
Monday Crooner Swooners...

The 80's gave me Rick Astley... and I'm never gonna give him up.

The 90's gave me Harry... hello blue eyes!

And the 2000's have given me Michael Buble... who is so cool he is hot

So hot he is cool...

Such a boy next door...

Who makes me think he may be a little bad as well...

I first stumbled upon Michael Buble when he was in a quirky little movie called "Totally Blonde" You should look for it, cuddle under some blanket on the couch with a fire on and some popcorn and hot chocolate and watch this goofy movie--if only because he sings in it... I remember thinking "Who is HE?" when I heard him make love to the music.

And then go out and buy all of your girlfriends this CD for Christmas...

They'll love you for it! Happy Monday!


  1. Thanks,needed these visuals to help me get through my day..

    Cheers!!! :)

  2. So glad you tweeted about the swoon! Just what I needed this Monday! Thanks!

  3. I heart him. I bought that latest album there from iTunes a couple weeks ago. Sigh. Marry me, Michael. 'Cause he's way more age appropriate than Taylor Lautner.

  4. I first saw Michael perform live in July 2005, and I haven't stopped talking about that experience yet!! : lol: Over the years, I've had the good fortune to see him many times, Michael and his show improve with each new tour! Next weekend I'm gonna see him again since I can get cheap tickets so I can save some dollars to the next concert ...I’m so excited!!

  5. Oooooooh, here I've wondered what all the fuss is about, and here he is in all his glory. I may have to google this boy.

    So tell me, have you seen New Moon yet? Two words: hot. shirtless. werewolves. Okay, that's three, but you get the idea.

  6. Love all three.
    Saw Harry and Michael in concert.
    Michael definitely has a side to him you would like ;)
    Really need to get the new music on my 'puter.

  7. I never knew what Michael Buble looked like- is that sad or what?
    Thank you for enlightening me June. I can't believe it took me a whole week to see this post, what is the world coming to?

  8. You can see a music video from the Crazy Love CD on my favorite internet radio station, Martini in the Morning!

    The do "Buble double plays" during the day. Very fun.

  9. June?

    Can I have white wine with my popcorn instead?

  10. Or maybe that awesome breakfast recipe you posted back in the day?

    The tequila and beer one?

    I'm sorry, I just don't like hot chocolate.

  11. I found you blog surfing! We have a lot in common--You're June Cleaver...I'm not.

    Oh yummy! I love me some Harry....

    and Michael Buble has a hypnotic voice, but he stole my heart in the 80's on 21 Jump street (I think that was him)

  12. June,

    Happy New Year, Darlin'!

    All the very best to you and yours in 2010, may you love, laugh, and prosper.

    And I know you will,

