
Deep Thoughts With June Cleaver...

In my constant search of the Internet... I came across this video. It intrigued me and I eventually made my way over to the web site.

It got me a' thinkin'

What does one do when they are in search of themselves?

What do you do?

I could see walking across the Nation like Forest Gump did. I mean, could you imagine the alone time? The moments of reflection and inner growth?

The blisters?

And when we are in search for ourselves, do we ever really find what we are looking for?

If you could walk from one point to another-what would be your point A and what would be your point B?

My point A would be this house... and my point B would be Ireland.


Imagine the people I would meet along the way.

Could you as a person really do this... walk from one point to another alone-with only your thoughts to entertain you? Maybe I would take my iPod.

I could.

I enjoy being a hermit at times.

Imagine the leg muscles you would develop.


So.... where would you walk if you could? Where would you go to find yourself? What would be the song you played over and over again on your Nano?

I would play Wave on Wave by Pat Green.... just because I enjoy a good groovin'


  1. I am a huge fan of walking. I to where I'm going whenever possible. When walking isn't possible I ride my bike. When that's not possible it's public transportation. Driving is a last resort. We were built to walk.

    I could easily walk across the country and I would never get bored. Wallking is the best therapy out there!

  2. First I would have to get over my fear of all the rapist that would try to pick me up....then I would start marching south. It is so cold in Minnesota. I would skip the huge cities and hit the country side because I know those are my kind of people. I really do not think I would want to road trip by myself. Would need a partner in crime. Husband or girlfriend would do.

  3. I'd much rather go with a friend than go it alone... I'd def need my ipod. I'd play "Breakin Up" by Rilo Kiley on repeat (love the mantra "ooh it feels good to be free"), and "Break my Stride" fo sho.
    I'd walk from NY to CA and visit my friends accross the country along the way.
    Awesome video!

  4. I am a 100% extrovert so I don't think I would find much of myself alone. I would love to walk along the California/Oregon coast. Music would be some Jack Johnson (FYI, swoon material!), Mana (Mexican rock, also swoon material), Bryan Adams (more swoons), & maybe some Colbie Cailat to mix things up.

  5. Miss Cleaver,
    Not a big fan of walking. But have found afternoon sailing with the kids is the best time of the day, the conversations from 2 yr olds to 7 yr olds is the best. Simple answers to problems of the world & always questions that hopefully I can wisely answer. Have had enuf solitude too on those long trips over the mountains & the pond, the dark blue sky full of stars/planets & frank discussions with God with 3 Doors Down on the mp3 or sometimes the classics or jazz, just depends on the mood.
    As far as walking, done enuf to last a lifetime. BTW, you do realize there is no bridge to Ireland, course with all the billions in stimulus money it is probably buried in there somewhere.
    Glad Steve is making some progress.

  6. Wow! We are on the same page. I've done one other lone treck to Italy - a post-engagement cancellation find me-self trip. I didn't walk. The reflection time was priceless. Didn't hurt the ego that Italian men are sweet on blonde americans and the daily massuesse was hot. a little pat green mixed w/ hodgpodge from my childhood [60's & 70's] and some culture thrown in with Irish drinking songs. Now turning 40, Ireland is next on my list - back to my roots. While i want to go alone, might be nice to have some drinking buddies along incl the hubby even tho he's an irish wannabe. not hard to find more over there :-) I love collecting friends and experiences. I learned in searching for one's self, gotta be prepared if you don't like who you find there and what to do about it. Walking is good - running is reserved if someone is chasing you. Now i need to go slap Jack Handy.

  7. june "these heels are made for walkin" cleaverApril 28, 2009 at 4:41 PM

    Layna-when do you want to leave? Count me in... let's fly to the Emerald Isle and take one of those "walking vacations" where you stop off and drink at local pubs and make lifelong friends.

    I'll book it when you do.

  8. oooooh sounds perfect! don't we have to wait 94 days for you to get a proper send off from Ward? or are we taking the boys? between the two of us, a little adult supervision by the boys might be a good idea unless Lisa is willing to fill in. Sept 17 is six months until st. patty's day although i think spring is better. I don't like to walk in the rain :-)

  9. oh and if i make the reservations, you make the playlist!!!

  10. Hm. I'd do a "Coffee Bars of America" Tour.
    And play "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" on a loop. For some reason = I never get tired of that song.

  11. I would love to walk from Chicago to Denver...jumping from one Comfort Inn to another. I love to walk but need a nice place to stay along the way. A nice 24 mile bike ride suits me too! While I do like being alone, I wouldn't want to take a long trip alone.
    Music, some Jack Johnson, John Mraz and some marching songs for the "can't get it going" days.
    Aunt Barbara

  12. My motto has always been, "Why walk when I can ride my horse there" but, if I were to take off walking it would be to start either at Maine and go south into all the New England states or start at the tip of Washington State and head down the coast. But if I could cross oceans, the possibilities would be endless....Indiana to Ireland, Scotland, Austrailia, Spain, Italy, any one of them would be just fine with me.
