
TIMES UP!!!!! WINNER CHOSEN!!!!!Lingerie Give-Away...I SAID... FREE LINGERIE!!

The other day my sister-in-law called me to talk about bras. I love to talk about bras, it is probably my favorite subject... next to talking about motor oil that is.

She was telling me that she was in dire need of some new boulder holders and I asked when the last time was that she bought some new pretty bras that held her up and made her look like a supermodel. Her answer? "I can't remember... I think it was that time that you went with me and then made fun of me for trying on underpants at Victoria's Secret."

Holy Underpants Batman!

That was a while ago... and I did make fun of her because who in their right mind tries on panties at the store? Let this be a lesson to you all, your mother was right when she told you to always wash your unmentionables before you wear them, I don't care if they are vacuum sealed or not.

My sister-in-law's need for new bras got me thinking, and guess what I came up with?


In my little hands I am holding a $50 gift certificate to Victoria's Secret and it could be yours! You just have to follow a few simple rules and who knows, you may be wearing a new bra and panties before the year is out! How fabulous is that?!

And don't think I have forgotten my male readers with this give away... I could have gone with the conversation that I was having with my brother in law about his ingrown toenail and I would be giving away a gift certificate to a podiatrist. Doesn't free bras sound so much better? I think you would agree that it is a win-win.

Here's all you have to do:

Step One: Leave a comment telling me, June Cleaver, who you think is the most swoon-worthy man out there. I don't care if it is Gerard Butler or your husband... I just want to know.

Step Two: If you have a certain picture that you like of said husband or hot movie star, email it to me. My email address is on the sidebar. Just put "hot man" in the subject line.

Step Three: Tell you friends, your mother, your crazy Aunt Helga and even your mentally unstable Uncle Rufus to come on and leave a comment for a chance to get this gift card. I am not sure what Uncle Rufus will do with a new bra, but I am sure he'll think of something.

That's it! On Sunday December 21st the contest will be closed and a winner will be chosen by some Internet random generator thingy that is just so cool that I wish I had thought of it.

On December 22 I will post every last photo that you send me. I promise... which brings me to the rules:

I have consulted with my two rule setters-the two people in my life who are constantly telling me when I am being inappropriate and therefore I thought they would be GREAT for this job. My daughter and her best friend Morgan (I wish these girls would act like teenagers sometimes! Sheesh). Anyway they said that I could not have anyone send me NUDE or NEKID photos of celebrities (or at least I won't post the naked pics... you can still send them to me... )

What is that you say Hope? No, I did not just tell people that they could send me naked pictures! What kind of mother do you think I am?

Anyway, I guess I have to reiterate that I do not want to see naked pictures of Gerard Butler or Christian Bale (I already have naked pics of Matthew McConaughey but I ashamed of myself, really I am.)

So there you have it... if no one comments then I will just go buy myself something at Victoria's Secret. They have all kinds of stuff I'm sure my husband would appreciate on the floor. (Good Lord that man needs to come home!)

Good Luck!

Oh, I almost forgot--I don't care how many times you comment, just remember to give me a hot man in my inbox and everyone is happy... the more men, the better the blog on Dec. 22. If any of you know Stephanie, she will be commenting at least 75,000 times and that means her chances are pretty great to getting a new bra-so do as the Democrats do... vote often. (Oh relax my Democratic friends... I am just playing.)

You have 5 days people! Have fun!


  1. I'm first! Yay me!!!

    Harry Connick Jr.


  2. Oooh, look! I'm second too!


    The Mighty Hunter (my sexy husband).


  3. See, there are benefits to insomina.

    Dennis Quaid (back in the day, anyway.)

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Hi! This is my first time visiting your blog! Anyways, I am shocked that Brad Pitt wasn't the first name on this list! What's up with that? Expect a hot pic of him in your mailbox shortly... :)

  6. Eric Szmana is swoon worthy in my book. LOL Picture in your email shortly. :)

  7. Keri, Harry Connick Jr. is in the movie New In Town that comes out in Jan. Have you checked out the trailer? I agree with Dennis Quaid...he makes me swoon:)

  8. June, I NEED this bra!! I only have stretched out nursing bras and white cotton panties, have pity on my poor husband.

    my every patient husband

    David Duchovney, although he is a tree hugger as long as he keeps his mouth shut, I'm good.

    Harry Connick Jr. Actually I'm more about his voice. mmmmmmmmm, lovely southern deep tones.

    Dennis Quaid is lovely and so funny. I love a man who makes me laugh.

