
Call Me At The Gas Station Payphone...

I have this new phone... and it makes me feel stupid.

What ever happened to payphones?

Just curious.

So I have this phone-it is the new HTC Hero Google hip hip hooray phone.

It is a touch screen so I have to do everything by touching little buttons on the screen-even a little keyboards.

So my texts look like this:

Hey! I thsle lkehes lkml llskerh lsisha ok?

I never knew I had fat fingers. Oh to have the long fingers of a pianist-I bet they would be able to send a text from my phone!

This phone has approximately 4 million different features-none of which I can figure out. I even have a hard time answering it when someone actually does something unheard of like call me to use their voice to communicate.

My 12 year old son figured all of the features out in 20 minutes which is proof that evolution is at play here and children have a special trait now that enables them to be able to understand technology better than their weak link parents.

Soon computers will be obsolete because babies will be born with a hard drive.

I am so screwed.


  1. Get used to it, June. Now that I past 40 I am regressing. I used a percolator to make coffee. My next car will from the 60s or 70s to avoid nasty computers controlling the engines.

    GPS? Huh? I have Rand & McNally, and spreading the atlas across the wheel while driving is no more of a distraction that trying to type in P F Changs into the GPS on the dash.

    My Little One wants a laptop for Christmas. The desk tops are too slow she says. Sorry, Barbie, you have been pixelated are more interesting to her as a rendered image on screen than a piece of modeled plastic with nylon hair and polyester outfits.

    I hear the coffee perking. About time to get up and get a cup.

  2. Oh my gosh, I'm planning to get the HTC hero phone today! I'm a little worried about not having a real keypad to type texts. I've been told I'll "get used to" the weird non-button buttons. Whaddya think, is it something you'll get used to, or is it too modern and newfangled for those of us who grew up turning dials to make calls?

  3. Jess, I have had it for a couple of weeks now and I am SLOWLY getting used to it. I still have to read the book so I can figure some things out though...

    Each day is better as I saunter into the new-technology world!

  4. My hubby has a samsung instinct and it is all touch too. I HATE it. I love the way pictures look on it and stuff, but to use it..yuck. Good luck with the phone!

  5. When pay phones were around, my mom discouraged us from using them. She said nasty people spit goobers on the mouth pieces. So, if we HAD to use one, we had to hold it way far away from our mouths and ears. LOL.

  6. I would have thought your top-secret, part time career at Nassau would have seen you getting a 'new technologies' chip installed.

    You should talk to them about that.

    You know? I have the piano players fingers, they're, like, 72 inches long, and my texts look just like yours...

  7. I saw a payphone near the bathroom at a restaurant just yesterday and thought to myself "how odd, I wonder who uses that?". Must be all the ppl with that fancy Google phone who can't figure out how to make calls.
    I want an iphone. sort of.

  8. I have piano-player's fingers. Doesn't help me a bit in anything, including playing the piano.

    I have a CrackBerry with teensy tiny buttons that have to be pressed just right or you have a sentence just like the one you typed up there^.

    I was jonesing for an iphone when the latest one came out, but one who has one says that you're paying for the name and he'd take the Crack over it any time.

    My 9-year-old granddaughter played with the Crack this summer and had it doing all kinds of things I didn't know it could do. I really don't want to know.

  9. You sound like the techno-phobe Urban Dad. He relies on me because he does not know how to use the answering maching, DVR, DVD player or Leapster. He does not want to know how to text -- my 78yo brain-damaged stepdad texts! He's all proud of himself because he's figured out how to open a Word document if I e-mail him one of his recco letters for a student (*I* have to type them). He owns THE simplest "old man" cell phone possible. The outgoing message says, "you've reached Urban Dad's voicemail. please be aware that he does NOT check this voicemail box, so don't bother trying."

    If anything happens to me, this household will revert to 1976. Here's hoping that the U-Kids would help him get another cell phone someday.

    Stay the course, June. Don't give up! Learn that phone!!


  10. I so know what you mean. I feel like f*cking Wilma Flintstone much of the time... Okay. I don't actual WANT to f*ck Wilma Flintstone, I mean I feel as if I'm f*cking Wilma-- wait that doesn't sound right either. Oh Hell! You know what I mean.

    Technology keeps moving forward and my T-Rex dinosaur arms keep getting shorter.

    I gotta get me one of them whip-smart, techno saavy 12-year-olds to program my phone...and my DVR...and my...

  11. I may be the last holdout. I have one of those Trac things, pay-as-you-go, for emergencies. Forget texting -- I can't even program phone numbers on the damn thing.

  12. June,
    sent you some cyber-love on my blog tonight. Hope it makes you smile.

  13. Hey June, I'm having withdrawals from no posts! Hope everything's ok. I'm equally technology challenged. I'm still trying to figure out all the tricks to working my own blog. ha!

    Thanks for all the entertaiment!

  14. Hey, June! Are you okay? Just "know you" through your blog but I'm guessing it's been a rough summer and you've been strangely silent since Halloween. Not like you to be silent!

    Worried about you!

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