
Pass It On...

Last week I posted a picture of My Favorite Child... and the next day, an awesome reader sent me the picture from my blog all photoshopped and looking amazing! I was so thrilled that I printed it off, slapped it in a couple of frames, wrapped them and quickly checked my parents and the mailman off of my Christmas shopping to-do list. Only 135 presents to go and I will be done! Score!

Now, me being the type of person who knows a good thing when I see one, contacted this wonderful reader and asked her if I could send her the pictures that I was going to take of my tyrants in front of the Christmas tree before they manage to knock it over and break all of the ornaments, so that she could photoshop them to look angelic and well-behaved. She agreed and I was giddy with excitement... mainly because I no longer had to take my maniacs to The Picture People at the mall where someone (probably me) would end up crying and throwing a tantrum.

I received them back today and they are capital G, reat! I asked this selfless reader what I could possibly do to repay her for making my life so much easier and also preventing mall security from handcuffing me and keeping me in the mall holding cell while I yell things at them like, "You aren't REAL police officers!" and "I bet you still live with your mother!"

She simply said "Yes I'm sure, and no you can't do anything for me. Just do this, promise me when you find that your special talents can be used to help or improve someones situation that you do it for them. That's all I ask, that's all I expect. Its the best feeling in the world"

Wow... it really is Christmas isn't it Timmy?

Well, I think I have found a talent to give to someone, and that person happens to be the same person that photoshopped the pictures for me...you see, when she sent me the photos of my kids, she also slipped in a picture of a man she thought would and SHOULD definitely make the "June Cleaver Swoons" list.

Oh, relax, I will think of another talent that I can pass on to someone as well... that being said, my sister-in-law has yet to send me her Christmas letter for me to re-write. I have done this for about 5 years now and her husband (my husband's twin) is none the wiser. She gets all the glory and I just smile and keep my itty bitty mouth shut. (Okay, that is a lie, but I will keep my mouth shut this year so that I can pass it on... I promise!)

So here you go Katy-your wish is my command: June Cleaver likey Eddie Cibrian.

And because I promised a world tour of completely swoon-worthy men this week, today I thought we would re-visit Wales (and don't say "Hey! We did England yesterday!" Because England and Wales are two different countries... if you don't believe me, just ask your 14 year old daughter.)

I just love a barefoot man. My husband has great feet-sigh.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Eddie is GORGEOUS! HOLY MOLEY! Mommy come look at the hot guy! Dang!
    My mouth is hanging open. Dang dang dang. WOW! Sighhhhh

    And we have our Welsh hottie.......me likey da bare feet to.

    Thanks June. The smile I have is growing huge right now.

  3. He's beautiful. I added someone to my blog that should be on your Me Likey list.

  4. COuldn't leave a comment on your blog for some reason Shannon. I know an Army Officer who met Hartnett at the Premier of Blackhawk Down...interesting story. My taste runs a little more rugged but Josh is a cutey pie....

  5. That's my momma. haha
    i read your blog every day adn think it is oh so cool that you wrote about her!
    you are hilarious adn amazing.
    thanks for making me laugh everyday and bringing even more joy to my joyous life:)
    Katy's Daughter,

  6. Ah, Swoon! I miss Third Watch SOOOOOO much!! The only thing that can make Eddie hotter is Eddie as a fireman! Ok, I need to go hose down now!
