
Please... Do Not Point and Stare At Me!

In this kind of mood today... and if you think that means I am happy and fun-loving... you are sorely mistaken.

It means I am crazy.

Yes, crazy.

For reasons that I am not even sure about... but sure that I can't tell you about! Wow... they must be good reasons if I can't tell you-my close and intimate six-packers.


I have no idea who to put on the Monday Swoon-not one single Swoonworthy man in popping into my crazy head and saying "Pick Me! Pick Me Pick Me!"

Nope-that is how crazy my mood is... I am not even having delusional fantasies.

So give me some ideas in the comments Okay-for a good Swoon.

Now if you will excuse me... the traffic is not going to control itself!


  1. Dave Matthews. Gawd, he's hot.

  2. Sweet Hesus, that looks like a wet Code Pinko moonbat lady. They always make me askerred...& not too much scares me these days. As to your next swoon guy, hairy assed muscular men never floated my boat. Have always found Sophia Loren hot in a cougarish sorta way. Sorry you're having a bad day, having a pretty good day here. Home & nobody is shooting @ me today & the beer is cold. Real beer with alcohol in it. Maybe a beer swoon, used to think that was pretty sexy about 6 months ago.
    Buzzy [it's Sunday?]

  3. how about the actor who plays "delko" in csi: miami. mmmmm...

  4. You KNOW I'm dying to ask for more Wentworth....

    But I know better than to push my luck when you're in "this kind of mood".

    Will you feel any better if I tell you that YOU are my hero??

    Or do I have to come up there?

    (Seriously. Are you okay?)

  5. Saif Ali Kahn! He's Indian and he's HOT...at least I think he is.

    Sending hugs your way.

  6. How about Dean McDermott? I think Tori Spelling is extremely lucky to snag him. He is hotness to the max!

  7. If you feel the need to put up some more Matthew McConauHOTTIE, I am completely fine with that.

    If you want to throw in other people, there's always Christian Bale, Gerard Butler, and Daniel Craig. They'll do in a pinch, I guess. :)

  8. Now I know. I'll swoon over Patrick Swayze on my own.

    I think you should post last week's swoon again. I posted one of the Robert photos on Facebook after reading your post, and then deleted thinking of the varied reactions I would get including those who would pray for me.

  9. june "don't pray for me unless you mean it" cleaverJune 7, 2009 at 5:51 PM

    Sue, if I didn't post things because I was fearful that more people would be praying for me... well then this would be a boring blog.

    That being said-someday I will tell you all the address to my "real secret honest" blog.

    I kid... I am kidding.

  10. How about Daniel Craig for the Monday Swoon? I've been swooning over him all weekend during the Casino Royale marathon on tv.

  11. I liked the husband hottie that you did awhile back and am kind of crushin' on my own guy right now. That being said, I think John Cena is a hunk. Not sure if he could carry on a good conversation but I would be happy to stare at him for awhile. Preferably with his shirt off. Eminem is a favorite, also. I like a bad ass.

  12. How about hot guys who need to shave. We could offer to lather them up......

    You could start with the guy who made Bella and go from there.

  13. Musicians. An real ones. Not sweaty wannabes who scream "lyrics" or couldn't read a (musical) score to dave their lives.

    IE: Harry Connick Jr, michael buble, wynton Marsalis, etc., etc., etc.

  14. I think you can't go wrong with the MATTHEWS. How about Matthew Fox (actor) or Mat Kearney (music). I'm pretty sure I haven't seen those two on your blog (too often).

  15. Ed Harris. I likey.

  16. Jesse James. Sandra Bulluck is a lucky girl.

  17. I do not cheer for the Patriots, but I do cheer for Tom Brady... would love to see some pictures of him on your swoon- I do love those football players...

  18. Jason Statham. Stratham? Whatever his name is. Wow.

    Edward Norton is always good.

    Gerard Butler. Nuff said.

    Hope you feel better dear!

  19. Hope your Monday is better than your Sunday :(
    I'm voting for an all baseball player swoon. Let me know if you need some help. Its really no trouble at all... ok I may or may not search for the hot baseball players regardless.

