
Just Because Men Do It All The Stinking Time...

I started out Saturday night by searching the Internet for Oklahoma Sooner gear. My husband is a Sooner and therefore we are all Boomer Sooners in this house... we bleed Crimson we are so Sooner around here, but as I was searching the web for fan gear I found a few pics that I thought my female readers would enjoy. It is not everyday that you can go onto a blog and see it littered with men who will make you swoon... so here it is ladies, the first annual edition of the June Cleaver likey roll call!

First up is my biggest fan. I have it on good authority that Matthew actually reads my blog-my cousin Steve told me so, and he knows all kinds of useless crap. Take a moment and soak him in ladies. Take a look at the winter beard he is sporting... not many men can look like a lumber jack and Adonis all at the same time and pull it off so perfectly. He gets 9 out of 10 swoons and an appreciative sigh.

Next up are these beef cakes... if you remember, I actually know someone in this picture. Millsy-he is the one with the-oh never mind. Anyway, I thought they would have to come next considering the high standard that Mr. McConaughey up there set. Millsy and his friends get 7 swoons and a wink.

Next up we have Brian Urlacher, who has a category all his own in my book. Oh Brian, you are the reason why I know how many downs in a quarter... or whatever. Look at that angry look-mm mm mm, I just love a man who gets to actually BE a man. He gets 9 swoons as well, I just can't help myself.

I can't even speak of this photo... but it needs to be said that it keeps me up at night. Is it hot in here or do I just need to set my oven to roast?

Have you seen the uniforms that Nike made for the Go Army Beat Navy/Go Navy Beat Army men? Jesus, Mary, and Joseph... I have to go to confession! 6 Swoons combined only because watching college football makes me think of all of the players mothers in the stands bursting with tears of pride over their boy out there on the field. I am so old... If I weren't so attracted to middle-aged men I would give these guys 10 Swoons easily. Mercy.

How did he get in here? I think my computer has a virus...

What do you think of this? 9.5 Swoons easily. Any man who drives one of these is Swoon-worthy, I don't care how much of a beer belly they have hanging over the gas tank.

Let's talk flight suits shall we ladies? This cupcake gets 8 Swoons and a lot of oohs and aahs as he flies over head.

Remember these guys? All real men and all extremely Swoon worthy... if I added up all of the Swoons we would be here all day. You know what I love the most about a man in a flight suit? The combat boots... I can't get over those boots. You know what they say about big boots. A-hem.

Big time Swoon here... the fact that he is a hero gives him so many Swoons that I would have to borrow some from my neighbor! Doesn't he just look freakin' cool? He had an overwhelming amount of votes to make this list. Hoorah!

Now would you just look at this honey? I don't know who his wife is but I bet she is HOT! She would have to be to keep up with him. 10 Swoons and a little giggle for this guy. He looks a little sad though doesn't he? This picture must have been taken right after saying good-bye to his family heading off to go on the hunt. Don't let the sly smile and the incredible cheek bones fool you-he can be cocky and arrogant--just the way I like em'

If you have any more nominees for the June Cleaver Likey Roll Call please let me know... this list may go from being an annual thing to a bi-annual, or tri-annual, or maybe even a weekly thing. Men like to be appreciated don't they?


  1. Thanks for the Eye~Candy;) YUM! YUM! I finally saw Twilight on Friday night...more Eye~Candy.

  2. I'm so glad that someone else has a Brian Urlacher thing. I picture him as very gentle and careful around children and women because he is aware of his enormous strength and power *swoon* and because he makes fun of himself in comercials I know he has a sense of humor and is not a prisoner to ego. Plus you just imagine wrapping your legs around that enormous hunk of manly gorgeousness and hanging on for dear life... excuse me, it's getting very warm.
    Love your blog. And, whatever your politics, John McCain was certainly a very handsome and swoon-worthy pilot. I've got a pilot thing too...
    so thanks very much for the me likey photos. Two thumbs up.

  3. So if I buy a bike I get a swoon from you? Sweet.

  4. BTW, you and I like much of the same music . . .Nickelback rocks.

    Another swoon moment-LOL

  5. "How did he get in here? I think my computer has a virus..."

    I loooooooove your sense of humour!

  6. Hey Stupid Fat Hobbit..how come no comments this time around????

  7. I would have to add the Patriots Quarterbacks (both Tom Brady & Matt Cassel) because they are oh so swoon worthy.

  8. If that's Brett Favre as a Packer that Urlacher's pushin' to the ground there, that's an automatic 11-swooner from me!! GO BEARS!

  9. Matthew McConaughey is so hot, I can almost forgive him for being a Longhorn fan.


  10. I like men who are men. Very yummy!

  11. Methinks that someone is ready for her husband to be home for his two-week leave!!!


  12. You've got to add Gerard Butler. It's all about accents...

  13. I nominate Cousin Steve! Ha ha! OH, and you better not leave all those "swoons" laying around Mary might trip on one. Or, shoot! She might get her hands on one! She is to young to be swooning! For heavens sake.......... she's just a little girl!! Don't go into the Mathew McConaughey light Mary!!! Don't go!!!

  14. I will second the "Flightsuits"! MMMMM!

  15. Anyone who has tried to read my blog lately will quickly realize that I have not been writing or reading much but I have to say a couple of things about this one, especially since I was called out...

    Whoever said Gerard Butler gets my vote for knowing handsome, sexy, somewhat obscure men. Maybe it's just that I've watched P.S. I Love You 3 times in the past 2 days and I plan to watch it again tonight. One of the best written, funniest, happiest, saddest movies I've seen in years! Plus that Irish accent *sigh*, he's really lucky I'm hetero!

    I also nominate Cousin Steve for the list. I have no idea whether or not he qualifies as eye-candy but if he can make you laugh as much as it appears he can; who cares what he looks like. Go Cousin Steve, Go Cousin Steve, Go Cousin Steve!

    And June, I need a good picture of you without the husband or kids. If I decide to make the *Hobbit* version of this list, you'll definitely have to be on it. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge...

    God bless you all and support the Culture of Life!

  16. June,
    Thanks for a little sunshine on a gray day in Nortwest Indiana.
    Your eye candy did the trick!
    And that last guy...he is the best of all! We will miss you while you spend time with that honey..when he gets his leave.
    Assuming that you will be too busy to blog! Right, you will be too busy to blog? I'm okay with that!
    Aunt Barbara

    ps to cousin Steve and Stupid Fat Hobbit...it was good to hear from you! And yes, SFH, cousin steve qualifies!

  17. Aunt Barb, I completely agree that it was nice to hear from Cousin Steve and Stupid Fat Hobbit... their fan base on my comments have been missing them! Don't they know that the comments aren't the same without their charm?

    You two don't want to get laid off do you?


  18. Perhaps you should read up on Mr. Urlacher's recent adventures.

    Google Urlacher Divorce Custody (or like that) and find out that he has a VERY strange way of raising a son.

  19. Listen Dad29, when I do a search for Brian Urlacher on the Internet, I do not read the articles... I just look at the pictures.

    He can be as looney as a one-armed paper hanger and it would not matter to me, I dont want to marry him, I just want to look at him.

    Like the title says... Men do it all the stinkin' time!

    Please let this old girl have her eye candy. I beg of you!


  20. Loving those pictures of the men in flight suits...

    I also like to see a man (mainly my husband) in his dress blues and/or mess dress.

    Something about that Air Force blue....
