
Hell Hath No Fury Like A Blogger Scourned...

I have mentioned before that I like my site meter. It lets me know who is coming here and what they are looking for... and good God you people in the UK, can you give poor Gerard Butler a rest? You keep searching for him and he is here... we know that, I have told you that, but over and over you search for him and somehow all of your clicks lead to me. I hope you are not disappointed that ol' Gerry hangs out with me and the Six-Pack, but if you keep sending my numbers up the way you have been, I may just have to call each and every one of you and thank you for paying my mortgage this month. I appreciate it.

I especially like it when I see a new blog address on my site meter. I always click on it to see who my potential new best friend could be.

Well, imagine my surprise when a little while ago... after three beers mind you (I'm sorry mother, I know I promised that I would not drink alone, but technically I was not alone-the children were here... yes, I know that they were asleep in their beds, but no where do the rules state that the people you are with have to be AWAKE in order to not be drinking alone... and it was only three beers MA! STOP YELLING AT ME! I am an adult for Pete's sake) By the way... I am posting this tipsy so if there are any misspelled words or I say things that I shouldn't-tough crap. My husband deployed. So there.

Ugh, my head hurts... where was I?

Oh yeah, the bugger of a blogger that mentioned me on her blog.

She didn't like me, but whatever. I didn't care. Seriously. I don't have to be liked-although I don't know what is NOT to like... my mom thinks I'm special.

What really tanned my hide is the fact that one of her commenters said that she used to read me and that she stopped because I was a little too... are you ready for this? I was a little too... are you sure you are ready? Because if you are not ready I can wait. Maybe you should go get a beer so that you will be as outraged as I was when I heard what she thought... I'll wait.

Okay, she said that she stopped reading me because I was a little too POLLYANNA for her.


Do you know who Jimmy is? Yeah, I didn't think so...

So I clicked on her blog and let me tell you... it was a snooze fest. I will spare you the link because I don't want you to have to gouge your eyes out after reading such dribble.

But I feel better now... why do I feel better?

Because I am watching Craig Ferguson and he just makes me laugh my tipsy "I miss my husband and someone thinks I am too Pollyanna" ass off.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go make prank phone calls to Cousin Steve.



  1. Well this sailor finds Pollyanna sort of sexy, in a grown up woman sort of way. Anyway, I enjoy your writing stuff, xcept the manpictures btw, but keep up the smartassedry & please don't tell Chris Hansen what boat I'm on, haha.

  2. You have got to be kidding me, Pollyanna?! Umm, no, don't think so! Thanks for sparing all of us the pain and not posting a link to that person's blog and thanks for always making me laugh in a NONPollyanna way! :-)

  3. Hey now... I kinda like Pollyanna.
    (but I'm also a masochist) :)

    Why don't you post a pic of yourself skipping through a field of daisys.. that will get her goat!

    Nice tunes by the way.. I'm reading at work and the music scared the bejeezus outta me because I never knew the pc in the office had sound. Off to change my shorts...

  4. I think you rock. Hmph! Why did they discuss you in the first place????? I can totally open a can of whoop-a## on em if you need me to!

  5. And I thought Blog Land was a nice place...

  6. Pollyanna = Optimist = insult?

    It's a shame that somebody thinks seeing the bright side in all the crap in the world is a BAD thing.

    But, June, you are definitely NOT a Pollyanna. Not that seeing the crap in all the crap in the world is a bad thing, either.

    And Blog Land is definitely NOT a nice place. Maybe it would be if there were more Pollyannas...

  7. Eh, fuck 'em if they can't take a joke.

  8. I didn't know Pollyanna drank and I thought she was a virgin.

  9. June - Ah, leave them to their tastes and what not. Some people, why I'll never know, don't like to drink the exilir of the saints that is the sublime mixture of Guiness and Bass Ale. Fools! I consider them to be not unlike those that do not enjoy your ramblings snippets of life from you.


  10. I'm glad you didn't post a link to her blog, as that would give her undeserved publicity. But I am a little curious about the kind of woman who would say such a thing...

    Yours is the first blog I ever followed, and it inspired me to start my own. That woman, well, she's too Debbie Downer.

  11. I'm voicing with wankette. Charge on, June, 'cos you're rockin'!!

  12. Too Pollyanna? What is she? A whiskey-swilling biker chick? She's smoking it. Do continue on with your amusing self, please. The rest of us love your sarcastic take.

  13. Pollyanna? Are they certain they were reading YOUR blog? Maybe they had more than 3 beers when the did and therefore their vision was impaired and they didn't get the full effect of your Not-Really-Pollyanna blog.

  14. Hello Cousin Steve, good to hear from you again. Drop in more ofter, would ya.

  15. Cousin Steve... your ma is commenting on my blog again.


  16. Maybe she was referring to the OTHER Pollyanna....you know, after her nauseatingly optimistic life became total shite and she turned to a career in porn? I'm just sayin'.

    I like reading your blog, because you are funny and real. If funny and real isn't working for this heffa, she needs to motor on over somewhere else.

    Keep up the drunken blogging....it gives me something to read when I am drunken surfing. It's okay, the baby's napping and it's noon somewhere!

  17. Not the first word I'd use to describe you, based solely on your blogging. Snarky. Funny. Irreverent.

    All qualities I aspire to. Pollyana, not so much.