  20. It's ok, June...the "Courage and Devotion" pic on 6/6 is reason enough for me to swoon. :-)

  21. Johnny Depp makes me need some "alone time"!! Also, Keanu Reeves (that is, if he'd just lay there and shut up!). I realize he can't act to save his soul, but God help me...the man is beautiful to look at!
    Southern MN Gal

  22. Peter Cooper's tall, gorgeous, and he has a gorgeous head of black curly hair. And he sings and writes songs and is a music critic and literate and tells really good stories.

    He let me run my fingers through his hair.

    Otherwise, Edward with his shirt off, especially in Italy, is always just fine with me. I think I need to print one or seven of them to carry with me.

    I hope you're feeling better. I wish I could help. I also wish I had a real secret blog so I could curse and show Edward's body.

  23. The picture at the top and the last line in the post?
    Those are the reasons they named an entire month after you.
    LMAO, and I agree with Buzzy(don't I always?) some days an ice cold beer dripping with condensation is really really hot.

  24. Oh please. The real swoon worthy pic is of a sausage-and-jalapeno pizza. Awesome!

  25. I also liked the husband/S.O. swoon. =o)

    Otherwise I would have to say Patrick Dempsey, Jack Johnson, Jude Law, Matthew McFadden, or James Mcavoy.

  26. The beer. Definitely. My baby is due in Oct. and I am looking at a long summer of only being able to swoon over cold beer and maybe have a sip only occasionally. Cheers.

  27. I didn't realize you took my picture during the Community Parade on Saturday in the rain. i'm so embarassed!!!! WTF Jimmy?!?!?! nothing cures rain rot like a few Nutty Irishmen [of the liquid kind].

    I'm in complete agreement with Uptown Girl. Been dreaming of boys in tight pants and nice swings all weekend. Justin Mourneau w/ the Twins is topping my list. also thought of you this weekend while watching previews at the movie - good ol' Girard has TWO movies coming out this summer. I may have to have a chaperone to the movies! I know your time is short so i will do some recon for hot baseball boys and will report back . . .

  28. ok so far #s 8, 26 and 31 -


  29. here's a top 10 for a primer - can't disagree with these - gotta go, i need a cold shower:


  30. A friend told me about your site. So, I come over and who is playing on your player but sweet, adorable and oh so delicious Rob Pattinson. My fave! I have a thing for Brits so I think a fabulous Monday swoon would be the guy who played the 10th 'Doctor Who', David Tennant. BTW, I think you are awesome! I am linking to you my blog.

  31. Miss Cleaver,
    Code Pink needs to go soon or refill my vicodin perscription. 31 comments here & 7 for "courage & devotion"...hummmmm. Kinda interesting, n'est-il pas? Think I'm having your Sunday today.

  32. I just read the new (well, new-ish) Elizabeth George, so I'm all for swooning over the actor who plays her detective on TV: Nathaniel Marsden.
    "Spank me daddy; I've been baaaaaad!"

  33. Yes, I know it's Tuesday. But better late than never, right? Here's a swoon-worthy list for all us nerdy gals:

    Lee Pace (of "Pushing Daisies"... don't his eyes just say "Go ahead and tell me all your girl-thoughts... I will listen and understand. And then bake you a delicious pie."

    Zachary Levi (of "Chuck"... what guy this cute could ever be a nerdling cast-off? And have you seen his kung fu moves?)

    Ioan Gruffudd (Welsh accent... chisled jaw... sigh... check him out in the "Horatio Hornblower" miniseries.)

    Richard Armitage (British... gives Colin Firth a run for his money in the brooding department.)

    Matthew Gray Gubler (of "Criminal Minds." So brainy!)

    John Krasinski (Jim! From the Office! He's every gal's best friend... and more...)

    Christopher Eccleston (Dr. Who before David Tennant. I liked Chris better, but I know that will get me flogged with the cat-o-nine-sonic-screwdrivers by the Tennant fanbase.)

    Those are my nerd-girl swoonies who aren't married to me. The one who is married to me beats them all by a mile, but his picture can't be googled and posted on your blog, so he remains anonymous. But still super-delicious.

  34. 2 things.

    1-Buzzy- agreed. i think you're right, it is a little lopsided. i for one had no words after reading that. i never know what to say after something profound.

    2-I posted some swoonworthy-but-prob-just-to-me material on my blog just now. I'm sorely missing the monday swoon :( Hope you are ok June!

  35. Realizing country music ain't your thing doesn't mean those cowboys aren't. Start with Dierks...
