
Curse You Mother Nature...

It was a sad sad day yesterday. Aaron has baseball practice at the city park every Wednesday night. This park has everything to offer... baseball and softball fields, tennis courts, playgrounds, duck pond, swimming pool, go-cart course, bowling alley, skateboarding ramps, and yes... sand volleyball pits.

Every Wednesday when I drive by to take Aaron to play ball, there has always been a group of men playing on the sand volleyball pit. It is always hot so these guys all have their shirts off. I'm sorry, but I could not help but look... you would too!

I always forget that they will be there until I am pleasantly surprised each Wednesday when I turn the corner onto a little path and there they are, in all their glory, sweating and shirtless, playing volleyball. It is the little things in life that make me happy.

Well, yesterday was a little chilly and when I turned the corner I was not greeted by my usual Top Gun scenario. No, I was greeted by just a bunch of guys in sweatpants and t-shirts playing an ordinary game of sand volleyball. Big stinkin' deal.

I hope we get an Indian Summer this year-one that will bring warm breezes and pleasant sunshine. One that will force the men who are playing sand volleyball to remove their shirts and play the game the way God intended it to be played. That is all I ask.


  1. I sent out a prayer for you last night (and for all military spouses.) My man is on a bear hunt, yes you read correctly, and there is no cell phone coverage in the Canadian wilderness. He travels alot anyway, but this time was so different, must have felt that way for ours kids too, cause they've been out of whack. Anyway it made me think of miliary wives. God bless your family for what you do.
    And please know that you are the first blog I check out each day- you're so funny-how do your kids stand it. :)
    By the way, I'll add an Omaha heat wave to my prayer requests.

  2. Were you attempting to put up a photo on your blog? Maybe one with the hot, sweaty, shirtless guys playing volleyball? If so, please do try again!!

  3. That really is the best scene from Top Gun. Not sure why someone didn't decide to run with that idea and make a movie about men playing beach volleyball...

  4. Too funny!

    Consider sharing six unspectacular quirks about yourself, I was tagged and now you're it!

  5. This is one of those scenes that they put in guy movies to make women love our movies. And though I really don't care what Maverick, Goose, Slider, or Ice Man looks like with their shirts off. It is what keeps my hunny bunny nestled right next to me while I relive my days as "a guy who thinks he's a fighter pilot but never really was one". Oh, how I relish those days. Speaking of relish, I gotta go. Those guys may have six pack stomachs, but I have a keg. Much more work to keep up, when your a fake fighter pilot.

  6. Cris,
    Thanks for setting up Cousin Steve for a great response. He too is LOL funny!
    And thanks for the video...
    Yep, it put a smile on my face!!!
    Have a geat day and happy weekend!
    Aunt Barbara

  7. Raining on the parade.... but remember, Lust is very closely related to adultery... harness the eyes...

  8. Gotta love the volley ball scenes.

    What's up with that adultery post. If that is the case I am so guilty.

    Cris, praying for you here in the land of Hurricane Gustave. Keep the faith girl.

    You definetly crack me up on a regular basis.

  9. Dear Anonymous person who mentioned adultery (Mom?)... lighten up Francis. Was I hanging around the volleyball courts with my daisy duke shorts and tank top trolling for men? No. I was simply driving by-it is not my fault they were half naked.

    I am just complimenting God on His beautiful work...

  10. If lust is related to adultery, then my wife is going to be so pissed at the new TGIFriday's burger I have been lusting over!

    A couple other things my wife should be upset that I lust over...
    Mountain Dew, shiny hot rods, Coors Light, pizza, porterhouse steak, a 5 lb. bass, a sunset on a lake in the upper peninsula, making my kids laughing, the sound the engine makes when I mash the gas pedal when I get on the highway, oreo cookie blizzards, Captain Morgan and Cokes with a slice of lime.... ect. Oh, and my wife!

    I guess you get the picture. Maybe all that stuff isn't lust, but maybe this post isn't about lust either. Confucius say "It's hard to notice you neighbor has dirty windows when you can't see out your own". In other words, lighten up (Francis), it's just a post about the little things that make our days.

  11. So guilty of sin here. I lust all over those hot, sweaty, gorgeous bodies. It is like being on a diet. You can look at the menu and cheesecake, just can't touch it! Thanks for making me smile.

  12. Poor Slider, he coulda been a contenda!
    I guess I can see the point about these kinds of things leading to lust but then again, I watched the girls beach volleyball in the Olympics and let me tell you, I've never cared less who won or loss in my life. Ya know what I'm sayin!!!
    Confessions at 6 just in case anyone's wondering.
