
While The Cat Is Away...

My husband left this morning for two days. He will be back Friday afternoon. I always have mixed feelings about his leaving... on one hand I am sad that he is away because I don't have anyone to talk to or to cuddle up with at night when I am cold, and on the other hand I am thrilled to be left alone to do as I see fit for a short time. Praise God Above!

The day started out as usual. All of us sitting around the school table bickering about math and spelling, when I decided that we all needed a day off... play a little hookie. Actually, it was ME that needed a day off-to play hookie from my regularly scheduled life.

I headed back upstairs and actually put make-up on and did my hair. I pulled on my new jeans and one of my favorite "I like it so much that I only wear it on special occasions" sweaters and laced up my new pair of shoes. I took a gander at myself in the mirror and actually smiled at how "put together" I looked.

I loaded the kids up in the van and scooted over to blockbuster where I purchased 3 silly movies for them and one very girlie "no man in their right mind would sit through" type of movies for me. Then we blasted over to McDonald's. Now, I have not had any fast food in over 3 weeks. This is very hard for me because I am and forever will be a fast food junkie. I can't help-I love the crap. I ordered the kids their happy meals and myself a Big Mac Value meal. That's right, I said it. I am fully aware that a Big Mac value meal is 21 points on Weight Starvers and I am only allotted 22 points a day, but I did not give a hoot. I needed that Big Mac I tell you. It was calling my name. Who cares if I can only eat plain lettuce and water for dinner. It is sooo worth it today.

After lunch I put Mary down for her nap, instructed to two older children to watch a movie and drove Emma to preschool. I then drove directly to the magical place where they would buff my feet and polish my toes... and make my uni-brow look like a movie star. You can imagine my pleasure.

January is always such a hard month for me. I am coming off of the December high and looking at 5 more months of school for the kids... with me... never alone... at all. I can quickly creep into the doldrums of life and forget that I have to actually take care of myself. I used to be really good at taking care of myself... there was a time when I was getting a spray tan religiously. Today, well I am lucky if I shave my legs once a week.

Enough was enough and I had to blow the stink off of me and fluff my feathers a bit.

So, if you are feeling the affects of January and are starting to look a little like a Yettie, then I advise you to go and get your toes done. Eat a Big Mac. Watch a girlie movie. Everything that you didn't do today will be there waiting for you tomorrow... I promise.


  1. OK, two things...

    1. Are those really your feet? I thought they must be Hope's. Now you're making me want a pedicure, and I've NEVER wanted a pedicure!

    2. Don't take this the wrong way...I am soooo glad that I am not the only person whose second toe is longer than her big toe! I always feel like such a freak - I refuse to wear sandals!

  2. You DID have your toes done!

  3. Yes, those are my toes Kasia... and, AHEM... my second toe is NOT bigger than my big toe. That would be GROSS! Ewwwww! It must be the angle of the camera. Puleeez!

  4. Now you make we dream of spring, when the wife gets her toes done and parades around in her flip flops and sandals.

    I have found that most people don't have attractive feet. I don't. My wife does, and at the risk of sounding like some internet weirdo, you seem to have cute feet, too.

    But I guess I am a kind of internet weirdo. Good Lord, I linked to a site today where the owner collects pictures of cats that look like Hitler, and I offered another in my little blogdom a link to goat sounds (in my defense she did ask what sounds goats make).

    I need to find some new hobbies.

  5. You really are right...January always seems to really suck...I am generally sick and a little melancholy...I may have to take your advice. OH and I have the same fashion habits you do it seems well cept for today that is...good for you climbing out of it!

  6. Cris, just so you know, you cemented the Canuck's Big Mac craving into a full-fledged Big Mac Attack - he decided he just HAD to have one.

    Fortunately, he has not expressed any interest whatsoever in a pedicure. Big Mac attacks I can live with; men with painted toes, I can't.

  7. And I thought I was doing good by finally putting lotion on my feet last night...

  8. Sounds like a lovely day.

    These last two days have been a sort of field trip for me. My dear husband has decided to have me be the investor of the family so I took a 2 day (all day) class with a bunch of old folks who most likely are scared to death of losing their retirement.

    It was good adult time away from children, but not the same as relaxing on a chair while someone buffed and prettied up my feet.

  9. Sounds like a lovely day.

    These last two days have been a sort of field trip for me. My dear husband has decided to have me be the investor of the family so I took a 2 day (all day) class with a bunch of old folks who most likely are scared to death of losing their retirement.

    It was good adult time away from children, but not the same as relaxing on a chair while someone buffed and prettied up my feet.

  10. I am green with envy. My husband has been out of town since Sunday morning and I would love to be all fresh and buffed for him when he gets back. Hmm? where can hunt down some cheap labor to watch the wee ones?

    Your toes look great by the way. We all need to take more time for ourselves.

  11. Woo hoo! This is what I needed to hear today. Thanks for the great idea.