  9. Look for some pictures in your email inbox, my new Omaha Friend:) and get ready to SWOON. I might even have to take the day off of work *cough, cough*.....I think I'm getting sick:)

  10. If I weren't a Luddite, I would be able to send a picture to you. Pierce Brosnan. Sean Connery. Seems to be a James Bond-ish streak. Jen in OK

  11. OOOHHH!!!! This is going to be fun!


    Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson!

    Seriously, just LOOK at that picture I'm sending you.

  12. I know everyone will think I am crazy but I have a serious crush on Jason Hawes (from the show Ghosthunters).

  13. Hmm...I will have a few submissions, I think. Be sure to tell your random Internet generator thingy that I have a honeymoon to buy for... :-p

  14. Gerard Butler. Why? I met him. When he discovered I had come to New York from Hawaii for the Phantom Premier he made a comment about should he get naked now? I was so shy I stood there with my mouth agape like a dork. Only man to ever reduce me to utter silence. And yeah I have the piccies to prove I was there.

  15. Just wanted to throw another comment in...just because.

    I sent in my pics...and surprisingly, they had all of their clothes on!

    Oh, I just thought of another guy. More to come!

  16. Oh my I new new bras badly and hubby will second that!

    I love Kenny Chesney...so, so hot! I will email you pictures I took of him in concert this summer!

    Shhhhh don't tell hubby...cause I tell him he's the hottest!

  17. Hmmm... I htin kI will just bow out of this altogether. But I am quite sure my wife would enjoy th e$50.

  18. I love me some Clive Owen...mmmmm

  19. Count me in:

    Eduardo Verástegui

    HOT HOT HOT~~~

    (actor in Bella FYI)

  20. I need new underwear.

    My hot dud pick is Johnny Depp (swoon).

  21. I nominate Daniel Craig, but only because he looks like my hot husband. I'll send photos of both and you tell me if they are not absolute dopplegangers!

    I so need the lingerie! I'm wearing three year old nursing bras because my kid won't wean! Help me June!

  22. Oh my dear Husband! Dad to 3 wonderfully cute kids that look like him!

  23. Next I have to nominate Daniel Craig. DH took me on our first date since the baby to see him in his new movie.

  24. Hands down, Patrick Dempsey!!!!!!!! The pic is on it's way. HOT HOT HOT!

  25. I also sent all my 100's of Facebook friends to visit your blog. WOOT!
    And I have to nominate my Hottie Husband as well. Here's to you, Phil. You still make me swoon!
    Pic on it's way.

  26. Sawyer from the show "Lost" is my favorite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. As Kasia's betrothed I second her comment that the random internet generator thingy should be well aware that she has a honeymoon to buy for ... ;)

  28. I am more than happy to wave my geek flag:

    David Boreanaz

    (second runner-up: Alexis Denisof)

  29. Ohhh girlfriend, you had better believe I'm all over this like white on rice baby! White.on.rice.

    First up is my pirate lover: Captain Jack Sparrow. No, not Johnny Depp, but his pirate character. He can sail my ship anytime! ooh, too much? yeah sorry...

    pic on it's way!

  30. Next up on the old swoon list is a newer one for me: my little vampire friend Edward Cullen. Again, can't say I would go with the real life guy (Robert Pattinson), but instead his blood-sucking alter-ego. Maybe it's the fact that his sickly pale skin would make mine actually look like it has somewhat of a healthy glow for once. That, or just the fact that I wouldn't mind having all his little vampire babies. Yeah....so...

  31. Ok, now saving the best for last: of course my hubby! No, he doesn't have any odd characters, just him, the real dude that has impregnated me twice now. Bless him.

    Pics for all three of these handsome dudes coming your way!!

  32. Abbie, I have to agree, but I would take Edward Cullen OR Robert Pattinson. Yummmm...I actually have a few pictures of him in my photo bucket. I do think I will send them. He is gorgeous!

  33. This is a FANTASTIC idea. So FANTASTIC that I decided to run a similar contest at my little blog. Anyone can enter so don't hesitate doing so ladies.

  34. Oh yes, you need the address:


  35. Did I mention Gerard Butler smells good to? Yes, he does. Jo Malone and Italian Leather.....thud.....

    talk about losing a thought...heh.

  36. Did I mention Gerard Butler smells good to? Yes, he does. Jo Malone and Italian Leather.....thud.....

    talk about losing a thought...heh.

  37. As ever, you rock, June.

    Now, the only problem is that Yahoo! is not letting me attach things lately. Or maybe it's my computer and not Yahoo!. But I digress...

    I nominate a Bri-ish guy -- Rupert Penry-Jones from BBC's MI-5 series. In fact, I openly refer to him as my "tv boyfriend" and have blogged about him

    Maybe I'll open a hotmail account and see if THAT works!

