
Just To Give You An Idea...

This weekend I am heading to Chicago for a girl's weekend... well, not really a girl's weekend, as I will be hanging out with Cousin Steve. We will be going to bars, eating White Castle Sliders, farting, making crude jokes, and probably saying things like "Get me another Beer!" to his wife (although I will put a please on the end of my request, and I will thank her and buy her flowers when I leave to show my appreciation for putting up with Steve and I for an entire weekend)...

Oh My... I just realized that I am going to Chicago for a guy's weekend.


I wonder if Steve will be up to getting our toes done on Saturday. Hmmm.


I will be able to see my relatives while there-you know who I am talking about... the little old ladies, Aunt Barb-other wise known as "anonymous" and Aunt Judi (with an "i"), who comment on my blog so religiously that I have to write them thank you notes every week for keeping my numbers up.

Now some of you may wonder why my relatives come to my blog day after day to read it-many of you who have blogs do not even let your husband know about it let alone your mother, but I figure that these people know me. They know my humor and they get it.

Just how much do they get it?

Well... Aunt Barb sent me this video the other day:

Hands down, I have the greatest family in the WORLD!



  1. Holy cow! You have a wicked funny family ;-)

  2. Oh, and we can come up with more hiliarity at the drop of the hat...Cousin Steve has the hat...he is in charge of our up coming "Weekend with June"
    So hang in there six-packers...
    Aunt Barbara

  3. Oh my...the video is too funny!!! Thanks for the laugh!

  4. Oh my! Thank you Aunt Barb. That was hilarious!

  5. A link The Mighty Hunter sent me. You'll enjoy it:


    Enjoy your weekend. Just remember that I am thinking about you and you suck.

  6. I think Aunt Barbara should start a blog. Anybody else agree?

  7. Keri-I think you suck too... and that is a big compliment!

  8. Hahah. Many thanks to Aunt Barb for that one!

  9. I want to be adopted!

    That video was dang funny.

  10. I'm thinking that we will be too busy skinning animals, building a skyscraper and driving heavy earth moving equipment to do the "toes" thing on saturday. I guess we will have to try next visit.

    Don't forget to pack a sharp knife. If you get stopped and questioned at airport security, just point at some random guy and tell them he "made" you hold it for him.

  11. That's good stuff Aunt Barb!

    Have a good trip to Chicago! Have Cousin Steve pull your finger once for me!
