
Ward... I Think We Need To Sell The Kids.

During the day... when the kids are in school:

Early evening... when the kids get home from school:

And you people wonder why I drink.


  1. My house? Sell the D*&# husband. Before he comes home? Clean. After? Just like yours, but man crap.
    I even got him one of those man valet things, but he mucked that up too.

  2. I think you're right. You. Me. Cash in pocket from selling kids. Two tickets to L.A. -- where I believe New Moon is currently in production.

    First round of drinks is on me.

  3. You're going to have to give Stupid Fat Hobbit your Business Card June! He shoulda hired you to CLEAN his place before his Lovely Bride returned home! Oh well, learn as you go, eh? An RV will be much easier to keep tidy, ya think?

  4. June... I think you drive them down to Nebraska and leave them at an ER. They used to call it "abandonment" but they changed it to "safe haven". It's both safe and almost like heaven right? Selling the kids would get you sent to prison. Just sayin'. Lookin' out for you!

  5. I hate to tell you this, but I have tried to sell the kids, pay-off the kids, kick them out of the house.Hell,I even sold the house and bought a smaller one so they would leave.They just keep coming back. So just drink an extra glass of white zin and relax. It is for life!!!!

  6. The same thing is true at my house...sigh!!

  7. I only wish my house could look so good....but Im home full time with two little ones....maybe someday when they get in school my kitchen can be nice and clean like yours.

  8. +JMJ+

    At least they put everything away before bedtime, right?

    Right? . . .

    Oh, I see. =S

  9. First of all, the 'before' pictures make me sick! No kitchen should ever, ever be that clean unless you are selling the house and the potential clients are about to walk in the door. Ewwww!

    Second, the 'after' pictures are more what my kitchen looked like for the past 6 months (except the two weeks Mrs. Hobbit was home). Our milk carton tended to be on the kitchen table though not the island.

    Third and most importantly, I have never wondered 'why you drink'. You are Irish and Catholic, therefore you drink. If anything, I would have to wonder why you don't drink ALL THE TIME.

    I hope that you are settling down into your meatless routine and that God is treating you well. Give our best to Carl when you speak to him again.

  10. Hobbit...

    I can't help it. I have a sickness-it is called "clutter cooties"

    My mother is amazed by this seeing as when I was a child you couldn't find the floor to my bedroom.

    Although... my closet is another issue all together. Right now I can't see the floor in there so I do have my faults, I just keep them hidden for no one to see.

  11. The market is down right now. You might have to just give them away. That's what I did. Now on Mother's Day, I order Chinese take-out and watch old Debbie Reynolds movies. It's great.

  12. I feel your pain. And I only have two sets of back packs, lunch boxes, homework, snacks, drinks, and miscellaneous crap!

  13. Your kids are amateurs! Mine bring half the house into the kitchen if I take a potty break. Maybe I should start drinking more...


  14. Wow. So clean.

    My hubby, after 22 years of marriage said "I really don't like to help you clean the kitchen, b/c in the next hour, it's going to get messed up".

    DUH! Just go with your self out the Bleeping door and do bleeping yardwork. Oh-- have you seen the toilet???? It'll get messed up in the next 5 mins.!! ugh TIna

  15. DISGUSTING ....

    WAY NEATER and CLEANER than myself.