  38. Ooo, and let's not forget Michael Phelps in his slung waaaay low swim britches....

  39. Oh! I think Pierce Brosnan is verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry swoon worthy.
    Thanks so much!

  40. Definitely the hubby is the most sexiest, although Im positive no one else thinsk that. Thats okay hes all mine, extra pounds and all!

  41. Cary Grant!!

    I so need a new bra!!

    Tina in MS

  42. How about Simon Baker from The Mentalist. Keep in mind, he's actually an Aussie...the accent alone puts me over the edge...

  43. Okay, I am going to start sending in my long list of hotties but I have to be honest. You will not get an email picture of them because the computer is just not my friend. Yes, I have a college degree and am pretty with it but I am computer challenged. That said, here comes the cute boys! They are in no particular hunk order.

    Val Kilmer from Top Gun. Come to Momma!

  44. Aidan from Sex and the City. What was Carrie thinking?
    Well, maybe Big should be on the list also!

  45. I have a crazy crush on Edward Cullen/Robert Pattinson.
    My children think I am a geek! I spent about two hours looking at Twilight T-shirts. Wanted to get just the right one to let Edward know I love him!
    Maybe my kids are right!!!!

  46. My husband in his FLIGHT SUIT!!!!!!

  47. Colin Firth! Have you seen him as Mark Darcy in Love Actually!

  48. Ooooh. My cutie pie husband definitely! I'd send you a picture but he's very shy. Trust me though. He's yummy. ;)

  49. Okay, I'm back. Kids have had baths, are in bed and I have a glass of wine. Now I can concentrate. I mentioned Colin Firth as Mark Darcy but I had the movie wrong. He was a top barrister in Bridgette Jones' Diary and boy was he cute!

  50. I think Marshall Mathers is a hottie!!!!
    Will the Real Slim Shady Please Stand Up!!
    I like a bad ass!

  51. Gerard Butler would be fun to snuggle up with!

  52. Tim McGraw makes me blush!

  53. Someone mentioned the Rock. I must agree! I also think that wrestle/actor, what's his name? Cena? I don't really need to know his name. He is just good to look at.

  54. Daniel Craig is lovely. Think he might be too short but he is pretty nice to look at!

  55. 3 of 4 -
    Rick Rossovich (after Top Gun)

  56. 4 of 4 - Double Feature
    Harrison Ford and Sean Connery

    I would love for my wife to have the Victoria's Secret gift card. She returns from Pakistan on January 8th and you wouldn't believe what passes for sexy there!

    Pix will follow June.

    You wemmen folk are so easy!

  57. I say Walton goggins is HOT!!

    picture to follow in your email.


  58. George Stephanopolous!! I know- CRAZY!! Smart, Handsome and actually kinda looks like my Hubby:)

  59. RIck Rossovich before and after Top GUn! I just saw him on a home and garden show. He was buying a flat for his son in Sweden. He has aged well!

  60. Mark Wahlberg is a hunk!

  61. Hmm.. Pierce Brosnan, definately swoon worthy. Even though VS doesn't seem to have my bra size, the heathens, I would give the gc to my daughter. You know, college girls can never have enough bras. ;-)

  62. Stopping by to comment again...

    Can I say Brian Urlacher if there have already been posts on him?? YUM YUM...I wouldn't mind hibernating with that Bear!

  63. There is some serious competition going on & I am upping the ante.

    Colin Firth in Pride & Predjudice (Old version), Bridget Jones' Diary, AND Love Actually. WHAT A HOTTIE!

  64. And, of course, the other Mr. Darcy, Matthew Macfadyen. Definitely swoon worthy.

    Here come the pics!

    BTW, June, how are you ever going to handle all this swooning???!!! You'd better start attending Swooners Anonymous or something before you melt into a puddle in front of your computer screen. Heck, we all had better start attending local chapters of SwA to prepare for your post with all the pics!!

  65. I can't send you pics. My email will not work, and it's breaking my heart.

    Clive Owen, yes...
    Justin Timberlake
    Albert Pujols(STL cardinals)

    I will be back after I think of a few more.

  66. Gerard Butler in this picture wins hands down.....


    Or this one


  67. Leonardo DiCaprio.

    I have a long list of others, however, my love for him goes back to the days of me in bangs and a curling iron. That's love.

  68. Anotonio Banderas!
    Boy, that Melanie Griffith is one lucky girl!

  69. Vince Vaughn.
    I like tall boys!

  70. Just looked at People's past Sexiest Man Alive covers. Did you know Nick Nolte was voted sexiest in 1992? Nick Nolte??? Really?

