
Here's To You Uncle Chuck...

Early this morning, my wonderful Uncle Chuck passed away. He was the father to Cousin Steve, whom you all know and love.

Uncle Chuck was a great father, loyal husband, doting grandfather, loving uncle and a friend to so many people that I do believe they will have to rent out Wrigley Field in order to get everyone in to the funeral. Seriously.

To say that Uncle Chuck was a funny guy is putting it lightly-my Uncle Chuck was a hilarious guy. Never a dull moment was had when he was around and I am so happy that I was able to sit with him on the porch of Cousin Steve's house this past summer and just laugh at his jokes, comments, one-liners, and politically incorrect look on life.

I remember family get togethers being so much fun only because he was there, and he loved each and every one of us. He found love and laughter in everything he did, even when he was not feeling well, he was able to make others smile and laugh.

A while back he sent me this email and I remember laughing so hard that my Diet Pepsi came out of my nose. He always was good with timing...

Don't worry about the weight. I went to the doctor the other day and found out I'm not overweight, I'm too short! I should be 11'9". I also got on the scale and the scale said, "Whoa, one at a time!" So I decided that from now on I will weigh myself on the Richter scale.
Love your fluffy,
Unto Chut

So please take a moment and send up a prayer to God for my uncle. He will be missed, but I know he is making all of those angels laugh their spiritual butts off in Heaven.

Eternal rest grant onto Uncle Chuck O Lord, and may Your Perpetual Light shine upon him. May his soul and all of the souls of the faithfully departed rest in peace.


I love you Steve~you are always in my heart.


  1. I am sorry for your loss.


  2. Sorry for your loss. I will be sending prayers for him. Hugs.

  3. Steve and June, I am truly sorry for your loss. Requiescat in pace, Chuck.

  4. What a blessing to have an Unto Chut. Sounds like he was a light to many. Sounds like he knew how to really live life.

    I raise my next cup to Steve and to his dad and to all those who will be losing a loved one around Christmas.

    Prayers to you all.

  5. Sorry for your loss June and Steve. Someday we'll get to meet Unto Chut. Peace in Christ,

  6. I am sorry for your loss and you guys are in my prayers.

  7. Love & prayers to you & your family.

    At least Our Father is getting a good laugh this Christmas with Uncle Chuck up there with him.

  8. I am very sorry for your loss. My prayers go out to you and yours. May God be with you all during this difficult time and give you the strength you need to get through it.

  9. Peace to you and cousin Steve. I am so sorry for your loss at such a joyful time of year. Amen to Unto Chut-- Cheers.

  10. Thank you all for your kind words. It hasn't been a full day and I miss him so much. I am struck with sorrow and full of peace. For I know that one day I will see my dad again.

  11. Crissy, I read your blog and have laughed. When Unto Chut was at one of his doctors, guess what he always was joking, he had them bring up your blog. Everyone back in the wound care was LAUGHING.
    You are right he loved all his family and his extended family who I am think encompassed hundreds. Because he too was in the Air Force he was sooooooooo proud of Carl. He told everyone he met of his accomplishments. He though you were something else. Hope is beautiful and Aaron's knowledge of history beyond words. He love watching the little ones play. His heart was so big I know that is why he came back time and again. The doctors didn't know or take into account that just because only 30% of his heart functioned. It was so big and full of love that only 30% of his heart is a size of a normal heart. I'm can't talk to anyone yet, but your blog helped me tell your readers just what a huge, not only in stature, man he was. There is such a void that is being filled with all the love that surrounded him.

  12. Thank you Crissy, you said it all so well!
    Unto Chut's sister/Aunt Barbara

  13. So very sorry to hear of your loss, but happy for your Unto Chut and the life he is now enjoying! Praise God for Eternal Life! May the Lord comfort you and your whole family in your grief with the knowledge that you WILL meet again...
    A cyber-friend in Christ
    Linda up north

  14. Cris,
    Sorry to hear of your loss. Uncle Chuck sounds like a wonderful man. I am sure the angles are singing now that he is home. God Bless you and your family. I hope you have a Merry Christmas and you get the best present, that your hubby comes home.

  15. June, Such wonderful words you have for Unto Chut. As the first little sister he always watched out for us. He was such a Christian Man. Not that him and I didn't get ourselves in fun trouble from time to time. We sure had fun. He taught me so much and I was very proud of him.
    I will alway remember him.
    Aunt Judi

  16. June, Such wonderful words you have for Unto Chut. As the first little sister he always watched out for us. He was such a Christian Man. Not that him and I didn't get ourselves in fun trouble from time to time. We sure had fun. He taught me so much and I was very proud of him.
    I will alway remember him.
    Aunt Judi
