
God Love The Irish On A Monday...

You know, I never know how the Monday Swoon is going to go. Some days I have no idea who to put on here and so it can be a hit or a miss (remember the cowboy swoon? ugh!) but other days I can just be walking down the street and bump into some amazing actor and introduce myself and say "Would you like to be on the Six-Pack?" and this famous actor will usually get all giddy and say "The Six-Pack? Are you SERIOUS? I would give my right ARM to be on the Six-Pack!" and then I feel obligated to put them on here (Matthew McConaughey, you know I am talking to you.) and then there are the days that I am just sitting around enjoying a movie on TBS or ABCFamily that came out years ago-or even when I was in high school (which was not "years ago" but you know what I mean...) and I will see someone and say "He is the ONE!" and presto chango... we have lift off!

That is what happened for me yet again this week. I was watching the movie "The Wedding Date" with Dermott Mulroney and Debra Messing.

Well, if you have to know the truth I was switching channels between "The Wedding Date" and "Chicken Little" on Disney.

I just love that Chicken Little.

So I decided to put Dermott Mulroney on the Swoon... only I thought his name was Dylan McDermott and started my search for him and came up with this....

And realized that although this is a very nice looking Irish boy-it ain't the boy in the movie that I was watching so I had to refine my search and found what I was looking for...

Oh Dylan, don't be so excited that you made the Monday Swoon. I know it will look fabulous on your resume, but you really need to contain your excitement. You cannot rely on my to get you the big jobs. I am sorry.

Anyway, I had to figure out the correct Irish name that went with the dark haired Irish actor in the movie I was watching. I almost called my mother because she knows just about every dark haired Irish actor out there... but her favorite was the light haired Andrew McCarthey-I could never understand that one... I never liked his weird eyes.

Okay, so I finally figured out who was in the stinking movie and who was going to be the Monday Swoon...

Oh. My. Goodness. I love the Irish. Here we have "Angry Irish." This is what 99.9% of my family looks like.

Here we have "boy next door Irish" which is a very good kind of Irish to be... unless your name is Timmy Murphy and you are 13 years old and the year is 1985 and my parents think you are up to no good even though you were an altar boy. I think it was the fact that he had a trampoline in his back yard and a spiked haircut... God Forbid!!!

And here we have "Scar Irish" which is another really good kind of Irish to be. Sure, he prolly got that scar in a silly wimpy kind of mishap... but since it is an Irish scar, I am willing to bet it had something to do with beer and a pub and fists and blood. Uh-huh.

Oh Mother of The Green Isle... here we have "Uterus ache Irish."

No description necessary.


  1. ooh, Dermott Mulroney is one of my favorites... I might have to print out the angry irish picture and put it on my fridge. Not sure if my husband would be for it...well, I'll just have to look on here several times a day. Looking forward for tomorrow!

  2. yumm. You know, I've always been All About the Scotsmen (what can I tell you; the breed unfailingly hit on me) (when I was younger, and not the pathetic useless hag I am now)
    BUT, June's getting m to eyeball the Irish. WHo knows. She's a persuasive lass.

  3. thank you June. What a great way to start the day. Who needs breakfast to get going? All I need is a good looking Irishman.
    what a swoon. mmmmhrmmm

  4. He is handsome isn't he! I have always enjoyed watching any movie he is in.
    Thanks June.

  5. Just found your blog. Love it. Love the Dylan McDermott pics. I think he needs his own swoon day. I'll be back to read more as soon as I get rid of this pesky "work."

  6. LOVED your Monday Swoon!! Glad 2 c u Blogging again.


  7. I love the Monday Swoon! So glad the summer is over so we can have it back! Thanks June!

  8. Yup. He's hot.

    BTW, I loved the cowboy swoon. I always did have a thing for a guy in tight Wranglers.

  9. Get Out! Where were you hiding the 99.9% of your family that looked like That? Hmmmm????

  10. june "one of the 99.9%" cleaverSeptember 15, 2009 at 9:15 PM

    Oh Col... you were just blinded by an Irish accent and unable to see what was around you.


    Not that I blame you-

  11. Thank you so much for the laugh! The Swoon is AWESOME!! I have The List and an infallible memory of beautiful actors (Irish and otherwise)! I'll definately be following you!
