
While The Cat Is Away... It Will Definately Snow.

It never fails...

Ask anyone who knows my husband and I and they will tell you...

Every time it snows...

And shoveling needs to be done...

My husband is out of town...

One would have to start thinking that he had an "in" with mother nature...

He's a slick one he is...


  1. Yes, some of us guys do have a special relationship with her.

    Are the kids old enough to shovel?

  2. I say put Hope and Aaron to work. Shoveling snow builds character.

  3. Thank goodness ours doesn't last long enough to have to shovel,we have too many characters here as it is! ;p

  4. Cris,
    You could look at it as a free exercise program...
    We are having trouble with our snow blower. Uncle Don thinks if he can't fix it, he won't worry about it because it might not snow anymore this year. THIS IS JANUARY, WE HAVE A LONG WAY TO GO IN NWI. Might be a ploy to buy a new one. I say, "go get one"
    no more snow this year...I can't believe he said that...
    Aunt Barbara

  5. It's "Murphy's Law," my friend! You know that anything that can go wrong will go wrong when the hubby is TDY. The kids get sick, the toilet clogs up, the math homework is too hard for the kids and me, the vehicle breaks down or it snows and I have to shovel.
