
I Is Edjumacated...

blog readability test

I don't know if it is because I use the word "poo" an awful lot, or because I don't talk about my life as the world’s foremost expert on potential medical applications of molecular nanotechnology... It could just be because the word "pregnancy" is misspelled in my title (blame the alcohol that led to the "pregnacy").

Don't laugh at me... you are the one reading at Junior High School level!


  1. I'm impressed. Mine is elementary level.

  2. June,
    That's what I like about you. You make all of us feel like we are in Junior High again!
    It always makes me laugh when I write what I think is an impressive business letter and do a spell check...oh so humbling!
    That could also be why I get such great responses to my letters!! ;)
    Ya think?
    HAHAHA! Once again, June, you have made my day!

    Aunt Barbara

  3. Alcohol may have led to your 'Pregnacy', but it has also led to many 'Pregnancies', I can attest.

  4. I came over by the way of the person above me. I was bummed that site couldn't calculate my blog! Maybe its like on baby level. IDK.

  5. Oh, that's why I need Christina to read this to me!

  6. Don't feel bad, Cris - I did this a while back and it showed me as junior high level too. And I almost NEVER use the word "poo"... ;-)

    After my initial shock that that was the level I was writing at, I decided that it was actually that I was writing clearly and understandably. Yeah. That's my story, and don't you try to keep me from sticking to it!! ;-)

  7. Well, we all know that there are those who have high levels of education and sound like complete idiots ;)

    I've gone from high school level to college grad, but I don't feel any smarter. Most days I deal with children ages 3-12. I feel like I have sunk down to their level.

  8. Bwahahahahahahahaha!



    Sorry about that, June!

    Pregnacy. Smarts. I haz one.

  9. Okay, so every newspaper in the country except the New York Times writes at a 6th grade level. The NYT writes at a High School Level. I don't think you have anything to worry about dear! If we, your faithful readers, were coming to be edumacated on things we could learn in books, we could be disappointed; however, we are not. We read you to prove to ourselves that we are not as crazy as we think we are. You are our therapy (or at least a large portion of our therapy) and as such we do not judge the educational level of your writing. We judge you on your content, which is written at the 'real life' level; far and above the High School level of the NYT! Can I get a witness!! Keep writing June, we're still reading!


  10. Lucky me, all the postin' I do about what interests my 4 & 6 yr old earned me a college undergrad reading level. YEEHAW!

  11. I won't say what I got...

    But no one reads my blog, so what does that say?

    Of course, you can't rock out to Def Leopard on my blog. I think I need to do something about that.

  12. If you wrote at a higher level then I for sure would not get your video's.

    I still cannot get the chip thing and I am driving my husband nuts!

  13. Most likely it's contractions and short paragraphs. I would hope you wouldn't change a thing. :) The ability to write at a higher level and writing at a higher level are not mutually exclusive. It's about comfort for the writer and the reader. I would hope you wouldn't change a thing about your writing style.

  14. My blog is rated "Elementary School." Don't feel too bad. (sigh)

