
They Don't Call Me June Cleaver For Nothin'

Yes, summer is upon us and that means doing just about anything outdoors. A friend of mine gave me this little picnic tip and let me tell you... it works like a charm! No more pesky flies landing on your Bucket O' Chicken and vomiting their last meal upon it-which was probably cow poo.

All you need for this handy dandy tip is a lemon and some whole cloves. Slice the lemon into quarters and press the cloves into each lemon slice. You know how you put cloves in oranges at Christmas? This is the same thing only with lemons-and they are sliced.

This will make flies run for the hills. You will actually be able to enjoy an entire meal without shooing those darn pests away and cursing at the top of your lungs.

A word of warning... be sure to tell all of your picnic guests that the lemons are not to be eaten! When we got in the car after the last picnic we went to (the picnic where I picked up this fabulous idea) my husband looked at me and said "Did you try those awful lemon slices?"

I am surrounded by intelligence...


  1. So... do you just sit the lemons out in a bowl? :)

  2. Hey, I've actually heard of one of your tips! I must be a progressive male. I know this is probably not the right place to do this but do you think you could check out my blog and give me your opinion? Seeing as how you were my inspiration, it would mean a lot to me. It's www.stupidfathobbit.org (it's my own website and I'm running WordPress blog software on it. I can't wait to find more of the cool plugins that you have...

  3. Thanks for that 'slice' of knowledge!

  4. About a hundred years ago I had a cousin who was feted with a wedding shower. Someone had the bone headed idea of holding the shower on a farm.

    The flies were so thick that, even if you could shoo them off of your plate, they had landed on your food on its way to your mouth.

    Delightful! Appetizing....

    If only they had known.

  5. thanks for both the tip and the laugh! your poor husband -- at least he was trying to be polite and try everything, right???

  6. Thanks for the tip! We'll be using it! So, you have yourself one of those husbands too? Thought they broke the mold when mine came along.

  7. This is great to know! Plus, because I love to re-cycle stuff - I will probably save the slices of clove-studded lemon, let them dry out, and toss them into my next batch of potpourri.
    Another thing that works at picnics - take a bunch of mint with you and scatter sprigs of it around the picnic table or blanket. Ants HATE mint.
    But hey - if there are no flies because of the lemon/clove slices, and no ants because of the mint sprigs...can we actually even consider it a "real" picnic?!

  8. I can't wait to try this. I hate flies.
