
The Weekend Is Only 48 Hours... Use It Wisely

This weekend I would love to go see...

Or even...

But I probably won't be so lucky because I have to...

And then I need to finish...

But not before I am done...

But then I will realize...

And I'll end up doing this...

But hopefully I will stay out of trouble and not meet these guys...
(well OF COURSE I won't meet these guys, they are RUSSIAN!)

But I would like to meet these guys...
(just because they really make me laugh)

What are you going to do this weekend?


  1. I'll go to the gym both mornings and drop off the kids for two hours there while I go keep myself fabulous and chat with a few friends there. Then it's minding the U-Kids while U-Dad reviews a gigantic stack of AP application essays. Movies? Thank God for Netflix (off to put Taken on the reserve queue now). Although we did get away long enough to see Slumdog, which was phenomenal!
    So that's my weekend. Glamorous, huh?

  2. I assume you are a Shaun of the Dead fan as well.

  3. Simon Pegg is one of my favorites. Run Fat Boy Run is one of the funniest movies I have ever seen.

    So yes, I am a Shaun fan.

  4. I will be doing laundry *GASP*... The fun never ends.

  5. Okay, I just had to say that. Not really drinkin the weekend away but wouldn't that be nice? Can you imagine? NIce sunny day, on the river, drinking margaritas. My reality is laundry, organizing the kitchen and keeping the kiddos happy. too bad their not old enough to be drinkin' buddies!!!!
    Weekends are always the hardest in a TDY, hang in there! We're thinking about you!

  6. oooh.. DO NOT see "he's just not that into you" -- my friend just saw it and said that it SUCKED!

    I'll be doing volunteer orientation at Walter Reed on Saturday and moving into my new home for the next 11 months while the hubby is deployed! Oh, and probably lots of work-related stuff too!

  7. I love that she is holding that marvelously light vacuum while simultaneously flipping us off :)

  8. Ugh, the cleaning routine that never ends, I wake up to the SAME mess everyday even though I've cleaned it the day/night before. So there's that, a trip to the park so the little people can run some cooped up energy out of them and hopefully something else fun. Though, finishing decorating my daughter's room & finding a home for the ACU that has invaded my dining space would be FUN for me. ;) Have a great weekend!

  9. I sat in utter confusion for the first half hour of Hot Fuzz, before I asked my husband who had recommended the movie to us. When he said his brother had, I could finally laugh.

    Have you seen Man Cold?

  10. I think I'll just ignore the housework and skip right to the drinking part, if thats ok with you.

  11. The Husband and I went to see Gran Torrino last night. It was a *REALLY* good movie ... probably the best I have seen in a long time. Definitely not a funny (although we did laugh a bunch) or silly sort of movie. The messages were deep.

  12. poo me...I have to work all weekend

  13. We saw Taken last weekend. Awesome movie. I recommend going to see it and forgetting the rest! And Grand Torino was great also.

  14. Saw Taken last weekend and can I just say how yummy I think Liam is now!!!! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Saw He's Just Not That Into You last night and loved it!!! The whole movie theatre clapped at parts and gasped at others. :)
    Sunday is house cleaning and laundry. Spurts of fun with long days of drudgery is mah life. :)

  15. Canuck and I went to the vigil Mass tonight 'cause the car's STILL in teh shop, and we could get a ride to the vigil Mass. (Thanks, Jaibee!!) And we shook around town with Jaibee a little.

    Tomorrow we are going to plan our weekly menu, walk to Kroger, cuddle and watch prerecorded TV, and generally try to have a cozy Sunday.

  16. Kasia-check your spam... for some reason I can't commment on your blog. I was unable to tell you how happy I was that you finally found out your true bra size and that I was thrilled about the fact that you are a crazy newlywed!

  17. I read your blog daily but have never taken the time to comment. (I LOVE YOUR BLOG)
    The husband and I went to see the movie "Taken" over the week-end. It was great....you should make time to go see it.
    Just wanted to throw in my 2 cents. :-)

  18. Geocaching with the kids and adding more insulation pretty much consumed our weekend. I hate insulating! I am all scratchy from it...but it beats my otherwise awful heating bill!

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