    Robert Redford will always be beautiful. He makes my knees go weak in The Way We Were. I love that movie!

  71. Okay, I've been reading for a while, but this is the first time I've felt the impulse to comment.

    First, I'd have to say the hubby. I have a thing for the brooding, exotic type.

    Second, and I'm a little shocked he has yet to receive a mention, Josh Holloway. He plays Sawyer on the show LOST. Being stranded on an island without proper access to soap and a razor REALLY agrees with this man. SA--WOON!!!!!

  72. Jamie Bamber
    And not when he is doing an American accent. I'd take him with that nice British accent. Hubba hubba!

    You will get a picture soon. All I will say is: Towel Scene.

  73. While I'm still thinking about beautiful men running around on the beach, how about another Lostie...I present Naveen Andrews who plays Sayid Jarrah.

    Let's get past the obvious ethnic connotations and appreciate him for what he is ladies....brooding and exotic

  74. Oh, I hope I can figure out how to send pictures to you!! I have a few nominations, only one of which I have seen in the comments.

    Eduardo Verastegui (sp?). Anyway, an incredibly hot man. (Just in case in matters how many comments I leave, I shall do one at a time)

  75. Next one. As I really like men who can do something besides just look hot, I shall nominate Marat Safin. Is he the first Russian nominated? Anyone who likes hot tempers, philosophical discourse and really great looks combined should like this man.

  76. Last one for now, just to prove that I really, really like ethnic looks. Oded Fehr--ummmm. Not just another nationality, but a different religion (well, sort of, I don't think he practices his religion). Anyway, check out "The Mummy" and "The Mummy Returns". Seriously hot stuff. (Maybe I just have a thing for dark, brooding, ethnic types?)

  77. Oh Sean Connery for me............

  78. Josh Duhamel, Edward Cullen (not Robert Pattinson- but that character makes me swoon! And smolder!). And my hubby, Peter! (I'll send a pic).

  79. lead singer of Creed..love a man that can sing

  80. my hubby loved seeing him in his army uniform...

  81. I cant get the pictures sent lets blame it on the brain/spinal surgery or the computer probably both...joey off of friends

  82. oooh, don't laugh...

    Mario Lopez. Love those dimples!

  83. After 25 years, my hubby has still got it.

    Always thought Antonio Banderas was pretty hot too.

  84. I would like to nominate the hot guys from the security department where my husband works (him included). Check this hot pic I'm sending you!! Men in uniform.... mmmmmm.......

  85. Ok, I just sent you the motherlode. This is guaranteed to make you swoon like you never thought possible!

    Jib Jab Chippendales are on their way to your inbox!!!

  86. OMG that Jib Jab is hilarious. OMG! HAHAHAHAHA!
    Gerard Butler...number one hottie
    Christian Bale number two...
    here is a trivia question what movie were Gerard Butler, Christian Bale and Matt McConaughey in?

  87. Stephanie,

    I don't know, but I'm wondering if it has June Cleaver and some chicka-bow-wow music?...

  88. OK. My submissions, in no particular order...which will then find their way to your inbox...

    1) John Stamos

  89. 2) Single hottest man I know: my beloved fiance, The Canuck. More will follow on him...

  90. 5) I second the David Boreanaz nomination...

  91. 6) Hugh Laurie (ohh, those eyes, those dimples, and the ability to do an American accent on top of that adorable British one!)

  92. 7) Ciaran Hinds (unconventional looking, but very handsome)

  93. Did I mention the Canuck and I will be honeymooning in a month?

  94. I found this guy....

    Saw him in an episode of CSI and looked him up...holy crappeth! The word HOTTIE does not do this dude justice. Look at the eyes...


    Jason Shane Scott....Oh I could suck him up in a straw......and I never say that.......what a FINE man...

  95. Anyway. All those guys I mentioned are very, very easy on the eyes. And that's great. BUT...how many guys are good enough friends to put on a KILT for their best friend's wedding?

  96. Ok people - since I'm the sister in law who was talking about the need for new and improved bras with June - then SURELY I get more shots at winning this Victorias Secret gift card than anyone else, right? SO... my pics of my swoon worthy husband are on their way...

  97. Brad Pitt even though he is a cheating scum ball. I still get all hot and bothered every time he does that little smile of his. LOL.

  98. OK - I just sent June 6 pics of a hottie... in fact - June just told me that one of the pics looked like Carl. ;-) Doesn't that give me any extra shots at winning that gift card?

  99. James Tupper!! MAN oh Man!!
