
Guns N Roses Tried To Tell Me...

I have no patience. None whatsoever. I can't help it-I blame my father. I don't know why I blame him but I figure I blame my mother for everything else, he may as well join the party.

Carl is coming home today. When? I do not know. What am I doing? Nothing... just sitting by the phone WAITING.

At first he thought he would be in around 2 pm which would offer him the opportunity to surprise the kids at school because guess what? I have not told the kids that their dad is coming home. Nope. I want them to be surprised and I want him to have the gift of their surprise... and I want to make sure I have my camera poised and ready to capture the surprise.

Well, the last I heard from him, he was in some obscure country (not so obscure really, but doesn't it sound more exciting when I say he is in some obscure country?) and he thought he would be arriving around 7:30 p.m. but I was to have my cell phone charged and attached to my body at all times so in case things change he would call me.

He acted as if I never have my cell phone on... sheesh, so what if I forget to charge it and will leave the house with it and never realize that I do not have it on. Those are mistakes that anyone could make. Speaking of cell phones... where is mine. Hmmmm--let me go look.

Well, I found it, and he has called twice. Darnit! It looks like he will be in at 5:35 tonight. He told me not to be late. Who does he think I am? Someone that would be late to pick their husband up from the airport because they have left all of the chores to be done until just now, when I only have 3 hours until I have to leave to go get him?

Uhm, yeah. I should probably get moving so I am not late.

Oh~by the way... I have asked my Cousin Steve to write my blog on Wednesday and he is having a hard time putting his thoughts into words that you all will understand. He says the pressure it too much for his weak psyche to handle. Whatever! So I am going to give him a pass for this week, but in the very near future, I will be having a "Hump Day with Cousin Steve" post written by him... who is the male version of me, so it should be interesting ladies.

That still leaves me with a space empty for this Wednesday when I will be too busy doing... other things, to write this blog. So I am opening it up to you all. If you think you have something you want to say on the Six-Pack, just email it to me. I will post the best one, and be aware that I have literary agents perusing this blog on a daily basis who email me and beg me to sign with them and are throwing money at me all the stinking time. Seriously... on my honor.

So this could be your chance to be an Internet quasi-celebrity... even if it is only in your own mind.

Email is on the side bar. I look forward to reading what you have always wanted to say but could never post it on your own blog because your husband/neighbor/mother/Doctor/mother-in-law/boss reads your "well-behaved" blog. You don't have to behave here (my mother already knows all of my vices) you just have to be entertaining. No pressure--let it rip!


  1. Enjoy your time off from blogging and doing "other" things with your hubby. I hope you post some pics of the kids being surprised to see Daddy. Have fun.....lots and lots of dirty, sweaty fun.

  2. My story about losing my underpants in my local grocery store should be in your inbox as we speak! I would love to be featured on June Cleaver!

    Sending hugs to Carl, too. (Not the sexual kind of hug, the thanks for keeping us safe from all those scary foreign countries kind of hug!)

  3. Yeah for you! Happy reunion!

  4. Rich from Threedonia sends a hug to Carl too. The completely sexual kind. I know.

  5. +JMJ+

    I'll miss reading your posts, June, but you--and your husband--deserve this 'blogging break.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. June, I will miss you...but no one could fault you for wanting to have every possible moment with Carl while he's home.

    Well, I guess in my more petulant moments, I might be able to muster up the pettiness to fault you. But I'd feel really bad about it. Is that close enough? ;-)

    Hugs to you and Carl, and ENJOY THE TIME!!!!! Trust me, he has been in a country where women are being sexy and daring by showing their faces and hands. He will have no problems whatsoever with mature boobies. :-p

  8. I can't believe you have the capacity to keep such a juicy secret! Wow! Enjoy your time with hubby. We better not see you posting for the next 2 weeks!

  9. Welcome Home Carl,
    Enjoy your time off and your family.
    Thanks for all you do for all of us.
    Aunt Barbara

  10. June,
    I am so happy for you and Carl, as you may or may not know, Debbie returns from Pakistan permanently on Thursday. We could not be more excited!

    Enjoy your two weeks RnR and thank you for all that you are doing overseas. Give June a hug from each of the Landry's for us; not just my immediately family mind you, all 657,982 in North America!

  11. Hobbit,

    I am so happy for you and your wife!!! :-)

  12. Holy writers block Batman! Was that this week??

    I would have written something so charming and funny and brilliant....that........ummmmm.....

    Next week people.

  13. Anyone hear a pounding noise? I think it is coming from over here . . .

  14. Enjoy your R&R!!!! I'm so glad you get to enjoy this time with your soldier!!!

    Hugs & Hooah!!
