
I'll Write Your Blog For A Song...

Aaron: "Mom, can I write your blog today for my birthday?"

ME: "First you would have to sign a contract stating that you will not talk bad about me and all monies you receive from writing the blog will go toward me."

Aaron: "You get money to write your blog?"

Me: "millions..."

Aaron: "I won't talk bad about you."

Me: "Then you don't have to sign a contract. What do you want to write about?"

Aaron: "I don't know"

Me: "Congratulations, you are now a blogger. Why don't you talk about Lori-she reads my blog. Tell her you love her."

Aaron: "Why would I tell Lori that I love her?"

Me: "Because Lori loves you."

Aaron: "Gross. Does Cameron and Colin's mom read your blog?"

Me: "I think it is in her contract with our friendship that she has to."

Aaron: "Tell her to tell Cameron and Colin I said hi."

Me: "You could talk about your home run!"

Aaron: "You never got a home run! HaHa I have!"

Me: "I could have gotten a home run if I wanted, I was too busy checking out the boys in the bleachers."

Aaron: "You are weird mom."

Me: "You could talk about how much you love your sisters."

Aaron: "No Thanks..."

Me: "You could talk about your girlfriends."

Aaron: scowling "MOM!"

Me: "Oh, don't act like you don't have girlfriends... I hear the rumors."

Aaron: "What? You are strange."


Aaron: "I could talk about my smashed fingers."

Me: "Yeah, that is what people like to read about-smashed fingers and blood."

Aaron: "I don't want to think about it."

Me: "Why don't you talk about how much you like school."

Aaron: "What? Where do you get your information woman?"

Me: "Oh, I was thinking of someone else, sorry."

Aaron: "I could talk about my computer game American Conquest Divided Nation. It is about the Civil War, the Texas War for Independence and the War of 1812. It has every battle of the civil war... blah blah blah blah blah"

Me: "ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz"

Aaron: "MOM!"

Me: "Sorry, I must have fallen asleep!"

Aaron: "You are mean."

Me: "No I'm not! If I were mean I wouldn't give you your gift!"

Aaron: "What is it?"

Me: "I don't know, I haven't bought it yet."

Aaron: "But today is my birthday!"

Me: "I am waiting for that big sale."

Aaron: "Whatever. You are weird."

Me: "How about you just pick the music for the blog today."

Aaron: "OK. Can it be rap?"

Me: "Good Lord Above NO!"

So here it is folks... Aaron's choice for music today. It is from High School Musical. He wanted American Rejects "Dirty Little Secret" but I don't think he understands what that means, and I would like to keep it that way.


Anonymous said...

And I liked the music! For that I will have to send you and your sisters some more candy from the candy factory! How does that sound?
Aunt Barbara
ps another great blog!

Mrs Marcos said...

Happy birthday Aaron! I was wondering if you could tell me if I should cook the pound of bacon before I throw it on the floor to feed my family? What does your mother do?

inquiring minds wanna know...
Mrs Marcos

june cleaver said...

Mrs. Marcos... that is a silly question. Cooked of course-we aren't animals!

Hilary said...

Happy Birthday Cleaver kidlet. :)

Kathryn said...

Great choice on music Aaron! Have a great birthday!

Anonymous said...

Aaron: Love the glasses! I told Mike you looked very handsome and mature. Not a dork at all. I wanted to hear you write about baseball. Hope you are having fun. Morgan is working on her screwball! I hope you have a fabulous birthday and your mom makes you a wonderful cake and you eat a piece for us! Hey..you should have wrote about that 'big hole' you dug at Oak Island, the one you could climb in and hide...maybe next time?

Love ya and miss ya buddy.
Happy B-Day.

Jennifer said...

Have nothing to talk about, congratulations, you're a blogger!!! I love it! That is so true.

june cleaver said...

Aunt Barb-you made the day of three kids in this house with your candy factory idea! You know the way to a kids heart!

Lori-Aaron does love you, even if he did say "gross"

Anonymous said...

You are sooo funny! And it sounds like Aaron is following in your footsteps. This could be a conversation with my son and daughter mixed. My daughter would be constantly saying I'm weird and that I'm embarrassing her, and my son would be denying the girlfriend thing and telling me that he wants me to blog about HIM!