
Starting The Year Off Right...

Just in case you were wondering when the next swoon worthy man would appear... I had to really think hard about who I wanted to start 2009 off with. I decided that it could not be anyone that was featured in the 2008 edition of the June Cleaver Likey list... you know, out with the old, in with the new.

I have never been attracted to red heads, or blondes for that matter. I like the dark hair, dark skin, light eyes kind of guy... one that looks pretty much spot on to my husband, but that does not mean I do not appreciate a hot blonde (Matthew McConaughey) or a perfectly swoon worthy red head:

If you have not watched the television show "Life" I highly recommend you going directly over to hulu.com and watching every episode. I dare you not to fall in love with Charlie Cruz... I double dare ya!

Damian Lewis is a Brit, so not only does he look good, he sounds good. Ahhhh, the accents I love are Bri-ish, Irish, Scottish and Chicago style (my husband talks like he works in a steel mill in Chicago and it just drives me mad I tell you... MAD!)

Enjoy~Happy 2009!


  1. You need to add the new red headed doctor/military guy on Grey's. He's a good lookin' guy...but I think he's probably the only red-head I ever looked at.

  2. Yes, he does look good. But have you ever been out on the town in England and looked for cuties? You don't see very many. They are few and far between, aren't they? Wait a minute, I think I played that look for a hottie game with you!

  3. I knew it was you all along Melissa!

    You are right, not many hotties in jolly ol' England-and that is all I am going to say on that subject.


  4. June...

    If you haven't yet seen Band of Brothers -- run, don't walk to wherever you get DVDs and watch them. Not only is he hot (I'll take your word for it) he's a damn fine actor. He is the center of it.

  5. Hmm, how about Southern accents?

  6. Floyd, We own Band Of Brothers... I bought it for my husband-it was a win/win situation.

    TRO, I've never heard a southern accent. There are such things?

  7. You'd like a Texas accent better -- not that I'm biased. Because I'm not, but my wife is.

    BoB... I would figure you had it or had seen it but I didn't want to assume. :-)

  8. Matthew McConaughey has a Texas Drawl. Nice.

  9. Woah -- that's so weird. I have just recently discovered "Life" due to U-Dad liking it. And so now I have to Netflix the first season and catch up. As I've watched, I've realized that while he isn't "hot" in the regular sense, he does grow on you. And he's actually Bri-ish? News to me! As always, I learn so much just by visiting with June Cleaver!

  10. Pfft, Texas accents sound like Walter Brennan.

    Southern accents are smooth with a Jack Daniels kick on the end.

  11. Hooray for ginger totty - perfect way to start off the year! :D

    Here's a little something to add to your collection : 1, 2, 3, 4.

    (Big fan here. :))

    And yep he's British -there's been a wave of them starring in US tv series these past couple years. He's less noticeable than the others because he's played Americans and has gotten the accent down pretty well.

  12. Hey girl... thought you'd appreciate this. Just watched Twilight for the first time yesterday (after much cohersion). I think Robert Pattinson (solely as Edward Cullen) will be my 2009 swoon.

  13. Here's another dark-haired, light-eyed actor I submit for your consideration: Richard Armitage (North & South, Robin Hood, Spooks (season 7)). He is drop dead gorgeous and a fine actor, too!

    what a cutie


    (Never cared for the song but here I like how it captures his 'smoldering' ways. :D)

  14. Mokuren, Thank you... Richard Armitage looks like a tortured soul, and what woman does not want to swoon over a tortured soul. Sigh.

    Very nice.

  15. June,
    I watched Twilight for the first time tonight and I must say.... that fella makes it real hard on regular guys like hubby. I thought that about the time he said he had a strong urge (maybe desire?)to protect her after he had just run off the thugs. Oh my gosh! Not sure those were the words exactly but it made me just want to stand up right there in the theatre and say, "my gosh man, why can't you be some kind of freak vampire that wants nothing more than to make me feel like bearing your children would be a walk in the park? But no, you're the man that farts in bed and asks for more beer while you scratch yourself. Life is so unfair!" Of course that would be followed by a footstomp no 4 year old could touch. Ya know, added effect.
    Granted, I like being able to say that I've never been arrested so bit my tongue but trust me, the thought crossed my mind.
    And as for the Grey's new guy, duh, hello! ;)

  16. All I have to say is YUMMMM!!!!!!

  17. I saw a movie Damian Lewis did where he actually spoke in his English accent. Yum!

  18. Okay, I took the dare and...I win. No love, not even after watching "I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry" last night. Oh well...

    BTW, has anyone else seen 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button' yet? Excellent movie, 2.75 hours long but well worth it. Kind of like a cross between Titanic and Forrest Gump. Loved, loved, loved it!

  19. Yes, my husband and I enjoyed Benjamin Button...very good story.
    Aunt Barbara
    ps Also enjoyed Marley and Me, it has some good life lessons/wisdom in it.
