
My Husband Is Like The Postal System...

My husband is coming home from his trip today. I always like this day. Years ago when we were dating, my husband was going to school in Arizona and I was going to school in Indiana. Carl was driving home for Christmas and was stopping by my school to pick me up. I expected him on Saturday, but he showed up on Friday because he had driven straight through to see me.

I remember sitting in my dorm room and hearing my name being called over the speakers in the hall telling me that I had a visitor (we didn't have things like telephones in our rooms, so if you had a visitor or had a phone call, your name was called over the loud speakers for all to hear.) I had not even showered yet. I may have even had the smell of stale beer on my breath from the night before and I was confused as to who may possibly be visiting me at 10 a.m. on a Friday. I walked down the stairs to see Carl standing there.

It would have been a completely and utterly romantic moment if I had fresh breath and clean underwear on... but I was totally impressed by the devotion that he had, and the fact that he was so whooped that he would drive 30 hours straight (with his head sticking out the window to stay awake) just to see little ol' me.

There is no better feeling in this world than that of being wanted. I mean, here I sit with baby spit on my shoulder, crayola paint in my hair, loads of laundry piled up behind me, smudged mascara, stretch marks on my tummy, hair on my legs (ahh, it would be nice to shave them before he gets home... but I don't live in a fantasy world), and a Barbie sticker on my butt and my husband is pressing on, rushing home to see me.

I am the luckiest girl in the world.


  1. Oh, how sweet! Glad you mentioned the hairy legs. I'll have to try to shave before the hubby gets home Sat morn!

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  3. You have a sweet man there! I would imagine (despite the many faults that you speak of yourself) that your husband feels especially lucky to have little ol' you!

  4. Sounds like you two are perfect for each other!

    BTW... LOVE THIS SONG!!!! It's one of my favorites. I will probably be back lots just to listen to it!

  5. No wonder Mother Teresa was so depressed. Her husband never even spoke to her.

  6. Yes Sister, but look what her husband DID do for her! Look what He did for ALL of us! WOW... she can't really complain much.

  7. Yes, especially since she's with Him in Heaven now, even officially according to the Church!!!

    Cris, your husband sounds like one in a million. You are both so lucky, and your kids are so lucky to have parents who love each other so much.

  8. There is nothing like getting to share life with a good man. Hans used to do the same head out the window trick to stay awake when he would come home to visit me in our college years. Who am I kidding, he still does that trick when were driving anywhere far.

  9. Carl is the MAN! Love the blog and the music. Good to know love is alive somewhere besides my house. :)

  10. Yay to hubby coming home! You guys have fun and enjoy each other.

  11. Hey girlfriend...I'm going to remember this post when you tell me you've got another bun in the oven! Go for a it!

    Love ya.
