
Ahhhhh... Mondays.

I had to post this photog today simply because a friend and I went out to a "local establishment" on Saturday night for a little girl time and "refreshments" and there was a guy there who looked spot on to James Bond-otherwise known as Daniel Craig... or the only blonde that I am actually attracted to.

We stopped talking for a moment and gazed at him across the "bar" (I don't know why I just put that in quotes... because we were at a bar-yes, a bar. It is a great bar. One that the 21 year old children have not discovered yet and you can actually go in and have a "drink" without feeling like you are in a episode of "The Dating Game")

Anyway, we gazed at him across the bar and smiled at how good looking he was in his Daniel Craig-esque persona... and then we went back to talking about our children, the economy and whether or not we should wash our bras by hand or in the washing machine.

It is a wild and crazy life I lead here people-especially when you consider that fact that I was home by 10:30 and asleep by 10:32.

Enjoy the photog, and please... enjoy your Monday. You are now one day closer to the weekend.

And yes... since it IS Monday and Monday's suck-I thought I would give you this little reminder of how much we sometimes enjoy things that suck.




  1. *deep sigh*
    Now I can officially start my day.

  2. I so enjoy reading your blog. It makes me smile!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Daniel Craig. June, you're my favorite.

  5. I think I will be leaving this page up all day while I'm teaching to stare at from across the room. Unless the 4th and 5th graders start staring too. Then it might become a distraction.

  6. June,
    check your email...I sent you a good one.
    And thanks for the LOL Monday blog.
    Have a great week.
    Aunt Barbara
    ps you better get rested up for the coming weekend. I hear Cousing Steve won a weekend with June!

  7. Snowed in with three kids (2 little and 1 BIG baby) was getting to be too much. Thanks for the laugh. I might just survive today after all! :)

  8. My heart momentarily stopped there...for a minute, I thought you had a picture of me on the top of your post...glad to see it was only Mr. Craig...he ain't bad either

  9. I think I will be leaving this page up all day while I'm teaching to stare at from across the room. Unless the 4th and 5th graders start staring too.

    What are you doing on the Internet? You're supposed to be teaching.

    June, I thought of you this weekend when I walked by a table full of Edward figurines at Borders. I thought, now WWJD (What Would June Do). And then I thought, I really don't want to know.

  10. Timmy... some days you scare the living hell out of me.


  11. WWJD (What Would June Do) - very funny

  12. How did I know that if I popped by that I would not be disapointed?


    You are the best, June. The Best!

    (BTW, I finished Breaking Dawn, but haven't had a chance to blog it out yet.)

  13. Ahhh, Edward! I hear that the Twilight DVD will become available on March 21, which is a special release date since it is a Saturday and movies always release on Tuesdays. My order has been placed so I can drool in the privacy of my own home, thank you very much.

  14. Olga Kurylenko who played Camille:

    "I was in a bit of a dream, a daze, when I filmed my love scene with Bond. I felt like a giggly girl because he’s such a man. Daniel is the sexiest Bond ever."

  15. Olga Kurylenko who played Camille:

    "I was in a bit of a dream, a daze, when I filmed my love scene with Bond. I felt like a giggly girl because he’s such a man. Daniel is the sexiest Bond ever."

  16. Oh lord, I'm in the middle of breaking dawn. I'm thinking I'll be buying that dvd, in spite of the fact that my husband hasn't worked in four months and no job prospects in sight. We must have our Edward.

  17. To: Traffic Cop Timmy,
    Don't be messing with WWJD!
    Hee hee!
