
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Wednesday...

I would like everyone to look over at my sidebar. Do you see where it says Threedonia-the magnificent 5 ? I love them... I really do. They give me hope for mankind with their wit, charm, humor and pervasive outlook on life. I have specifically held a certain soft spot for Rufus T. Firefly-one of the magnificent from Threedonia... but it seems he and I are having a bit of a squabble, a splitting of hairs mind you. It all started when I began posting about men, not just ordinary men, but men who made women swoon. It seems ol' Rufus does not agree with me on my choices for swoon-worthy males and he has decided to take this to the mattresses.

Sure... fine. No problem. Before I go on, it needs be said that I am my father's daughter and my father is one mean son of a bitch. Excuse me while I spit out my tobacco.

Imagine my surprise when I sat down at my computer today to read my emails and decided to check out a few of my favorite blogs, I do not usually check out a lot of blogs... actually the ones on my sidebar are all I have time for-every other day, anyway... in my gleeful reading, I came face to face with this: Ward, I’m Worried About the Cleaver…

Go ahead and read it, I'll wait...

So apparently Rufus does not think Matthew McConaughey is attractive, he even goes so far as to compare him to (gag) Madonna! I know-can you imagine? Matthew, if you are reading this, you have my permission to beat Rufus up-he made me cry, really he did.

Then he laughs aloud at my previous swoon over Christian Slater. Sheesh... he even made fun of his height. I would call that discrimination. What would Matt Roloff have to say about that Mr. Firefly?

But the worst thing he could do was question my admiration for Edward Cullen, otherwise known as the vampire whom I would gladly stick my neck out for. Oh yea... that's right. Come to mama.

His argument is that he believes women should look for men of substance to swoon over. Hmmm, is that why I find women splayed all over cars and air planes on men's blogs? What about the Hubba Hubba of the day Rufus? Men have been flashing pictures of women all over their blogs for centuries (that is right, blogs have been around for centuries-don't believe me? Look it up.) I just thought it was about time for some fair play around here. You know, the equal wage type of mentality.

I was going to post a picture of myself in a bikini on the hood of my husband's white Camaro from back in the day (I don't really have a picture like that mom, but having to explain that to you right now on my blog is kind of making me lose the affect I was looking for)... but if you are looking for picture of substance to swoon over, well then here you go Rufus:

By the way, I told my husband what you said about me and he wants me to tell you that he is going to break your knee caps with one hand... while holding a miter saw with the other. I do have to give you points for complimenting him, he almost forgot that I was mad at you when he heard of all the nice things you said about him, but then I had to get his attention again-and never you mind how I did it-and he is really mad... again... because I told him to be... so you better watch your back buster brown. He's going to make you an offer you can't refuse.

In the meantime, I will be posting a man of "substance"everyday to wear you down. First up: Gerard Butler... with an accent like that, who cares if he's stupid or not. Just have him read the phone book to me while I swoon.


  1. Ahhhhh, yes. Gerard Butler. He's the one....

  2. Keep fighting you two...this is getting good!!

  3. How about Brad Paisley for the next man of substance?? :)

  4. Josh Hartnett... He's my fantasy man. :)

  5. Ewww, Shannon, ewww!!! :-p

    Unless you yourself are under 25, and then I give you a pass. Otherwise, ewww!!! ;-)

    June, I thought the hottest men you posted were the "regular guys" in flight suits. They got 90% of my non-Canuck-reserved swoons for the day. (John McCain and Carl got the rest.)

    But that said, you're right: we look at good-looking men and just appreciate them. I don't want to know what they look like nekkid! Wookies, yetis, whatever - don't wanna know!

    And as for Matthew McConaughey...he'd look better in a flight suit. ;-)

  6. June,

    Take a good look at the photo of Christian Slater... Notice his left hand? He's obviously using the fingers of his left hand to push his miniscule bicep out to make it appear like he has a muscle. This is commonly known as the "High School Yearbook Swim Team Photo Trick." I can't believe you fell for it.

  7. Does that vampire kid even have his driver's license yet? Is he potty trained?

  8. complain all you want Rufus... I still don't see a photo of you on my blog.


  9. I am forty something year old Mom with 3 kids and I am in love with a vampire/actor. I google him 47 times a day. I want an Edward tshirt. I need help. I guess the first step to my Edward addiction is admitting it, right? Or is it just okay to have this crazy crush on him? I am glad I am not the only one. Guess I am in good company!

  10. Okay, you female types had me going for a little while but just like the old 'size doesn't matter' BS, this 'we're just appreciating what God made' (please ensure you say this with a sing-song voice) crapola needs to go. Between every two 'we're just looking' posts there is a 'come to mama, big boy' post as well. So why don't you all just come clean and we call all move on together. We fantasize about women and you fantasize about men. No go get some more batteries and shut up!

  11. By the way, I voted for Gerard Butler on the last 'Buff Guy' post so you know I'm happy now...but I'm still straight.

  12. How about Daniel Craig and those steely blue eyes... ….vesper martini….

    ‘Just a moment. Three measures of Gordon’s, one of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it very well until it’s ice-cold, then add a large slice of lemon-peel. Got it?’

  13. Awe there is my Gerbear. GROWR...man he was nummy in that piccie. NUMMY! He smells really good to. Don't ask how I know I just do..sighhhhhh...those were the salad days!

    Anyway Rufus quite whining. And as for having crushes on Vampire actors what about fictional CIA agents? Mitch Rapp call me....


  14. Hobbit... shhhhhh, when we let you on to our team, it did not mean you could give away our secrets. That is the last time we let a hetero on our side. Traitor!

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