  18. Are you sure she hadn't accidentally clicked through to MY blog? 'Cause if you're Pollyanna, I think I'm St. Therese...and I know I'm not St. Therese!!!

  19. Pollyanna? Pollyanna! **snort**
    Clearly this person doesn't know what pollyanna means!

  20. Happy B-day to our "Toe Head" with love.

    MA and DA

  21. You would think that the English would have a good grasp of the language, but I guess not.

    Me thinks she is a tad jealous of our lovely June. Plus, they never have gotten over our whole Revolution from them. It's been over 200 years...get over it!

    Sooooo, for our language challenged sister across the pond we will just understand that jealousy is an ugly thing and we hold no grudge...or is that being too Pollyanna?

  22. Annon "Buzzy" up there on some ship... I love your words like "xcept" "manpictures" and "smartassedry" I am getting my pencil and writing that last one down.

    and for the rest of you's... I love ya, I truly do.

    You make a girl just happy to have a bitter sardonic outlook on this thing we call life.

  23. YOU, Pollyanna? NOW WAY!
    I come here to HEAR it like it is. There are many other blogging Pollyanna's, but then I myself couldn't play the "Glad Game" and thus feel good about my own life ;)

  24. OOPS ... I meant NO way. I think some of that beer you're drinkin' has affected this readers spelling.

  25. OOPS ... I meant NO way. I think some of that beer you're drinkin' has affected this readers spelling.

  26. That's curious. I have to admit, I am not sure who pollyanna is, as I've never seen the movie/whatever. However, I'd rather have you Pollyanna-ish with a few beers than one of those chicks on Rock of Love. Just sayin'

  27. Well there ya go. Isn't it nice when people bash you in their own blogs? I mean, it is YOUR BLOG and they are stalking and then they stop and bash.

    And by the way, buzzed blogging is the only way to go. And if you are buzzed, blogging, by yourself...you CANNOT be a polyanna. So excuse me while I barf.

  28. I wouldn't say pollyanna...more like crazy blonde!

  29. The first thing I thought of when you were discussing drinking "alone" was "my husband is deployed" is a great excuse! I mean, it's not perfect for every situation... I mean.. it just doesn't work when you deliberately run off from a ticket or something (but it may help you plead your case!!) :D

  30. Good writing. : )

    Also, thanks for not making me type in a nonsense word before posting a comment.

  31. +JMJ+

    Maybe they mean Pollyanna-all-grown-up-and-after-a-six-pack? ;)

  32. Don't let it get you down. That lady's just jealous. I for one enjoy your blog more than most. Thanks for keeping it real and always showing picture of Matthew McConauHOTTIE with his shirt off. You make my day better every time you do that!

  33. What Wankette said. Yeesh.

    I *wish* you were the chick in that annoying book that my 5yo kept wanting me to read. Now *that* would have been a fun read!


  34. Well Mrs. Cleaver maybe you should remember the first and most important statement ever made to anyone who has ever entered the entertainment industry. Never, under any circumstances, read your own press!

    What you really need to understand is that everyone one has taste. There are 30+ examples of people with 'good taste' written above me here and there is only 1 [reference to] a person with 'bad taste'. Any performer in the world would take those odds any day of the week.

    We love you and that's all that matters.

    P.S. You should keep track of how many people started blogging because they read your blog. I would find that more satisfying than any other comment I could get.

  35. June - you are a gem, your blog is a delight to vist, and the person who concocted that half-assed insult can go pound sand.


  36. June - upon further reflection, it occurred to me that you may missunderstand my meaning so I want to clarify...by crazy blonde, I mean only the best connotations...like wild and crazy and not to be tangled with! Forget naysayers!

    your humble servant..warren

  37. Pollyanna,

    I've been popping over here and there -- and I quite frankly, find you delightful.

    We'd love it if you provided the troll's site, you know, just for some fun. Okay, TOTALLY KIDDING!

    Keep the real stuff coming, kay?

  38. Warren, I think you need to not reflect so much on this crazy blonde (oh, I am just kidding) and I did not take offense. Now, if you were serious about the humble servant thing--I saw you vacuuming over on your blog, if you could please do the same here I would appreciate it. You just can't find good help anymore.

    Kim H... her blog was "DebbieDoes" something or other. I can't remember.

  39. "DebbieDoes" something or other...
    Aunt Barbara

  40. Aunt Barb... thanks for the card in the mail! You always make me feel so loved!

  41. you are just TOO darn funny. i have never commented here, but i love your style-so please don't change!
    and don't visit either of my blogs because i AM a bore too. but that is why the blogosphere NEEDS people like you!
    happy belated b-day.
    God bless.=)

  42. WRONG!

    Either that or Disney totally edited the potty-mouthed horn-dog side of Pollyanna.

    Who is Jimmy?


  43. Who is Jimmy? WHO IS JIMMY? Are you kidding me Solil! You of all people should know who Jimmy is!

    I mean... wtf!

    Actually, Jimmy is no one-it just is something that Cousin Steve and I say because of something someone showed me on youtube that made me laugh my rump off. So I say "wtf Jimmy" to Steve every time I am pissed... and he does the same.

    So that is Jimmy... I will have t-shirts made.

  44. and loved you are...
    Aunt Barbara

  45. Hi (waving from a new blog address visitor!)!
    WEll, this is the first post of yours i've EVER read and you are NOT a Pollyanna~
    though i did enjoy that story, just as much as i've enjoyed yours!

    I'll be back again!
