
Just Because It's Monday...

Just because it it Monday...

Just because there was a football game yesterday and the Bears were not playing...

Just because I have laundry to do...

Just because my children systematically can produce mayhem and chaos in a clean house in 3 seconds flat...

Just because I have been changing some little person's diaper for 14 years now...

Just because once I am no longer changing little people's diapers I may be changing old people's diapers...

Just because I have no groceries and the co-misery is closed on Mondays...

Just because I have stretch marks...

and saggy boobs...

Just because I needed to smile today...

There... doesn't that make you feel better? I know I feel better. Mondays aren't so bad after all.


  1. Doesn't real make me feel better. Gonna throw us guys a bone?

  2. Just what I needed to really perk up my Mad Monday. Thanks June!

    PS. I had the distinct pleasure of seeing the Twilight movie yesterday afternoon. OMG!!

    PSS. I usually love guys with a scruffy face. (It's my thing.) But I find it not so great on my Edward. I'm just sayin'. My little biter looks so much hotter clean chaven.

  3. I needed that today. Big time.
    Thank you!

  4. Jud... I'll see what I can do. I make no promises though.

    Alicia... I'll get you in a couple of days-that I can promise. I have plenty of Edward looking all clean and like he wants to bite you.

    Val-glad I could help. That is why I am here!


  5. So glad to know I'm not the only one who refers to the commissary as the "co-misery." Another friend of mine calls it the "Comma-scary." That works for me too.

  6. I get this list and I have a man crush on more than one of them...but Tom Cruise? Honestly, doesn't his douche-bagginess sort of cancel his pretty face?

  7. Warren... I don't want to get to know him, buy him dinner and give him an award... I just want to look at him.

  8. MUCH needed today. With my hormones the way they are it's so nice to look at something that doesn't make me want to cry. Thanks June!

  9. And you do that, girl. In my opinion, you can have the lot of those boys; I don't fancy any one of them.

    Hope you are feeling better, tho'.

  10. Well, I recently posted on how I have this thing for Patricia Clarkson - you can post pics of women 30-50 that still have. I no longer harbor any illusions about the young women.

    I am drawn to smart, sexy, more mature women. So there are some parameters for ya, if you choose to humor a poor reader.

  11. Thank you SO MUCH for making my day, it hasn't been very good up until now.

  12. Y'know, I never thought of myself as a beefcake kind of girl but this, this post does make me feel better. And I will submit a pic of my cute dh someday, hey? Are you still looking for those?

  13. Oh yeah...all better now... aaaaalllll better now. You do know how to provide an indispensible blog, my friend!


  14. Tom Fricken Cruise? You have got to be kidding me.

  15. Geez I must be getting old! I don't even know who half of these people are!

  16. I have been following your blog for a while now but don't think I've commented. But girl...I just gotta say, YOU BLEW THIS ONE OUTA THE PARK TODAY!!!!!!!
    Thanky for the eye candy and for giving me just a bit of a thrill today....nothing better than a fine-lookin' man that you don't have to live with!! hahahahahaha!

  17. Thank you so much.

    Beth-does it really matter? I have no idea, either, but I can still enjoy. ;)

  18. UMom... Swoon-aholics Annonymous meetings are every Tuesday and Thursday at 8pm


  19. Does that mean that we're supposed to STOP looking at this stuff? Or that we get together to collaborate on what we've found? 'Cause bringing my own B is only going to make is worse....

    Thanks for that last shot, BTW.


  20. June... re Tom Cruise... shameful.

    Men would never objec... awww who the Hell am I kidding?

  21. Floyd, get back home! you left the front page a mess!

    And to the rest of you men: June herself as eye candy, and you're asking for more?
    (shakes head more in sorrow than anger)

    And how did Steph not sniff out a Gerard posting? She's off her game, fer shur.

  22. Umom... the Internet is a large, vast, hole that has so much swoon worthy stuff that little old me alone cannot find everything-so we need swoon-aholics annon so that I have more to post.

    The beer helps us to feel better about the guy with the towel.


    And for the rest of you men who constantly complain and moan about the men I post... YEAH... WHAT WANKETTE SAID!

  23. Wanks... "Not I, said the cat." Completely Rich's fault, though as usual I blame Rufus.

  24. I'm with Floyd! Tom Cruise doesn't deserve to be posted anywhere in a positive light!

  25. Goodness. So much testosterone in one post.

    Just one comment on Tom - he apparently doesn't believe in post-partum depression. Therefore, I don't believe in him.

    The rest of the guys, however, are quite yummy. Thanks, June!

  26. June,
    If you haven't seen Swing Kids, get in the car and go rent it now (or put it on your NetFlix list). You will not regret it. Christian Bale -- years ago -- still very, very HOT. Another reason to swoon. Why did he have to become a tantrum throwing, mother attacking SOB?

  27. I wish I had come here Monday. That's one way to start the weekend off right! Thanks!

  28. Hey June, as one good Catholic girl to another(is there really such a thing???) gotta say I love your blog and think you're hilarious! Keep it up. Love the Rob Pattinson pic ;-) He's one hot sexy guy (the sex hair is coming back after he chopped it off in Dec!) Here's 2 sites you can stalk yourself: robsessedpattinson.com and robertpattinson.org. LOTS of hot pics. Drool.

