
*Big Sigh*

Today is a sad day in the Six-Pack.

Carl leaves tomorrow, so today is a very melancholy day-trying to fit in the last of the hugs and kisses and breathing in his smell so that I remember every last detail... again.

What? Did you think I would be sad for some other reason today?

It is a sad thing when someone you love and respect leaves... it is a sad thing to feel less safe and secure... it is a sad day when someone great has to move on.

What? Who do you think I am talking about?

Yep... today is a tough day in the Six-Pack.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am sorry for your sadness. It really does hurt, I know. Prayers for you and your family's consolation during your missing each other.


  3. Hugs! I wont pretend to know how it feels, but I will offer prayers. How long before he will be back home again?

  4. (((HUGS)))) I know your heart is heavy. I can't imagine your personal sadness, but I do know what it feels to see change happening and not really know what it will mean for me (for us).

    I will pray ...

  5. I hope your final day with your Dear Hubby is one jam packed with lots of hugs, kisses, and an all around good day!

  6. don't know ya, but, blessings as you say good-bye to your busband. will pray for his safety and your peace.

    peace and comfort to your kids. may you find solace in each other until he's back home again.

  7. Keep giving him all the love he can soak up...we'll be praying that it holds you both steady until he's home again.

  8. Taken from my regular prayer sessions: "We pray that the good men & women of the armed forces complete their assignments/missions/tours-of-duty without being seriously harmed, injured, &/or traumatized by their experiences. We hope that there will be less of a need for them to be at the various frontlines & war zones throughout the world. May more of them get to enjoy quality time with family, friends & loved ones. Father, please also help our wounded warriors in all that they require Your assistance with..."

  9. From myself and rest of the lovable idiots at 3D: our prayers are with you and your sweetie June. Saying "thanks" to both of you hardly seems sufficient.

  10. Love to you & Carl. You know you have so many people keeping both of you in their prayers!
