
Hello? Are You There Six-Packers? It's Me June...

Swoon over at Cousin Steve's Place.

And Riiiicky, I know I got some s'plainin' to do. No worries-

I have winners as well, but I lost my random number finder outer thing in the move and hope that it will surface soon--along with my son's bed skirt and my Thriller Album.



  1. OMG~JUNE!!! You're alive!! Thank God - I was beginning to think I'd never swoon on a Monday ever again! Glad to hear you're still with us and rest assured, we're all still waiting right here to stalk you for some more manly eye candy when things settle down for you. SOOOOOOO good to hear from you!
    Southern MN Gal

  2. Yay!! You are back! I was getting so worried about you!!! And you have no clue who I am. Your blog is my favorite and you are hysterically funny and I have missed you!!!!! Do I sound stalkerish enoughh now?? I hope all is well.

  3. YAY!!!!!!!!
    Welcome back Mrs. Cleaver! You were so missed. Obvi.

  4. What a handsome little fella!! Flippin adorable.

    Glad to hear you're alright though! I've missed you dear.

  5. Welcome! Before I found Stgeve's blog I had all sorts of scary thoughts about what was up with you and yours.

    **Light smack on the back of the head**


    Glad you are good to go! muah mama!!

  6. Hey girl! Thought you got rid of prego girlfriend and ran off with Matthew! Or Carl was back and you were busy. Welcome back.

  7. You gotta find that bed-skirt ASAP. It's the only sure way to avoid knowing whats under that kids bed.
    Happy to see you back!

  8. How can I be so sure that this is not an imposter??? Seeing as how the "Real June" is in a super secret underground NASA lair training station....

    NASA's technology is so sweet....

    If this is the "Real June", what is the middle name of my sister's freind's grocier's youngest boy's playmate's mother???



  9. You've got to find that bed-skirt! It's thoe only way to avoid knowing what's under that kids bed.
    That's a black-hole for which there is no finger powerful enough.
    Congrats on your new job at Nasa.
    They're damn lucky to have you.

  10. June's back! June's back! June's back! I'm so happy that I can't think of anything else to say.

    June's back!

  11. Oh, June! I am probably your biggest fan in Seattle and so glad to see a new post! I thought I would never get a chance to tell you that there is a Matthew McConaughey look alike at my gym (I'm down a size now.), or to put in my request that the Coast Guard be featured in the Monday swoon, preferably C-130 pilots, as a tribute to my main man.

  12. Yay!! How was NASA? Any hot guys over there? ;)

  13. Glad to hear from you! And many thanks to Cousin Steve for giving us an update so we didn't worry! His swoon is ADORABLE! What a hoot! Can't wait to hear the details of the move. Did I miss something or was it sudden & unexpected???

  14. Glad your back. Cousin Steve's swoon was a good one. But it has been a loooonnnnggg time since I was 2.

  15. We were just wondering over at Theedonia about you. Glad to know yall are just fine, now get your butt back online :P

  16. Was wondering what the heck happened to you!

  17. YEAAAAAAAHHHHHH! I'm so proud of you and your sweet gig at NASA [Naughty Assignments for Swoonworthy Astronauts]. I bow to you oh wise June. Glad to know you're the woman on the j-o-b. hope all is well and sizzlin' in the 'hood for you.

  18. I'm glad everything is okay ...

    YOU ARE ONE BUSY GIRL. Good luck with that move.

  19. I so enjoy your humor....keep it up

  20. DUDE.

    Where ya been? :)

    Hope you didn't move away from the Big O...that would be devastating.(For me, of course!)

    Email or text me, chica! We still need to have beers!

  21. As my mother would say, so glad to see you're not lying in a ditch somewhere. We missed you!

  22. I was worried too, even though you have no idea who I am! I have been praying that nothing bad happened to you, your children, or your husband...by the way, there are no words to tell him how much I appreciate the sacrifices (you too) that are made so that my freedom is protected

  23. I am neither impressed with your blogging OR texting skillz as of late.....

    Move?? You moved??

    Hi, I don't believe we've met. My name is Soliloquy. It's nice to meet you.

  24. OMG, what a relief! I was afraid that I was going to have start blogging myself just to keep it real. Sooooo glad you are back.

  25. I actually put a little swoon on my blog today. I think that you should check out swimmers ... they are mighty fine ;)

  26. Glad to see you back! So you moved, well that explains the break. I was wondering with the comments disabled and no posts...had this whole movie like scenario in mind - internet stalker and what not. Hope all has been well! Did you guys PCS or get a new house at the same location?

  27. Typical military family. Get up, go out, and suddenly you have a new house and lost about a month's worth of social life. I had about two weeks notice when we moved from the border of Canada to the border of Florida. thank God for mothers and their awesome skills at packing. It took us one whole day just for the kitchen alone.

    I feel for you June. Three moves in three years and the novelty wears off VERY quickly. Get settled, bless your new home, and we all want you back as soon as possible. We miss you.

  28. Great to see you back, June! You've been missed. When does Carl get home? I think of you and your family often and the sacrifices you all make.

  29. +JMJ+

    Hi, June! Count me among your legions of fans who've missed your trademark humour. =) It's nice to see you're back.

  30. Mrs Cleaver, Wally, Eddie, the Beave' and I were going to drink all your beer while you were gone...but now we can't.

  31. Great to see you back June. Had us scared there a minute. But I figure if the hubby is home you two have probably been pretty busy! Please thank him for his service to our country and my gratitude to you and your kids for your sacrifices that allow him to serve.
    Many blessings.

  32. yup, count me as one more semi-anonymous admirer. Glad to see you're back - and hopefully can enjoy the rest of your summer and keep us updated with your humorous exploits and witticisms...along with the swoons.
    oh yeah, cousin Steve rocks for the updates.

  33. So sorry to hear about your Cousin Steve's sister. Glad to hear Carl is home, hope you are enjoying your family time together.

  34. Mr & Mrs Cleaver,
    Sincere condolences on the sudden loss of Katie. Have a few xtremely honorable buddies where she's headed & sure they will look after her & keep her in good company. May God continue to bless you & all your family during this difficult time.

  35. Are you done? Miss you lots. Have heard some shit. That's life. Step up or step off. By your side, no matter what. Just come back. Or not. But let us know! Ya know?

  36. so is the blog finished?
