
I Can't Believe I Forgot The Monday Swoon...

I apologize, I truly do. I don't know what came over me. I don't know where my head is at. I need to get back in the game.

I promise to do better next week-honest!

Alicia nicely pointed out to me that it is Monday and the only man she has to look at is her husband and the old guy that works next door so how could I have dropped the ball on the Monday Swoon worthy man?

So, I may be a little late, but here you go ladies-in honor of my weekend in the Chicago area, I chose a good ol' boy from the neighborhood.

Oh yeah-come to mama.

And since we had such a great time this past weekend I thought I would add this one as a "celebrities are just like us" with a Us Magazine spin to it.

I hope this helps kick start your week~I promise to never forget again.

And just to show you how committed I am to the Monday Swoon---feast your eyes on this little yummy dessert.

Thanks for the Matthew McConaughey reminder Texa-Mercy!
Ahhhh... I love being a woman.


  1. Wow! What happened to ole Vince...he was fine back in the day...purely platonic love of course...

  2. oooohhhh, matthew mcconaughey... want to touch the tushy...

    *pets computer screen*

  3. Oh, June!!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I knew you would come through for all your faithful followers. And a HUGE thank you for that last pic of Matthew. YUM!!!! Don't you just love how his swimtrunks "cling" to him.

    Phew!!! Is it hot in here or is it just me?

  4. it looks like it is a solid as a rock doesn't it?

    my my my.

  5. dontcha just wanna bite it? or is that just me? tell me it's not just me....

    nice that you put vince -- a chicago boy -- as you swoon feature after your trip home. very appropro!

  6. Hi, June. Sorry to do this in your comments section, but I couldn't find any other way to contact you.
    I'm Heather and found your blog a few months ago. I don't remember if I've commented before or not. Anyway, I have a BIL in the AF(who's been deployed to the sandbox many times), and I admire you for what you're doing at home while your Hubby is away, especially for being able to keep such a sense of humor. :)
    I'm writing to let you know of a movie that's just now coming out. You may have heard of it, but in case you haven't, it's "Brothers at War". I know you have a large following and can get the word out. You can view a trailer at brothersatwarmovie.com. It looks amazing, and it's rec'd great feedback at the screenings they've done so far, even getting a standing ovation from 900 military members and family at Ft Hood. Anyhow, since it's not being released in a "normal" fashion, check out the dog tag to the left and see how you can bring it to your town. It sounds like a movie everyone needs to see.
    Thanks, again, for what you, your family, and Husband are doing! It is GREATLY APPRECIATED!! :)

  7. yowza... ok i'm new to your blog and will be here every monday. what a way to start the week.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  8. Heather, thanks to your BIL for his service and to your family for their sacrifice. I sincerely appreciate it. You too June and any others here who fit the bill.

    I have not seen the movie yet but have read a lot about it. As another blog stated, we're always complaining how there are no movies for "our side" so get out there and see it!

  9. Wow, nice pic of MM! Want to bite, like an apple! Just kidding of course ;)

  10. That is a very snazzy pic of Vince ;)

  11. Hey, June, I can't tell you how much I love your blog! I'm finally delurking just because I HAD to share this with you. TOO funny. Mr. McConaughey is hot to be sure, but imagine watching him vacuuming your living room? Mega-swoon.

    Thanks for always brightening my day and making me laugh just when I need it. :)

  12. Vacuum? The heck with that. I want him to come and mow my lawn this summer. I'll just kick back with a pina colada (virgin darn it all, preggers again).

    Can you imagine shirtless, sweaty, with just a little grass stuck...

    Did I say that out loud?

  13. I was made and born in Texas. Go Matthew. His perfect "cupcake" butt reminds me of an old neighbor. My sister and I were 10 and 11 when she moved in. Donna and her husband were a cool couple in their 20's. My sister and I use to babysit their young son. She used to teach us the coolest, most important useful info. These valuable tidbits were usually shared after her, her husband and our parents would drink huge bottles of Gallos wine in the front yard. The best one was how to classify butts into three categories. Pancakes, cupcakes and poundcakes. This picture is a perfect cupcake. I remember her designating me as a cupcake and I was never more proud. Now, however, it's definitely moved into poundcake status. I had completely forgotten about those classifications until my eyes rested on this pic! Thanks for jogging that great childhood memory.

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