy to have you back in the blogosphere. You were really missed. Welcome back. DO NOT TAKE ANY MORE BREAKS. I can not handle the withdrawal.
