
Raindrops on Roses and Whiskers on Kittens...Beer in a Bottle and Shots in a Row

Yes, I know it is Friday and yes, I am aware that the masses come to this blog on Friday in order to catch up on all of the important world events (yeah, that is right... suck it YahooNews.). But I am just not feeling it today.

I don't mean to let you down-but sometimes friends do that-they let you down... they throw you under a bus.

I am not throwing you under a bus here... I am just not giving you those boring news clippings.

I am going to give you something much MUCH better.

I am going to let you in on some very funny favorite things of mine.... well, some aren't funny-like Coconut water. That is one of my favorite things-I drink it after yoga and it is so bad that it makes me feel good... but it isn't funny-unless you are talking about how it smells because it does kind of smell funny, but I have found if I just hold my breath and drink it, my body gets all of the benefits and my nose does not cause my throat to have a gag reflex.

But enough about coconut water.

Another nonfunny favorite thing of mine? Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with potato chips on top. Yep. I eat one every day. I can't help myself...

Now, on to my favorite funny things:

These peeps are not on my sidebar YET... but I am getting there. I know I am slow-but slow can be good sometimes, just ask the tortoise.

So, as Fraulein Maria said, "These are a few of my favorite things!" Go visit them-laugh a little and have a fabulous Friday!

Gina-so funny that I may have even spit coconut water all over my laptop when I read her.

Powdergirl-or as I lovingly call her Powder "ain't nothing wrong with good lookin mens" girl. My day is not complete before I head on over to see what trouble she is up to!

PhatMama-who sends me into convulsions from laughing so hard-I mean, this mama is so funny that I want to just pack up my bags and follow her around all day laughing. Not only am I a member of the PhatMama fan club... but I am the President!

Maria-We all know and love Maria don't we? Not only is she witty and sharp as a tack, but she is also GORGEOUS! If only I knew a single Catholic nice boy to set her up with... but sadly, I cannot think of anyone who is good enough for this youngster that I have grown to louvre. Robert Pattinson is single... hmmm.

Oh... and even though you all come here on Friday under the guise of obtaining knowledge of the world around you, I know why you really come.

Have a stupendous Friday ladies!


  1. Aww - you are so sweet! I feel the same. Also - don't come looking to me for a new laptop. I can't help it you can't hold your coconut water.

  2. Ooooh...you mean they may be as funny as you? I'll have to give them a try.

  3. collected them in my new read folder. THANKS! Lunchtime is here...I may have to look for the Lays...you gotta try everything at least once...*grin*...First hot vampires now PB&J fat pills...NOM.

  4. Do you figure that fella had a cricket jump down his pants?

  5. I'm so honored...I louvre you too! Rob will have to wait his turn like the good little boy that he is, but sure I guess I'll let him take me out when he comes to NYC. Why not? If nothing else it will make an interesting post and a fun night for him :)
    Oh, to make it up on your blog along with that baseball player is such a thrill. thx June!

  6. Warren,
    Just adjusting stuff around. Xplains why I'll never make Captain.
    Miss Cleaver,
    Coco water is the best drink there is & works well too rehydrating babies in Congo, they've been using it for yrs in ivs...good stuff. Pass on the chip pb&j. Like mine naked.
    6 packers, remember D-Day tomorrow & kiss a veteran [Powder & Miss C might want to pinch a few butts], let em know you remember their service & appreciate the fact that German is not the National language.

  7. FlyNavy...so he likes the cricket down there...he just has to get him in the right spot?

    I get that...
