
the Master of Disaster, the Count of Monte Fisto, the one, the only Rufus!

There comes a point in an argument when the man goes too far and the woman gets hurt. Women are much more fragile then men and when they take things to the next level, men do not care who they hurt, and eventually they just look like a big bully.

A mean man reminds me of a prepubescent child who will get angry and yell something like "Yeah, well you suck man boogers!" and then stomp away.

I have been hurt by someone who I thought was a friend-this person even supported me back in my early days when I was still trying to find my voice, he linked to me on one of his blogs and although I did not get many hits off of him, primarily because he is not that big of a deal, I did get a few... but the happy feeling I got from him actually caring outweighed the small following that came my way from him.

Occasionally he will still link to me when I write something that he likes... and actually, I have noticed he links to me when I mention my husband, so maybe he is playing for the home team, I am not quite sure.

I was happily going along on this blog of mine that I suspect may have even become bigger than his... he claims he has sent all of his readers over to me today, but my site reader only shows about 20 more people than usual and my guess is that those hits were from him checking back throughout the day wondering what I had to say to his latest attack against me, a poor innocent woman, whom he has chosen to single out and harass.

Maybe he was having a bad day and wanted to make someone else miserable, I don't know, but I have no idea why he has decided to drag my good name through the mud. I have done nothing to egg him on, unless you call posting photos of men on my blog egging him on... I don't know if he is insecure or just a cranky old man who likes to pick on women-or at least this woman.

I am very tired now, and I think I will go take a nap. I don't know when you will see me back... I am just too depressed to post anything.

Please pray for me.

Oh, I almost forgot...
#1 Beef Cake

#2 Beef Cake... Just replaced Matthew McConaughey on the list


  1. Yeah... I'm not buying the hurt thing. You are a steel magnolia June. That is an awesome pic of Rufus... how did you track him down?

  2. AAAAAaaaaaaahhhhh! Uncle! I give! You win! I'm 92% sure you're joking, but if you're not then I'm the louse who picked on the military mom raising 4 kids while her husband keeps the world safe for democracy.

    I mean you've got to be joking. You did post more pictures of men at the end. This has to be a joke. But what if it's not? My brain hurts!

    Oh, and there is no truth to the rumor that Carly Simon wrote this song about me. And another thing... I have had some laser hair removal since that photo was taken.

  3. Oh please, she is joking. Military spouses don't fade so easily.

    In fact, most of them are evil and could easily track you down, slip up behind you without a sound, slit your throat without thinking twice and then slip away to a spa to get a manicure and pedicure using your bright red blood as nail polish.

    Just look at her eyes. The eyes of a killer I tell ya.

  4. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! You are right TRO WE DON'T FADE AT ALL! And you also have our MO down..damn you TRO! You are on me list!
    Good piccie of the Gerry and ahh Christian Bale...growr.......


  5. You just keep on posting pic's of Gerard. I'm swooning in MN...and it's too cold to swoon!

  6. And this is why women really run things....

  7. Is #2 Beefcake the lead singer of Maroon 5? HUBA HUBA....I've never seen him look so good!! Me likey:)

    I'm choosing to ignore the whole "fight" thing because I'm happily distracted by the hot-ness of all the men folk pics. Bring on more Brian Urlacher...bald has never been so HOT. *Sigh* --what's a single girl to do? :):):)

  8. Ohhh.. love me some #2 Beefcake on Friday morning. Sitting in a puddle of respectable drool right now. Deelish!

  9. Whoah, I was at threedonia and read something there about topless men and ran my ass over here -

    Gerry Butler & Christian Bale - hellz yeah!

    (You've gained a new reader! :))

  10. I believe that this particular weapon has been banned by the Geneva Convention. (But then my wife doesn't seem to pay attention to the rules of civilized warfare either - sigh...)

  11. Why won't people just be nice? Especially to sweet people like you! Funny picture though - ha.

  12. WannabeRedhead... check out the latest post on threedonia, Lunch is Served, Ladies!(link on sidebar) for a single man for you. I thought of you as soon as I saw it...

  13. Number one and number two please with a side order of Jon Hamm and I'd be a HAPPY girl. Hey I even bought that friggen GQ with JH's piccie on it.

    June I have a lot of Gerry Butler photos if you need em.


  14. June, you might just be my new best friend! ...My own family doesn't think of me when they see hot men!
    ....but you...you are so selfless!! When SGT. HOTNESS and I fall in love and get married, I will take one for the team and send you pictures of him to post on your blog.

    Because that's just who I am....a giver.

  15. Heaven forfend! A wedding between our two blogs?! It sounds like a bad episode of "Love Boat." I got dibbs on playing Isaac!

  16. If they do get married, I get them on Christmas... you guys can have Thanksgiving.

  17. Man you fight dirty.

    BTW, do you not like Daniel Craig? It seems like he would be right up your alley.

  18. Thanksgiving in Threedonia, Hanukkah in Santa Monica.

  19. Absolutely- you're missing Daniel Craig. And Jeffrey Dean Morgan. I wouldn't mind being in the middle of a Daniel Craig/Gerard Butler/Jeffrey Dean Morgan sandwich. Getting all sorts of beard burn.
