
We Took A Wrong Turn Down The River...

A few weeks ago I had heard that Buckcherry was going to be at a local pub playing a free concert. Now, I don't know about you, but when I hear the words "free" and "pub" I sign my name on the dotted line and plan on attending. The best part was that a local radio station, 98.5 was sponsoring the concert so not only were tickets free but beer would only be 98 cents from 7-9 PM. Oh-and the pub in question? Muldoons... so yeah-it is an Irish pub. If it were my birthday I would be pinching myself to make sure I was not dreaming.

Now, Buckcherry* is a very scary looking band-I personally do not find them swoon worthy in the least-but they can rock... and therefore I was pretty excited to go see them. I called up my partner in crime Lisa to see if she and her husband wanted to go, and they said yes before I even finished telling them where Buckcherry was playing. That is why I love them so.

The doors opened at 6 PM and Buckcherry would not be on stage until 9, so we figured it we got there around 5ish we should be okay.

Boy... were we wrong.

It seems that when people hear the words "free" and "concert" they come out in droves... and these aren't your typical June Cleaver-Six-Pack type of people... no, these are teeth missing, homeless, frightening looking, deliverance type of people.

Now, I also should have known that if an Irish Pub says they would open the doors at 6 PM, what they really mean is that they are opening the doors sometime after they wake up in the morning and stagger to the front door and unlock it, because the place was packed and we heard people saying that they had been sitting in there since noon. Fricken' Irish people-I was ashamed at how devious my own countrymen were... and a little disappointed in myself that I had not thought of it first.

So we were on the outside with people who looked like they were missing a few vital chromosomes and the people in the "garden" area of the pub were mocking us and drinking their beer and dancing around until I wanted to throw a rock and beam them in the head.

We gave up around 7 PM because the sun was going down and it was starting to get cold and let's face it... we weren't getting in. The "one-out-one-in" theory is a great one as long as people are leaving the pub... but seeing as Buckcherry was not performing for another 2 hours, it got old waiting for people to get drunk and be thrown out by a bouncer in order to us to make it through the doors.

Besides... we are old-older than most of the kids who were there with their mother and father, who were also brother and sister... so we thought it best to cut our losses and make like a baby and head out.

We decided to go get some sushi and feasted on alcohol, sushi and spicy shrimp at a very posh restaurant that made us feel like we were one with our surroundings again.

I was home by 9:30 and fast asleep by 10, so all in all... I'd say the night was a success.
*The above photog of Buckcherry was the nicest one I could find of the band-I didn't want to scare the crap out of my mother by posting this one, or this one.


  1. June--I thought about going too! (Although I think I have all of my chromosomes, I still love anything that is FREE and anything that has to do with beer. 'nuf said.)
    Next time they have a band worth seeing at Muldoon's, give me a shout. I'd love to go!

  2. How is the last pic of him on stage not swoon-worthy??? *sigh* I love a man with nice ink.

  3. Red-I will be sure to drop you a line the next time I hear of something so rock-worthy!

    Seeker-I have to tell you that I adore your blog. It is wonderful-

  4. oh that sucks that you didnt get in!

  5. Buckcherry are a little scary but you're right, they've got some rockin' music! (I do find the lead singer somewhat drool-worthy.)
    Sorry you couldn't get in, they do put on a great show.

  6. June, I have seen buck cherry over the river a few years ago and well I must confess I am not a huge fan. I thought I knew their songs but no dice.
    Muldoons has a nice patio out back and should be opening soon. It does attract a different crowd...
    My hubby said he is not a huge fan of the joint. But everytime our favorite local bands play there...guess what we are there too.
    They do have a good happy hour and Wendy's is just around the corner.

  7. How do they look any different from Nickleback?

  8. ugh... for starters Nickeback has Chad Kroeger who is my personal rock swoon... and Buckcherry has Josh Todd who looks like he needs a tetanus shot.

    I am not even going to explain this to you.


  9. Hey June, I found your blog through a blog then through another. What a hoot you are and since I like funny I will check back often. It's one thing to be funny but another to be able to write funny. The first post I read was your great gift of the Edward Cullen cut-out. I am so jealous. If he were mine I would take him around like Flat Stanley...do you know him? Just a thought...
    Sorry you didn't get into the pub but it really makes a better story that you didn't:)

  10. Love the Buckcherry.

    Not turned on by them either.

    Do you live in the south? I think I drove by that banjo-strumming crowd last night on my way to work.

  11. Goatgirl-welcome... with a name like that I don't know how you have not found the six-pack before now... I bet you'll fit right in. There are no membership fees and there is always chocolate for anyone who is PMSing!

    Phat-nope, not from the south... I was kicked out of the south. I resided in Nebraskie now-

  12. I agree with seeker - that last picture was definitely swoon-worthy. If he needs a tetanus, I'll poke him!

  13. I was confused at first because the picture you posted was just a little bit swoon-worthy, but you're right. The other two shots scared the begeezus out of me!
