
Reason Number 154...

Do you have your Christmas decorations up yet? Back when I was young and did not pay much attention to what the checkbook was telling me, I loved to get Christmas started in our house. The day after Thanksgiving used to be decorating day and I would not stop until it looked like Santa literally crapped out happiness in our house.

Today, I like to put off Christmas decorations as long as possible. Some years my children will lock me in the closet until I agree to put up the stinking tree... and also to stop forcing them to eat fish once a week. Little tyrants.

Don't get me wrong, I like the way my house looks all cozy and warm with twinkling lights and memories from Christmas past, I just don't like dragging it all out and setting it up. I have too much other stuff to do, like write this blog and try to find a money tree to plant in my backyard to get me through the spending season.

This year is even more difficult because I do not have a husband around to drag all of the heavy totes from the basement storage room, up 17 stairs and into the living room for me to empty and then say "OK, you can take the bins back downstairs again, and do it fast! Do you hear me talking to you? Hop to it! And when you are done I would like to have my feet rubbed and dinner made. Oh, and go get me a beer!" (I don't know if you all remember that Carl cannot get my blog where he is, so I can finally write the truth. It is so freeing let me tell you.)

This morning I even walked downstairs and looked at all of the bins. I made a move as if I were going to start pulling them out, but then thought better of it because I just did not have the energy. It is only December 2 after all... I have plenty of time.

So, reason number 154 why deployments suck, is that I don't have anyone to pull out the decorations so that I can complain about having to put them all up around the house. Maybe I can convince the kids to just pretend the decorations are up, or maybe I can win the lottery and hire someone to come decorate my house for me--and clean the toilets while they are at it.

Look for my post in January when I complain about having to take down all of the Christmas decorations that I will be so sick of looking at that I will want to just set fire to.

If you came here today looking for Christmas cheer, you are going to have to look elsewhere. Try Toys R Us... they are full of happy crap.


  1. So that is the step I have been missing all these years... have my husband lug the heavy bins (up or down the stairs)! This year I just went and opened the bins in the storage room and just took out what I needed/wanted.

    Good luck getting motivated to decorate! BTW, don't you have a teenage son that can lug bins upstairs for you? ;-) I am sure his dad gave him that "you're the man of the house now son" speach before he left. Put him to work. :-)

  2. Last year I went to thrift stores and picked up lots of cute, cheap decorations. We put up a tree with lights, and bought only glass ball ornaments. I bought a real wreath, then when Christmas was over I tossed it all (much of which had gotten wrecked by the children. I didn't even care. It was awesome). Easiest Christmas ever. I am doing it again.

  3. Talk about getting out of there just in time!!!! Just kidding. If you needed help lugging tubs around, you should of just said something...... I would of had Mike do it. Ha ha!

  4. You must have forgotten the rule of deployment that says you are allowed to keep all Christmas decor up until Carl arrives home.

    Of course, that requires putting it up!

  5. Aww, poor June! At least you don't have my crummy little Charlie Brown Christmas tree...though it was surprisingly easy to lug up the stairs. Hmm...

    I feel one tiny, teeny, itty bitty bit of your pain: that my tote lugger is also in another country and could not come help with the manual labor. And I had to set up the blinkin' fake tree myself, which I have told him I'm NEVER doing again - it's all him! But at least he'll be here right after Christmas (ooo, to help me take things down at Epiphany!).

    Go have a beer and think about Christmas decorations tomorrow. :-)

  6. Been there, done that myself... and yeah, it does stink not having the man around to do the heavy lugging and stringing of the lights.

    Motivation is what you need, but unfortunately, it's what I need too, and I can't find it anywhere. If I do, I'll send some your way.

  7. I am there with you on the hubby not being home. This is the first christmas my hubby hasn't been home for in 7 yrs. I am not looking forward to having to get the christmas stuff out of storage and driving it home and lugging it in to the house but oh well. It will make my kids happy so it is worth it.

  8. You get me...you REALLY get me!
